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  1. Looked at Fishin Frenzy first once we had our date set. They were already filled! I couldn’t find your pics when I searched... (fr phone, I’ll try on computer later) Did you surf fish at Corolla at all! Crab? This is our first time in Corolla, what other family activity do you recommend? We’ll looking at 4x4 rental place... looking for other things. For our charter, we just booked with Doghouse. He does the Wicked Tuna show also, I think.... Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  2. We will staying in Corolla, so Oregon Inlet is ~an hour already, that’s why we were thinking there rather than going to Hatteras. (I think oregan inlet is the closest fishing marina to Corolla, which is about as far north as you can get.) I’ll look up info on Country Girl. Some of these charters will deep water bottom fish for tilefish, which we were considering in case trolling was bad, but on the other hand we don’t want to lose time tuna /mahi fishing... have you fished on wild card or doghouse? Wildcard will bottom fish, but doghouse is in wicked tuna TV show, but more expensive-name recognition or is he actually better?? That’s what we’re trying to decide. ETA---Country Girl is booked when we'll be there.... Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  3. We are doing an Outer Banks vacation in June...of course an offshore charter is on our to do list. We’re looking for recommendations (or who to avoid) for a deep sea/offshore charter out of Oregon Inlet (near Nags Head). Anyone here charter out of OBX? Who did you use and was it good or bad experience? A few we’re considering are Wild Card, Dog House (from Wicked Tuna), Little Shell (also from Wicked Tuna), Escape, Hitman. Looking to get opinions from folks here who have fished OBX. Thanks. Mark Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  4. Just some general advice here... Whatever you get, get the touchscreen version and the largest screen size you can fit and afford. Touchscreen especially if you're used to using a smartphone! I got the Lowrance HDS7 (love it!) but not the touchscreen, and I still instinctively try to touch the screen to work it, rather than the buttons. Hindsight....I should have got the touchscreen!
  5. Update----it was just corrosion at the connection. Cleaned it, and now it's running much better! Glad it wasn't the motor about to go.
  6. Will definitely check that out.
  7. One of our downriggers retrieves much slower than the other identical / same age rigger. Has this happened to anyone else? I need to check wire voltage between the 2 to confirm it's not a bad wire--- but if voltage is the same on both, is this the first sign of electric motor going bad? or is there a replaceable part on the motor (capacitor?) going bad? I haven't opened it up yet... Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. For a single flatline down the center of your spread, way far back...do you like copper or lead-core? Why? I'm thinking the fleas may be less likely to grab onto the copper. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. I had a typo above. After the copper and SPRO heavy swivel, I use 75ft of mono with a coast lock swivel attached to it. I don't use a separate leader, since it's already mono. Here's the swivel to fit through the rod guides: https://www.fishusa.com/product/SPRO-Heavy-Swivels-SHSB?utm_source=google_ps&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google_ps&gclid=CKDYw_rI_9QCFQ6paQodFtkMFg&utm_source=google_ps&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google_ps&gclid=CKDYw_rI_9QCFQ6paQodFtkMFg
  10. For my copper, I use a small SPRO swivel (small enough to fit through rod eyelets) to connect the copper to mono, then I have 75ft of 25lb mono with a leader on the end to attach lures. copper-->haywire twist knot to swivel-->clinch knot from swivel to mono
  11. We are going the 3rd week in June, so hopefully that will be prime time! With the warm winter, maybe things will pick up sooner than normal. We'll have 4 teenagers onboard, so need to keep them busy! We'll be deep dropping in 350-500 fow (near canyon?) and yes...electrics for the deep drops. Capt said 3-15# tilefish should be biting good, and hopefully a few 30-50# goldens and some jumbo sea bass. And I'm really hoping for that tuna bite! We've done many different ocean charters over the years, but never deep drop, and never tuna. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  12. Thanks for the info. I'm not really interested in a head boat, Restless Lady (recommended by several) was booked full in June, FinRazr limited to 4 people for offshore trips (we have 6). So, I booked with Capt Dan of Fin Chaser. I spoke with him and was comfortable with what he had to say. My wife and I prefer trolling for the larger fighting fish (and we've never fished for tuna), but we don't want the kids to get bored. So, we opted for DEEP DROP BOTTOM FISHING (60 miles out) to hopefully have good consistent action for the kids and relatively larger fish, and plan to (hopefully) squeeze in some tuna/dolphin trolling at some point if they are thought to be in the area and biting. Capt will be tuna trolling the prior couple of trips so he should have some good info on them... Here...fishy, fishy, fishy! **I know the captain and mate do most of the leg work on this kind of trip, but if anyone is experienced with this type of fishing, any advice to improve our success is appreciated! Just like perching on Lake Erie, right?! [emoji3] Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  13. Thanks for those leads---I'll check them out. Anyone ever charter with Fin Chaser, Capt Dan? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  14. Ocean City MD Charter Recommendations???? Off topic, but...I'm looking for a good, and reasonably priced fishing charter in OC, MD for this June. I've never chartered out of Ocean City. We're looking for offshore or inshore ocean fishing (not bay fishing). Any recommendations appreciated!
  15. "Smelly Jelly" is what we use, when we use scents. It's stays on spoons nicely. Just be sure to wipe off any residue before storing your lure, it will tarnish if left on. Ours is blue in color, I think it's the Herring scent. we don't always use it, but we figure it can't hurt (especially when the bite slows down).
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