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Reel Doc

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Posts posted by Reel Doc

  1. Andy,don't you have a shooting platform on that tractor :o .

    What farmer wouldn't? ;)

    You get those deer eating silage and apples out of the tractor bucket as soon as they are weaned, so 3-4 years later when they are sporting 150+ racks you "put put" out there with the bucket full of chow and the boys come running.

    Then there is plan B...the heifer in heat decoy....oops, sorry Andy, I almost spilled the beans. :(


  2. I think you're right kman, as even Alsheimer admits photoperiod is probably 80% of the influence. So far in our woods everything is on course for a typical rut kicking in over the next 7-10 days. Have only seen does in groups, no solo hot mamas, plenty of rub activity, small scrapes by the young boys....I do not see sign of a big boy in residence on our land, so hoping he's over at the neighbors ready to come visit when the girls are acting sexy.

    Alsheimer's first prediction of a late October mini-rut has not happened in our woods. Still, I just love the science of the whole rut process coupled with the "scratch your head" factor of the moon phase. I'll be curious to hear other reports in the coming 10 days.


  3. Where else would a big game hunter have to fear being mugged in his treestand? And if not, you might just have a bear after the grub stowed in your field pack.

    Those cowboys huntin in the West worryin about mountain lions and grizzlies got nuthin on you Jersey folk. :lol:


  4. My nephew lives in Rochester, so he got his outfit at Gander Mountain last year. Was using a 2 blade mechanical on the arrow. It made a nice entry wound, one blade had a notch in it where I figure it hit bone then was redirected. Good 2+ inch cut as it made it's way through the liver.

    My career choice being what it is, deer cleanings are like a post mortem for me, I use the same scapel blades I use for cow surgeries....it can be fun to trace the wounds created by the arrow...you can commence with the jokes about how twisted I am now. :)

    As for the tracking, I didn't start hunting until my veterinary school classmates convinced me to give it a try, so haven't had that much experiece I guess. My underlying fear has always been about the wounding of an animal without recovery. Luckily, when I've missed shots in the past, its been a clean miss, though one time I gave a buck a belly shave with white hair on the ground to prove it. This time was the closest to a lost wounded deer, but we were not going to give up on it early knowing there was a considerable amount of arrow missing/in the deer. No doubt my nephew will never forget his first buck.


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