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Reel Doc

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Posts posted by Reel Doc

  1. I agree with the farm scent but only if you hunt the farmland. Take the cow smell into deep woods & the deer will get one whiff & be gone. With any animals that rely on their nose you do not want them saying "What is that smell?"


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  2. I agree with the farm scent but only if you hunt the farmland. Take the cow smell into deep woods & the deer will get one whiff & be gone. With any animals that rely on their nose you do not want them saying "What is that smell?"


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  3. So now the question changes to leader length.......you fellas have narrowed it down to between 5 & 40 feet. Hmmm. When I purchased the setup from ATomik last year it had about 25 feet of leader....looked to be 20-30 lb test. Most of you seem nervous below 20. What are you using for leaders on rigger & planer rods.


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  4. Electrical properties of the copper? Have not heard of that before. Is there some thought that some current is generated along the line caused by the friction of it moving in the water? Would like more comments on that and only the 5 foot leader.....sounds short


  5. So the spin doctor is causing the twist then. Changed the leader after each trip which is probably why no breaks. Is a 20 + foot leader considered the norm & if so what ties to use so the leader can run the rod guides. I've been using a ball swivel that bangs & clangs up the rod....afraid it might let go before the fish lands in the net


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  6. Running copper with a flasher/fly in Cayuga lake recently & my leader is 6lb test mono. The line has not broken but really twists up badly. Any recommends on something tougher but maintains the stealth?


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  7. With my ten year old Spencer as copilot we left Deans at sunup. The master plan was to go South of AES a ways then troll North until 10. The chop during the ride South gave me a sore butt & my copilot a sore gut so to keep the deck clean we started a Northern troll around Kidders. Put 4 lakers in the box, the biggest hit 7 lb. All hit flies & 3 of 4 went after the copper parked out 400. Only a couple skippies liked the spoons. Once we passed North of Sheldrake the screen had only a rare fish so we quit early at 9:30. Perhaps the Fall southern migration has started? Weeds were a little heavy as 1dogshy noted. Sorry no pics, but must have been a good time as Spencer wants to go again this weekend......he might just be getting hooked on fishing!!


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  8. Bad cow karma this morning as a prolapse call came in at 3:30, (ask Chowder to explain) but took the boys out of Deans and had wet lines about 7. Ran the west side south from Kidders. For some reason the GPS would not give boat speed even though had 5 satellites on line. We guessed speed.....the wrong speed until it came on a little after 8. Marked loads of fish and bait from 55-85 down. Had a light bite from 8 till we quit at 11. Good eating lakers in the 3-4 lb size one nice 5 lb salmon who made my son

    Henry work a little and a few skippies. Most including the salmon at 10:30, came off the

    copper out 400 with a mountain dew colored flasher/fly. One good salmon hit a spoon

    on a rigger. He spit it at my other son Spencer from 20 feet behind the boat when he

    came up for air. Had a spoon hanging off his hat in a blink.

    All in all a beautiful morning to be out. If I'm fortunate enough to stay healthy into old age I'll be out there 8 days a week.


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  9. Bringing back memories of our maiden voyage 2 years ago. What stinks is the kids getting a little older now and active in athletics so the taxi drivers Mom & Dad lose out on some of the things we enjoy. I can count my times on the water this year with one hand but no regrets as the tribe is growing up fast.

    For the record, I did not know the lingo back then so when I said we lost a rig I misspoke. Just lost a flasher/fly & dipsey. That felt bad enough but seems minimal now after reading how some others here lost rod/reels and even a downrigger?!


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  10. Just on FYI that Saturday there is a big bass tourney on Cayuga. They are expecting over 400 boats. Home base is Cayuga state park but typically there is plenty of traffic at Deans. Please leave your 44 magnums at home and be patient with the bass boys, they keep my taxes down a little!


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  11. Hannah Marie you made me laugh....try fitting fishing into the schedules of a 13, 10, & 8 year old. The 10 year olds baseball tourney team keeps winning so spent last week close to the water at Frontenac park. Our first family trip left Deans at 5 and after a swim and dinner wet lines at 7. Took a few minutes to play with speed as 1,7-1,8 did nothing. 2.2-2.3 sparked an 8 lb laker off a dypsey at 240 sporting green/white fly. Reset and white f/f on other side

    fired with a 23 inch ll then the first dypsey again with an angry 6 lb laker. 3 for 3 in an hour worked ok as wife and daughter had crashed in the cabin so the boys and I had all we could do when the double hit. Never had time to tie sliders on the riggers. From other reports thinking I had them too deep at 60 & 80. Will adjust next time. The gang likes success and tonights fish dinner so we'll be getting out some more soon.


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  12. Gator,

    Hope you got him yesterday as today is twice the wind of yesterday! :(

    No doubt older bucks are savvy, but once gun season opens, all deer are pretty savvy, but sometimes at least around here they follow common sense. Since large tracts of farmland around our property are hunted by a hunting club, I think the deer figure out pretty quickly to hole up in little patches until the dust settles. Neighbors of ours who live on Route 89 along the West side of Cayuga Lake talk of deer in their backyards frequently this time of year. My gun hunting tactics are based on the hunting club boys continually stirring up the deer with drives so they head to the "sanctuaries" around which includes our patch of ground provided we don't overhunt it. Stealth in and out of stand is key, and if I have a DMP left after bow, (like this year), I'll wait to fill it hoping to keep the commotion down and maybe get a big boy to come through. It has worked a couple times over the years, but if it were too easy I guess it wouldn't be as much fun.

    Yesterday at about 11:00 am I get home from the office for an early lunch with the family and 6-7 doe meandered through the cut corn on our hillside. Sure enough glassed a buck a few minutes later. They did not act spooked, but certainly they were being pushed as half a dozen vehicles were parked around the club hunting grounds.

    The funny thing is, some of the land that the hunting club works is textbook for setting up stands and sitting tight. There are some great wooded areas that are natural funnels with open cropland in between. If those club boys would sit still instead of walking around all the time they would have much better success for sure. I'm not in a hurry to tell them as I'm sure the deer numbers around here would drop. ;)


  13. We talked about the rutting moons last month and how Alsheimer said it could be an odd year as the full moon landed on the autumn equinox. Could there be a "Double Rut" this year with a group of does starting late October early November and a second group starting to cycle now?

    My little patch of woods says that may be so. Active chase/breeding as early as October 28th, but throughout have glassed groups of does in the fields below our house that have no buck near them 6 out of 7 days. If I'm home at odd times midday, will see deer activity, but it has always been that way in the 15 years we have lived here. I expect with all the deer drives this week on land next to us that the does will "hole up" on our land as they have in years past. The question is will any be cycling to attract a bigger buck into the area. Unlike the many reports posted of bigger bucks this year, I'm not seeing them or sign of them, but my sample size (88 acres) is not very large. Still plenty of good hunting time here, if as noted, the wind dies down.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you.


  14. A few years back a client clued me in to the Hunter Safety system vests. Unfortunately he started using one after breaking several vertebrae following a fall from a homemade tree stand. :(

    Compared to the safety strap I had been using, these vests are far more secure. Definitely worth checking out, and if you do not get one, put it on your Xmas list so someone who loves you can make sure you have one. :)

    Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!


  15. It's on Johnny! Huskies eat Oranges for breakfast! Unless you Orange boosters paid your Alum Edsall under the table there will only be U C O N N Mania in the dome tomorrow.

    Oh, as for hunting, I usually sit out the opener as the Yahoos from the hunting club on the neighbor's land make me nervous. Must be they're Orange fans too. I'll go out Sunday morning since they'll be cryin' in their Orange juice by then. ;)

    Good Luck to all and as above Stay Smart, Stay Safe.


    UCONN '84

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