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Everything posted by Patriot

  1. And NEVER NEVER wave to someone as you're leaving port
  2. Must dip the net
  3. ok, I'll be in Oswego this weekend 4/30/31. I'll also be in Oswego during the derby
  4. If I don't catch fish within an hour or so, I'll strip down naked and yell at the top of my lungs "COMEON YOU SONSABRITCHES, I'M HERE NOW BITE". No lie, I've done that.
  5. My trailer is a VATB-10625. They make a 15 and an 18 Venture http://www.venturetrailers.com/aluminum.html Best price can be found at Krenzers in Sodus. Great people to work with http://www.krenzermarine.com/
  6. If you have a bunch of stuff for sale CAN you please put it ALL in one listing? How would you feel if everyone did this and your items got kicked off the page the same day you listed it? Please be contentious of your listing habits.
  7. There's a bunch of patents out there, including mine. https://www.google.us/patents/US5970648#forward-citations
  8. Very good price
  9. I have the head unit, bracket, power cord, transducer and probe. Head unit and transducer works. Probe does not work. 70.00
  10. If I wore them, I could imagine getting stuck with a big ole treble. ouch
  11. Campground opens this Friday 15th. We'll be up during the loc or a week before to open up. No sense in rushing things. We're going to use the small boat for the loc then put the nail in Memorial Day
  12. A lot of guys wear crocs but I wouldn't be caught dead wearing them cheap things. And forget work boots, they pickup stones that will scratch your deck. I'd suggest a good pair of New Balance sneakers. imo
  13. I couldn't get it to work either
  14. Do you know of anyone that has a 2011 Kodiak 16 fishing boat and trailer for sale?
  15. Nice fish, thanks for showing. Funny, you hardly ever hear of the Cleo anymore
  16. ok, if there were 2 tackle shops on a street and 1 tackle shop manufactured flies, sold them and paid his state income on this and don't forget FEX tax on the flies he sold like he's supposed to. The tackle shop next to him did the same but didn't pay the tax. Instead, he pocketed all the money he made. How would you feel if you were the guy paying the taxes. The thing is that he's been manufacturing and selling flies here for a year or so, and who knows where else. Should he be paying his fair share of tax?
  17. If you're going to be in the fly business you should be ligit. Like everybody else is
  18. Nice business you have going here. Do you charge SALES TAX?
  19. I looked at NADA and they put twin i/o's in some of them too. But there's plenty of Pro Hunters around with single i/o's in them and they're a 10' beam X 26' long
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