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July 1, 2009
Last visited
June 21, 2023
I was able to get together with a helper today and it looks like I am all set.
Thank you.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Here is more detail:
Ambient temperature from transduce works, but is not picking up surface speed from transducer nor is the transducer picking up down speed/temperature from probe.
I could care less about surface speed as I will get that on my fish finder, but the down speed/temperature is needed.
So it could be:
* bad transducer not picking up probe and also not feeding surface speed to head unit
* bad probe - although probe does have blinking led when metal tips are moistened
* bad head unit not receiving information (except ambient temperature from transducer)
Hard to diagnose with out a working setup to rule things out.
I worked with Fish Hawk folks who had me do a reset of the head unit and that went through the entire reset routine successfully, but still same result.
Have any other ideas/suggestions?
This is an odd request but I am having problems with my Fish Hawk unit. I have gone through all the self-diagnostic steps suggested by Fish Hawk which seems to confirm that there is indeed something not working. Their suggestion to further debug the problem (head unit, transducer, probe, cable) is to reach out to someone that that has a working unit and since the components are interchangeable use the working unit to diagnose which component is not working by swapping them. The Fish Hawk x4 is not currently installed on my boat so I can take it with me.
Would anyone be willing to assist me in trying to figure out what might be wrong with my Fish Hawk System?
Thank you.
Great Shot - Fishing has been great so far this year, but seems as though it has slowed down a bit of late. Keep us posted!! Thanks,
2 kings, 50 down over 200 green and orange spoons
Great what depth were riggers and how deep? Still 50 over 150?
We've been out of Sandy since about 5:30 very quiet out here did real well on Saturday 13 for 14 but nothing so far screen is pretty blank. Started out at a hundred feet went out to about 180. Starting to come back in again to see if we can find them.
Anyone know if the docks are in at Sandy Yet?
Thank you
Thanks - any luck out there today? you stay in the bay or venture onto the lake?
Its Thursday 4/13 any docks in at Sandy yet?
How about at Irondequoit?
Looking to get out tomorrow but would like docks.
Thanks for info.
Thanks for the information, any sweet spots or holes that might hold fish?
Thanks again.
Powder Mill Park Derby - Advice??
HI All: I am getting some Dad's and boys (10-12) together this Saturday to fish in the Powder Mill Park Fishing Derby. I have not fished in this derby since I was about 10 with my Dad. From my limited memory I remember fishing with Velvetta cheese. Has anyone fished this area or this derby and can give advice for the best thing to fish with so our boys catch fish?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Does anyone have any updated information regarding the docks ? Thank you.
Looking to take my daughter out perch fishing - looking on advice on where around Rochester we can see a lot of action to keep the interest while we are out. Any location - rig setup welcome.
Thanks in advance!!
Where was this Niagara River, Genesee River? I tried to tell from your user profile but could not.