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Everything posted by Badhabit

  1. The Wilson House is the Best by Far., good food, friendly folks.
  2. Slime really messes up , the Bass fishing with jigs, or other bottom bouncers!!!
  3. FYI...............Fishing Flea Market this Sunday 03/27/11 at Clute Park Watkins Glen 8:00 - 2:00
  4. 2004 Chevy 2500 HD 4 x 4 Silverado has been sold. Thanks
  5. Where are our local Government leaders, to convey this to Congress ?????
  6. Looks like the Buffoon Brigade has invaded Lake O. from the Niagra , all the way over to our end at the Salmon River
  7. Fished Henderson Harbor yesterday morning,3 of us kept 50 perch, 9" - 15", 30 FOW fatheads and worm pieces. good amount of dinks for seed were returned.
  8. Thanks for the repot Todd, and Cograts to Bree on 4th place !!!!-Jack-
  9. Where can we view the results of last weekends Henderson Harbor Spring Derby ? Thanks -
  10. Try the Canvas Man, In Port Ontario,Turn at blinking light on Route 3, he's on Co. Rte. 5, 1/2 mile east of Route 3, on the right. (this is the back road into Pulaski), He Does Great work.
  11. Has any one been on Henderson Harbor this spring , and have a report on Perch ?? We'll be up this Satuday (pending wind) , and either fish Perch or Eyes in the B River . Ill post my report next Monday. Thanks, -Jack
  12. Badhabit


    Jim- Thanks for the Perch Site, I'll definatly post conditions on the East Shore -Jack-
  13. Thanks for the reply Mark- we have taked readings with a low voltage meter, at the dock ,and away from the other boats at dock, but not with 100' of cable out. That would be interesting to see the difference. Pos/Neg voltage discharge is very obvious in a marina, where some anodes will corrode quickly, and others will never need to be changed. ProTroll has a pretty good explanation on line...........worth a look. - Jack http://www.protroll.com/books/?id=5 copy & paste this site.
  14. Naw...............name is OK, I'm on the East shore, You're centrally located. My boats have been named Bad Habit since the eighties..........now it's your turn ! My Large boat days are over, I'm in a 16' side consol Starcraft now.
  15. Let's get some feedback regarding the Black Box induced voltage theory. I don't believe in adding voltage to the downrigger cables, yet my fishing partner does. I believe salmon are repulsed by any stray voltage . How about the rest of you, whats your take ?
  16. Try the NAPA store on Rt 11, noth of town, they'll know !
  17. Tom - Try Clarks Marina , just above the Lighthouse Marina on the Salmon River. I'm sure he has room for your 24 footer.
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