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Posts posted by Kooter469

  1. Hey everyone, i hope you all had a good deer season and got some snowmobiling in. I'm looking for some advice on fishing off the pier at the mouth of the Oak. Lol, I'm just not quite ready to get the boat out, sorta got to wait for overtime to start up before i get the old girl out. But i need to fish and i honestly don't know anything bout fishing a crick for anything but bullheads or big cats. I would love to catch a trout or two. Are the browns in there or anything for that matter? I figure a few more weeks of looking for deer sheds with my dog and then i will get my boat pulled out and i cant wait to start posting my adventures and mishaps on LOU. :lol: Looking to fish out there the morning of this Saturday or Sunday morning. Any info on what i should use for bait or rods or line is truly appreciated I'm just looking to get out and wet a line for a couple of hours. Thanks and take care. :beer:

  2. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:Karl aka Kooter/Hookn Aint Easy




    Date(s):10-9 10-10

    Time on Water:6-3/6-1:30

    Weather/Temp:Sunny and a little chilly in the morning

    Wind Speed/Direction:Sat-Stiff NE/Sun little breezy SW

    Waves: Sat 5ft/Sun 2ft

    Surface Temp:57

    Location:Point Breeze

    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):The wall to 24/12




    Total Hits: 4

    Total Boated:1

    Species Breakdown:Steelhead

    Hot Lure: DW NBK

    Trolling Speed: 2.0-3.4

    Down Speed: 2.0-3.4

    Boat Depth: 10-140

    Lure Depth: 8-100



    ====================Last trip of the year, the first year running my very own boat. Fished for 8 hours on Saturday mainly in the creek cause it was to rough on the lake till about two and ran out to 23 line where Ive been getting a couple and fished for another 2 hours and not even a single release, wow um ya i don't really know what to say. My Buddie Matt went and got his fishing license and took the day off of work for the worst day fishing i had all year. Sorry Matt at least there was cold beer for him and my father in law :beer::rofl: . On Sunday i was taking my cousins Art and Chuck out and honestly i was day dreaming about winterizing the boat. We fished in close for a couple hours and did not even take a hit, we marked two fish in there the whole time. Trolled out to 24 and came back to 23 and started taking hits but my one cousin is as green as they come and missed three hits, oh well gotta learn somehow. Then finally my blue bird board took off and Chuckie landed a nice steelie. Definitely gave it all we had this year i got 15 different people out this year which i am thankful for. I found out that the saying - Well you know what boat stands for. Yes yes i do :@. Then messing my ankle up on the boat and ending up in the ER two days later, guy selling me the wrong plugs for my boat, a fuel pump here and carb rebuild kit there, and some torn lower unit boots, losing two cannon balls. Oh ya lost the coupler out of Olcott and being towed in by the fire dept -U guys are awesome and thank u- by the way. Has all been a bit trying but i love it so much when it is all working :lol: Last weekend i decided to go down to my friends deer camp down by Barcelona to take my wonderful wife bass fishing with the boat cause that is her favorite kind of fishing. My luck continued, on the 90 my front right tire blew out the side wall going 70 in heavy traffic and somehow we made it across three lanes of traffic and safely pulled over :@ . So i just winterized it this afternoon and its time to get ready for deer season :clap:. I really hope i figure out what i am doing wrong cause i hope i catch more fish next year. But i want to thank everyone on this site that has helped me catch the fish i did get this year and i hope everyone has a great deer season, a blessed holiday season, and a safe snowmobile season. See ya guys in April, KOOTER OUT.

  3. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:Kooter/HOOKN AINT EASY




    Date(s):September 26 2010

    Time on Water:6-12:30pm


    Wind Speed/Direction:Light/Northwest

    Waves: 1ft or less

    Surface Temp:56

    Location:Point Breeze

    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):The wall to 23 12




    Total Hits:3

    Total Boated:3

    Species Breakdown:1 Brown, 1 Steelhead, 1 King

    Hot Lure: Stinger Blue Dolphin, NK Waddler, NK Dr Death

    Trolling Speed: 2.7-3.8

    Down Speed: 2.7-3.8

    Boat Depth: 15ft-135ft

    Lure Depth: 15ft-125ft



    ====================Took my Father in law and my buddy Beener from Iowa. Really did not mark many fish inside at all. We worked it till 10:00 and i decided that we ought a go back to the 23 line were i have been catching fish we seriously needed a bite. Caught a lot of zebra mussels, weeds and sea flies inside. My father in law races sail boats and i am trying to convert him into a salmon troller :lol:. And Beener's biggest fish in his life is a catfish from back in Iowa. So on are way out there we started marking fish and the waddler took a hit and i handed it off to Beener and it was a nice Brown trout, not bigger than his damn catfish though :P . So we started putting a different color program out and Beener picked out the dolphin and i haven't run it in a while and it was in there about a minute and are biggest Steelie of the year erupted behind the boat. Similar to what happened to us last week and it was Johns turn and Beener grabbed the wheel and we landed my father in laws biggest fish of his 55 yrs, it had a little reddish color to it, beautiful fish. We took some pictures and finished the day with the cutest little king :lol: i have ever seen, old Dr Death was almost half the size of the fish. Brents catfish is still his biggest, shook him off with the pliers and i hope he makes it and that was it. Nice weather and good company. The sailboater wants to be the driver on the boat from now on :lol: . Hope to start getting into some big inshore kings here but we shall see. Sure i am doing something wrong but till i figure that out, keep tryin.

  4. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:Kooter/HOOKN AINT EASY





    Time on Water:6-12

    Weather/Temp:Pleasant 70's

    Wind Speed/Direction:calm/southwest

    Waves: 1ft or less

    Surface Temp:56 degrees

    Location:point breeze

    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):Inside to 23-11




    Total Hits: 4

    Total Boated:3

    Species Breakdown:2 Steelhead, 1 King

    Hot Lure: Cut Bait, NK Waddler, Some Old NK my lil cuz thought was cool

    Trolling Speed:2.3-3.0

    Down Speed: 2.4-3.0

    Boat Depth: 20-130

    Lure Depth: 20-120



    ==================== Took my Dad, Bro In Law and Stu out Saturday and were slow out of the shoots. We got a little Steelie finally on the Waddler and let him go. Then took a big Steelie and he got wrapped up in another line and we dumped him. Then it was Poppies turn and he brought in a nice 2yr old king. And that was about it. On Sunday it was me, Mooker's, Uncle Rog and my young cuz Tiny who is a 7ft 510lbs gentle giant. We kept him in the middle of the boat. I set out four riggers and on my final stacker rod i asked Tiny to pick out a spoon and he picked out this old NK Mag that was silver and a green stripe. It was in there for about two minutes and this beautiful Steelie erupted behind the boat Uncle Rog had drew number one out of the hat and for his first big fight he did awesome and Mooker's steered the boat and guided it right into the net for me. High fives, hugs, and pictures we went back at it we did nothing and took a look inside and i could not even get a bite for the next five hours and we called it a day. And a trip to the taxidermist :clap: . :clap: I have had a real rough year as far as the boat, equipment, and when i got hurt on the boat this year and not catching many fish but man i tell ya to see the smile on my Uncle and Tiny's face totally made my whole year and gave me the encouragement i needed to get back at it next weekend. If anyone saw a 23 foot Grumann listing to the port side that was when Tiny took a nap in the cuddy lol :D

  5. Hey bud i have had a similar year. I have sucked at fishing, most of the year i could not buy a bite. It is my first year running a boat and my god everything that could go wrong did. The boots on my lower unit went to heck so i had the lower unit overhauled while we were at it. Brought it home and it sat in the driveway for two weeks and the exhaust bellow magically split in half, so back it went, picked it up and it sat for four days and you guessed it, the boot was split in half again. Back it went and turns out there was a recall on some mercury boots. My luck and allot of time and money. So i thought i would tune her up and i had the guy at my local part store look the plugs up, i put them in and it ran ok for a little while and then started running like crap. So fed up with everything i took it to my dad and turns out two of the plugs were melted off and they were the wrong ones. So my dad got the old 4.3 running great and i went out with the boat, out of the oak and the fuel pump decides to die. Luckily we made it in. New fuel pump and carburater rebuild kit we were ready to roll. But so was the lake every time we went out and i barfed my brains out every single time we went out. But i just kept fishing. Finally on a Saturday the end of June it was calm and the boat was running great and a rod actually went off and as i was running to set the hook and i smashed my ankle on the side of the boat and i lost the fish and proceeded to smash the rod in half over the back of the boat. Allot of good that did. Two days later i had to go to the ER for it. Sprained ankle two torn tendons and a massive hematoma. Well then along came the fall LOC and more puking we were off of Olcott and the same thing happened to my boat, i lost forward and reverse and got towed in by the Olcott fire dept and those guys are awesome and talented. Turns out it was a coupler and a ton more money. But finally last weekend everything went good, landed a few fish, lost a big guy but the boat ran good. And i am looking forward to next weekend. I think this salmon fishing ties in into my dads old saying when he was driving a race car [if you actually drove her back on the trailer you did win] LOL. Hang in there buddy i feel your pain and agony i wish you nothing but the best and yes my wife just said she wishes i was as smart as you lol.

  6. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:Kooter/Hook'n Ain't Easy




    Date(s):September 12

    Time on Water:6am-11am


    Wind Speed/Direction:Little Breezy/South

    Waves: 2ft or less

    Surface Temp: 53

    Location:Point Breeze

    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):23/11




    Total Hits: 4

    Total Boated:2

    Species Breakdown:1 King 1 Steelhead

    Hot Lure:White Glow Spin Doctor with Green Crinkle/ DW Green Alwive/ NK Waddler

    Trolling Speed: 2.3-3.2

    Down Speed: 2.0-3.0

    Boat Depth: 110

    Lure Depth: 18



    ====================Headed out of harbor and headed out to stay out of everyone's way, cause i am still a bit new to this so we ended up at 23 11 and wow what a screen the best i saw all year and strangely everything was up really high. I though there was something wrong with my hummingbird but after i parked the cannon there i saw the temp was perfect there. So i set out a white glow spin doctor with a green crinkle fly and good lord before i could get the second one out i had a reel screamer on my hands and my wife's uncle did a great job fighting his first ever king. But the booger came in green and passed the boat and went under it and we lost him when the line hit the prop. Well it has been that kind of a year and i have allot to learn. We pushed on and marked a ton more and landed a nice steelhead and a 2 year old king. Had a great time any how i just could not get them fired up threw it all at them j-plugs to. Looking forward to getting out next weekend and try it again :) good luck to all

  7. I will start using them the weekend after labor day and yes i only use them in shallow, last year j-plugs took are 2nd and 3rd largest fish and last year we had all are luck on black and purple j-plugs. But i am a newby at salmon fishing and have learnd alot of different ways guys use them, good luck

  8. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:Kooter/Hookn Aint Easy





    Time on Water:5:30-11:30


    Wind Speed/Direction:

    Waves: 3ft

    Surface Temp:

    Location:Lake Ontario

    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): 26-14 through 31-18




    Total Hits: 4

    Total Boated: 3

    Species Breakdown:2 steelhead, 1 king

    Hot Lure: Bad melon and a gold spoon with a orange ladderback

    Trolling Speed: 1.8

    Down Speed: 2.3

    Boat Depth: 500 something

    Lure Depth: 60-70



    ====================Sorta of a tough day, but hey better than being at work. Just havin a hard time this year finding any majors. Oh well we will get her figured out. But i think we are going to try a change of scenarie for next weekend Olcott or Wilson dont know yet. Good luck to all in the derbie.

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