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poplar kraft

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Everything posted by poplar kraft

  1. Could not tell you just work a deal with who ever is selling.
  2. Looking for alpena diamonds nothing bigger than 3 inches. I know they are tough to find and nobody wants to part with them. Pm me if looking to get rid of them.
  3. Correct me if i am mistaken but your young boy there can't drive the boat without a boater safety course. I believe this is a new law in New York. I live in NY and my son is 13 and was told he needed a safety course to drive the boat legally. I was told this by the coast guard at a local sport show at the fair grounds. I just don't want to see you get in trouble for not knowing. I don't know the cut of age didn't care i needed one for my boy any way. HAPPY FISHING AND SOME NICE FISH ON VIDEO.
  4. Pm sent
  5. Little to big for me. Thanks.....do you have any alpena diamonds. I would be interested
  6. size of evil eye 2in or 3 in
  7. Check your personal messages
  8. Best way to find out call south shore marina in Moravia
  9. bottle not empty yet!!!
  10. New to forum just saying hi.
  11. Pm me with pics if you have some
  12. Sent you pm
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