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poplar kraft

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Everything posted by poplar kraft

  1. Doubt it is open now???
  2. Checking my self. Is Tfalls launch open and bubbler working? Want to try this weekend have a 45 min drive one way..any info on launch would greatly appericated.
  3. Something wrong with site can't see pics of deer on any page?
  4. I live 2 miles from the lake for 47 years we don't play that way up here. I have had my hubs covers come off before just change hubs out last year because of that.
  5. Saw you told my son that sucks. Happen to me once hope that's the only time. Hopefully you can get back out tmrw.
  6. Was that you getting towed back by long point heading north?
  7. No they are not. I have a bunch of them. Found out what they are they are R and R spoons just heard back from dave the owner. I thought that's what the were but was not sure. Thanks for the help decoy.
  8. Spoon type Bought of a guy a couple of years ago trying to find out what kind spoons
  9. Are they still catching brown in shallow?
  10. Boards or riggers?
  11. Thanks iron duke heading out tmrw...have 45 min drive to get to Myers. Thank you.
  12. Anyone know if the whole south end is mud? If so how far north is the mud?
  13. Doors open at 8....no early entry?
  14. Let him know
  15. Buddy looking for 2
  16. Just one or 2
  17. How you get pivot pin out I have one big Jon rigger that it seems the pivot pin is either bent or needs a good cleaning. How do you get it out? The pivot pin is we're you lift arm to put rubber bad on release. It's the pin at end of screw driver.
  18. Jon manual riggers Looking for 2 big Jon MANUAL riggers.....for a friend...... Thanks.
  19. Great guy to deal with bought a bunch of off him. Very satisfied.
  20. Matt feil post
  21. Look in the classifieds at post 20 hrs ago guy is sell stuff.
  22. The one with masking tape on it is the one for part?
  23. How big are they? Length?
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