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Everything posted by baitrigger

  1. I was in cabelas in scarbough me. Lookin at penns close out on the gtis. 345s and 330s for forty dollars each. I like them.
  2. Seven and 8' okuma blue diamond rods are great. The 7s all spring. 8s in the fall. Penn 330 gt reels are great high speed reels. They have been discontinued. There are some great prices out there now. They are big enough to use for additional applications, lead/ copper later on.
  3. You can run six. Nobody would bother you.
  4. Power auth. Is shooting for 5/1. To pull the boom
  5. Couple weeks theyll be starting fo show. Hope the niagara stays cool. Gonna be a steller summer on the bar.
  6. Great lakes planers. Great service.
  7. Dacron works great. Cabelas has a waxy coating. Its pretty cheap in quantity.
  8. Ollcott is open. I didnt go into wilson.
  9. Wow. Nice ride.
  10. Is a chiquta pro troll count? Ive caught a fish or two with em..
  11. I have been using 50lb mono for years. Works great. Won a loc, boat 500 fish a year. I've never broken a leader, even up against a rigger wire. Off subject but tried pline floro coated(gray box). Another great cost saver. Stranger yet, i buy 1200 yd rools of dacron, 30lb, and back all my reels. Including coppers and lead.
  12. Its funny until the mark stars circling da boat.
  13. May 3rd is the latest date booms been taken out. 2 weeks for the ice to clear to get to the bar. Second week in may before trolling the bar. I think i might lose my mind.
  14. Cannon dual ax. Are very nice. We spent three years putting a great lakes set together. Outstanding service. Great product. Great lakes planers. Sponsored by no one.
  15. You're all bananas
  16. No need to yell.
  17. Might want to make it in june this year
  18. Neutral is like tightening drag while you fight.Dont do it. Dont be to fancy either.change holders and figure out how to get them in. Two guys six lines i can tell you how many quads weve had. Two on both sides and no one drivin in three footers. Thats heaven baby. Wish i was there now.
  19. Docs and a tom mik. You can catch anything.
  20. Sounds like alot of work. Stick a hook behind a chunk of lead and drag it through the mud. If you havent got a laker in two minutes. Remove mustles and repeat
  21. Kings start in july? I hope not. First week in may. Til september. Third week in april some years, maybe not this year. May fo show
  22. There is a certified guy who rebuilds the motors. His number is in my boat. We got 5 st and switched booms also. Trying to mount our old mag 10s to bring in planner boards. Easier said than done.
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