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Reel Doc

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Posts posted by Reel Doc

  1. Thanks for the tips. We're trying to clear the book for a morning run this week...crossing the fingers for no emergencies. If not, an afternoon can work in this great weather.

    The gang does a good job of chumming with crackers, bread, and grapes; we have the no bananna rule for the boat, but the pee thing is a new one. My boys will be up for it, but convincing my wife and 7 year old daughter might be a challenge unless we're on the water before first light. :$


  2. Great job for a Sunday afternoon. :yes: We found earlier this summer that Sunday PM can be slow...I attribute it to all the pleasure boat traffic of the weekend. What depths were you working? Our August has been high and dry with other events and the Weather Gods against us, but maybe we'll get to test the water this week.


  3. Thanks for the report Sean. From our house on the hill I could see the wind building whitecaps early yesterday so you had your work cut out for you. What depth is showing a temp break right now? Last year about this time everyone talked about a thermocline at 80 to 100 down. Is it not as distinct a break this year?


  4. Hey Vic,

    I thought Eskimo Joe only ventured out when it was below 50 degrees. ;) Congratulations on what looked to be a great day for all of you. I'll be sure to have my kids view the photos so maybe next year Cayuga Lake can trump Darien Lake. :)


  5. Glen,

    It's all about the MONEY. People cheat in everything because of the money involved. Being involved in livestock for years, you would be amazed at the animal abuse parents will lay on their child's 4-H market animal in order to win a ribbon and some money. The higher the pot goes, the more prevalent the cheating. Being a veterinarian, more than once I was approached to supply steroids, (yes the same ones the Home Run Hitters use), for parents to roid up a market steer, pig, or lamb to make a lean and mean winner. What's laughable about that is the livestock shows were testing and banning exhibitors long before baseball even admitted there was a problem. If we're true Sportsmen, fishing for the joy of being on the water should be where it starts and ends. My trophy is a grilled fillet and a cold pop :beer: at the end of a good day. :)


  6. Congratulations on your first of many Cayuga lake fish! :yes: The backdrop of your photo confirms you need a bigger net for sure as yours reminds me of what we used on the Connecticut coast to scoop blue crabs as a kid. I just went with a telescoping Frabill after asking the question in the Tackle section of the site on 6/24. If you check if outt, there are several links on my replies to sites with nets. Best of luck and to you and all military people on or associated with this site, "Thank you for being on that wall every day and every night."


  7. Welcome to the LOU :yes: I was in your shoes last year, and with the help of this gang, manage to get fish pretty much every time out, though sometimes time of day works against us as my crew likes afternoon trips over the preferred crack of dawn on the water.

    We have only fished Cayuga lake, but if you follow the posts, techniques are similar for both lakes. The Seneca fisherman can confirm where the thermocline is currently with their Depth Raider readings. Get yourself 2 wire Dipsey rigs and run at depths of anywhere from 80-110 FOW with flasher-fly setups. Then fill in the blanks where the fish are with downriggers carrying spoons. For Cayuga recently we've been finding them on riggers at 75-100 down and cover a little higher with sliding cheaters.

    Scroll down the Fingerlakes section for recent reports, or go back to July/August of last year and look for posts by me and you'll get most of your answers through the replies I was given.

    Good Luck,


  8. FYI to all of you Dean's Cove launchers. The woman at check in told me next weekend is a BIG bass tournament based at Cayuga State Park, but every year she gets plenty of your bass buddies launching at Dean's.

    Would love to join the fray this year, (is there a Rookie of the Year Award?), but the kids were invited to a Darien Lake trip. Good Luck to All. :)


  9. Did a combo trip yesterday with swim/picnic and a little fishing on board. The fish finder was on fire but legal fish were not. Plenty of dink rainbows, salmon, and even a tiny laker and we were targeting 80 to 110 down. It sure looks like the thermocline is setting up well at this point. Would have liked to see what would happen the last hour of daylight but had to turrn in by 7:30.


  10. Sounds like lots of Horsepower and Good Ol Boy Testosterone in one place. You sure there wasn't a Tractor Pull at Dean's this weekend. ;)

    Best thing you can do is bite your lip and be considerate...Bass tournaments bring $$$ to the local economy, our Chamber of Commerce encourages them.


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