Greatt day on the water with my buddy TC and his friend from long island. Headed out of iBay around 6:30a. Started in 100 fow just east of the chute. Nothing. Saw marks but no hits. Moved out to 250 fow. Couple of skippies on echip green silver flasher and green silver gold fly (sorry don't have the name) out 270 on dipsy set at 3. Steelhead on NBK SS spoon. 275 fow out 250 dipsy set at 1 Last fish of the day was a mature King. 30 pound king 315 FOW
Dipsy out 300 on a 3 setting Chrome/green SD Blue/Green atomik fly Good luck to all.
Anyone successfully use jigging for King's on Lake O? Seems like it would be a lot of fun. Check out this video of a show filmed in Wisconsin where they are using Berkley Gulp jigs and they are catching Kings, Browns and Steelies.
I'd like to rent a cottage on Sodus Bay 8/4 - 8/11. Must have a dock, minumum 2 bedroom and 1.5 bath. Anyone know of a decent rental that is clean and won't break the bank?
This is what was swimming around 220 FOW today off of iBay....
We got two this size. Both took green dot/chrome SD with any green fly on a dipsy 240ft out.
Marking big hooks 200-230 FOW.
Give Magic Eraser a try. I used it on some black marks on my non-skid decking AFTER scrubbing like crazy with Star Brite's non skid cleaner... The black marks came off effortlessly. I'm skipping the non skid deck cleaner next time.
I was out of I-Bay this morning. At about 220 fow, I'm seeing many finning fish feeding on the surface. I put out two rods flat lined 180 feet straight out the back , one NBK spoon and one Dirty White boy spoon. After trolling through what seemed like a very larch school of surface feeding fish, I missed one hit on the NBK and thats it.
1. Are those fish likely steelhead, cohos or something else?
2. If I had been using planar boards, would that have increased my odds of catching them instead of watching them feed?
3. Seeing them feed on the surface about 80 feet of both port and starboard sides of the boat, is that an indication I should be using planars?
Thanks all for any information you would like to share.
Tight lines.
Where can you buy Malin 7 strand in Rochester? I've got two new dipsy cobos coming in Wednesday and want to spool up 1000' of 30lb 7strand for this weekend.
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Can you catch these bad boys down the chute or do you need planer boards out the side? Never used planer boards before, wondering if they are necessary or if there is a shot without them.
Finally!!! Landed a small king yesterday on an spoon, NBK out 180 over 150 fow. Thanks for your help Alan! Looks like I've got some leader issues. Hopefully more and bigger fish to come!
Heading out of iBay today 5pm-ish. I've got two dipsy rods each with 50lb braid on them and two #1 dipsy divers. Planning on using a spin doctor with a green fly on one. I've got an e-chip flasher and e-chip fly for the other.
How many FOW should I be looking for?
How far back should I be setting up?
What speed (SOG)? I don't have down speed.
Should I be seeing lots of fish on the fish finder or singles here and there?
Thank you in advance!!!!!
How long do you guys wait to make a change, speed, depth, fly, spoon etc etc while trolling?
Is there a logical order in which you make these changes?
I've been out of I-Bay a few times now and not so much as a single hit. I gotta be doing something wrong or maybe I'm not patient enough.
Similar results here....
I was out 5/20 from 7:30a to 11:30a, I-Bay to Genny, 100 FOW to 200 FOW, with the same results as above. I'm very new to fishing Lake O, so take it with a grain of salt.
Ok..the 47's are in. I'm spooling them each up with 300 yds of 65lb Powerpro, no backing.
Putting a wrap or two of electrical tape on the spool to avoid line slip on recommendation of a friend of mine.
Is this common practice?
Just starting out in the sport.. I'm thinking about the Daiwa combo at Cabela's...LC27 Reel with 8'6" rod... Is this the right combo for a dipsy rig using braid? ... stid=14112
Or do I go with the LC47 Reel which is on Backorder... ... stid=14476
My buddies are on me to choose something to do for my bachelor party. I'm thinking about doing a charter salmon trip. There would be 7 of us in mid June out of the Rochester area. How is the action in June? Anyone know of a good charter that can handle 7 guests? Has anyone else done a bachelor party like this?
I'm going to give Salmon fishing on Lake Ontario a shot this coming spring and I'm starting to shop around for rods and reels. I grew up salt water fishing for blue's and stripers. I've got zero experience on Lake O for Kings. Well except for my few trials late last summer with a lead core striper set up.
Here is a set up that I'm considering to use with a Dipsey. I'm not planning on buying downriggers, at least not this year.
Reel Model DM-DD-106M on the 10' 6" rod.
What type of line, weight and amount should be on a configuration similar to the above?
Thanks in advance.
Newbie here... trying out the sport with what gear I have and need some advice. I've got a trolling rod typically used for stripped bass fishing. It's got about 300ft of lead core line with some amount of mono backing. I've got a Size 1 Dipsy set to 0 trailing a spin doctor and an atomik fly.
Is the depth chart that came with the Dipsy applicable even though I'm using lead core line?
I'm only using one rod, should I be going straight off the back of the boat or setting the dipsy to go off the side?
I go out of IBay and am trying to land a fish before the boat needs to be put away. Any advice is greatly appreciated.