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Everything posted by AnglingAddict

  1. you mention "weekends" - could be every boat on your dock is running their A/C units and such. Do you only get low voltage warnings on the weekends? If so I suspect the marina's shore power isn't sized for the load it experiences.
  2. They can be an issue for sure - more prevalent the warmer the water is. Not sure how "light" you plan to go if you are fishing kings but stagers can be nasty and will rip up gear - might be worth the cost to upsize regardless. 30# main on your rigger rods. Assuming you are running wire for your divers.
  3. I was actually looking at these this spring as something to install this winter. I'll chat with you next time I see you - couple questions I want to pick your brain about.
  4. I like the 18 for BTs - possible I got a bad batch maybe? Could have gotten cut by mussels or something as well I suppose.
  5. When guys say that they got bit off on a fly or a meat rig - its usually exactly that - the line wedges in the treble and then breaks off. 2 part epoxy or JB weld works well. Salmon Candy makes a hook which already has that gap plugged with epoxy which is another option.
  6. Hopped on the Stealthcore bandwagon this spring and not a fan for short cores - usually if I get something in the bottom the 12# leader breaks - I had multiple breaks in the 18# leadcore itself versus the 12 or 10# leader this spring. Always had decent luck with the standard Sufix Leadcore over the years and almost never have had that sheathing break unless that core was extremely old. My 2 cents.
  7. No issues - the chute might be plugged up for 15 minutes prior to the start as boats stage there but no issues. My wife fishes with one of the Sodus ProAm teams and my son, dog and I LOC fish that weekend and its not a big deal as we usually have our boat down there during the Sodus ProAm because we keep a slip in Sodus and Oswego each season - what you'll see this weekend is more like Oswego Fishing traffic on a typical weekend so certainly doable. Honestly coming back into the bay from fishing weekends in Sodus is usually more problematic with pleasure boaters, regatta's and general bay traffic than anything you will encounter out on the lake.
  8. Hey DJ - try matching speed and direction with the other guys out there too - That's always an option that can get you in the ballpark on any given day. My FH transducer died a couple weeks ago and I fished two weekends without it - was tough but using others as a gauge and writing down heading and GPS speed along with looking at my diver rods I was able to keep it close enough to generate plenty of bites.
  9. Depending on the releases on your inline boards the answer is 'maybe' If you are using the standard church releases you can can wrap the braid through and around the release and that will typically work.
  10. Find the right water and the fish will be there. You went out to 190 but could only find 54 degrees - keep going offshore. NW winds piled warm water in you need to get beyond that - farther out you go the more stable the temps will be after a big west or NW (same can be said when it ices out on the inside). Don't be the guy who chases the report - be the guy who makes the report.
  11. An electric pressure washer... Those drill brushes work great too - I've been using them on fiberglass non-skid for a while now as well. Spray deck down with water and starbrite deck cleaner and then pull the trigger. If you use them though - use a cordless DC drill versus an AC drill to minimize electrocution risk.....
  12. I was talking to Rick Hajecki today - they carry Fish Hawk at Krenzers - that's pretty close to you. Might be worth a call to see if they have one in stock...
  13. To anyone looking these are great boards - I run the coho and leadcore size for BTs - they pull hard and can typically handle a little more than they are rated for. Great price as releases alone are worth half the asking price here and aren't included with the boards when you purchase them from a retailer.
  14. Any chance you can take pics of the backside of the spoons for each lot?
  15. TotalBoat products available through Jamestown Distributors
  16. RTB in Oswego is carrying A-Tom-Mik cutbait I think I saw - they are in a small annex that is part of Bridie Manor. By the way you can re-freeze cutbait once or twice before it goes to mush. Keep it on ice in your boat so it never gets too warm. Also can put it in a salt brine to firm it back up if you don't use it all at the end of the day. Buy a few trays of it so you don't have to hunt it down at the start of each trip. Address: 1830 Bridie Manor, Oswego, NY 13126 Hours: Phone: (315) 529-7129
  17. It was me. Yes Rich Benedict Jr. Angling Artisans out of Kendall. Second BT mount he has done for us. He’s not the fastest but well worth the wait!
  18. Oswego is good right now - Fished 3 hours for BTs Saturday evening and did about 15 bites landing most including a pair of big BTs (Had an 11 pound fish that was the biggest of the season so far followed by a 14 pound fish a half hour later) Sunday morning we fished Kings - 150-370 fow just east of port. Screen was best 150-220 but there was a temp break in 280 holding a bunch of fish. Most people turned around to fish the better looking screen and as a result we were out all alone for the most part in slightly deeper water. Left the dock at 5:30 am and by 8:30 am had over 20 quality bites. Fished until 9:30 am adding a few more but it started to slow and I needed to get to the fuel dock. All fish both days towed on a boga and released except for one casualty on Sunday. Caught 2 skippies sunday, 2 steelhead and the rest 12-18 pound kings. I didn't have any attractors on board yet so fished a spoon program for the kings. 7 hours of fishing across 2 days for about 35 bites - some decent fish in the mix.
  19. Hahah - sorry I missed that part in the original post
  20. I'm glad it worked out for you - I too and happy with the performance of the Solas in my application.
  21. Why don't you just call Trevor at FishHawk? They sell the wheel kits. He can tell you if you have the airmar or the radarsonics transducer. https://fishhawkelectronics.com/replacement-parts/transducer-speed-wheel-kit/
  22. Depending on weather it could be slower but might still be OK....Oswego or Mexico is probably a better option that time of year.
  23. I would mechanically fasten and then seal with lifecaulk, or 4200 - have done it a million times and you won't have any issues with water intrusion and its solid. Both LIfecaulk and 4200 are rated for below waterline applications. Do not use cheap silicone or caulk from Lowes...
  24. Everyone thinks longer is better and sometimes that's the case. Shorter leaders give your presentation a tighter roll and kick and there are days where short leaders off your divers get smoked. Generally speaking a 10-12' leader is a good place to start.
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