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Posts posted by Kooter469

  1. Hot lure: Green Nuclear Spinnie with Gorman Blue Hammer Fly on Wire Diver 2 setting 75 Back-Friday

                  Green Pro Troll with E Chip with a Atomic Green fly on Wire Diver 2 setting 142 Back-Sunday

                  * I dont know the name of the fly but its mainly Green with Blue sparkles

                  Black Meat Pounding Deep got a few Steelys on a cheater on 72 rigger

                  White Glow Green Dot NK28 did a nice Brown on 55 rigger

                  Michigan Stinger Mag Emerald Shad did a nice Brown also on a 5 color off the board


    Best Depth:90ft both days


    Species Breakdown: Friday: 1 King, 1 Steely, lost 2 behind the boat and missed a release.

                                     Sunday: 3 Kings, 2 Browns, 1 Steely.


    Best Speed: 2.6-2.8mph at the Fish Hawk, temp was all over and we caught fish at all different temp


    Best Troll: East to West or West to East


    Summary:  Friday i finally got my lovely Wife out on the boat this year, 4th attempt lol. Every attempt the winds were ripping along with the lake. My cousin Jay came out for one last hooray this year. Cousin Rog who just got married to a lovely young lady, Lisa also accompanied us with derby cards in hand! Crankd my Top Gun theme song as i brought her down the shoots, ya im a dork! oh well :P I went west to some really good old way points from last year and had alot of bait and hooks in 90 to 110 ft of water. Trolled west for awhile with no action and as soon as Jay put her on a North West rods started firing. We had a little case of the dropsies, one of them my knot had a meltdown and Rog lost a nice King. My bad cuz :headbang:. We managed to get 2 nice fish for Lisa to take back to her family in Virginia. Marked a ton of fish as sun went down in 70 ft of water but couldnt get them to go. Non the less we all had a great time and it was great to catch up with family. The ladies chatted all are ears off and had a awesome time on the water. They were a riot!


                     Sunday it was good to get Matty back out one last time this year and accompaning us were 4 really good dudes i grew up with and PARTIED with back in Clarence. Every one in the derby, I started in real inside, i setup in 40 feet of water and man i setup on the mother load of bait and occasional hooks but these fish were being uncooperative so we slipped out to deeper water and the wires started firing and the Clarence Crew started wrenchin on some Kings with help from me and Matt, and we picked at the browns a bit. Got to hear my favorite saying in the world twice on this trip yup BFE "Biggest Fish Ever" and sent the 25lbr to Doty Taxidermy. Also succesfully released a nice young King that i told, see you in 2 years buddy! Great day with GREAT GROUP OF GUYS. Im blessed to have so many awesome people in my life! Fishing this Sunday and thats going to be it for us this year. Gonna Give em Hell! WE WANT MORE WE WANT MORE! Good luck to everyone in Fall LOC







  2.                Been a few tough few weekends to get out for us due to the winds. I planned most of are family, friends fishing trips this year in July cause i was hoping for calm winds. That hasnt exactly been the case, preety much cancled the last 3 outa 4 of are trips. Big bummer but non the less have had a nice time catching up with friends and family staying over at the house on Friday and Saturday nights. But we did get out on Saturday! A little late start from to many :beer: s Friday, but that will happen. This would be me and Beers last trip of the year together to even bigger bummer. Weddings, stag party, and other things going on, this was going to be it till goose season!


     July 27th               We ended up out in 500 ft of water and the north south troll was the ticket for us. FX it was good trying to talk to you thanks for talking two on for me! A little faster for us to, are rods were firing at 2.8 at the ball and 84 ft down we even got a few Steelhead in that 44 degree water. We have fished that colder water this year and have been rewarded with bigger fish. For a month now are best setup has been the Moonshine Watermelon on the free slider and the Green Nuke spinnie with a Gorman Blue Hammer Fly and the Moonshine Silver Crush on a 3 color Lead Core off the boards. This day would be won by the Gorman fly taking 3 of are 4. We went 4 for 7 and missed a few on the Gorman fly. We wrapped it up around 1:30pm, we had 2 :puke: on board! But to these guys credit they really toughd it out taking turns chumming. I askd a few times if they wanted to go in but they wouldnt have it WTG Fellas im proud of you :yes:. Stopped in to the Black North and had a awesome lunch! then upon leaving i got to meet a awesome dude named Bob also a LOU member. It was great to meet you Bob, i hope Brian enjoyd seeing the fish! Then me and Beers went to pick up his 2nd place Spring LOC Laker from Doty Taxidermy and were absolutly stunned at how amazing a Laker can look, amazing job Jake Thank you.


      July 28th             Got up to the lake on time and she didnt look bad at all so away we go. Myself Jimbo and a couple guys from my firehall that iv been trying to get out for three years but mother nature hasnt cooperated. Checkd out that inside water and just did not see much going on in there so we pointed her north and WOW she started getting preety snotty. We were actually getting hookd up though but man they just kept coming off. in the course of a hour we were 1 for 4 :headbang: , but it wasnt anything the guys were doing wrong we were just getting tossed around like rag dolls. On this day it was the Blue Frosted Revolator with the Shockwave 21" back and a piece of very fresh cut bait. We couldnt keep it in water! down 65 back 12 and 2.6 at the ball. But we decided it was getting to dicy for me after all i got a 24 yr old boat and im always nervous. So i nursed her in and we tied up were i got to talk to another LOU member sittin in his boat that was cool. Finally called it at 2pm cause it wasnt getting better. Felt bad for Tim and Scotty this is third year in a row i tried getting them out but they are great sportsman and are going to try again next year! Be back out on Aug 10th. Good Luck to all fishing the Albion Rotary Orleans Countie Derby! We put 2 on the board in the Summer LOC niether stuck but oh well we will try er again. CANT WAIT!



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