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Everything posted by zach

  1. Man you could use some better looking neighbors...... but i do love his Simms All Weather Fishing Socks! Just joking, beautiful Lund and sounds like some lights out feeshin'- congratulations guys!
  2. Went grocery shopping for the Chapter 69 Musky Tournament this weekend on Chautauqua Lake after reading Mannys and my neighbor Toms outstanding reports. We have people coming in from all over and not many get access to our beautiful lake. Sandy at 170' was $, quick evening trip. Meat, meat and Kelly Carbon Moonshines put nice fillets on the grill. Coppers, divers, riggers- they all went.
  3. You guys got my fat ass going out there tonight with these reports. Great job Manny!
  4. Found good fishing out deeper yesterday off sandy, meat took the best 3 fish in 350'-425'. Chinook divers back 180-220' and riggers 90-110'. Found smaller fish and warmer water inside of 170'. Finished 9 for 11 solo.
  5. Awesome to hear all the positive words! Thank you! Pulling the boards and dipsey rods heading in around 11:30am after not moving a rod for like 1.5 hours struggling, we dropped the riggers to 115 n 120 over 130' as I was packing up. Didn't even make it 5 mins before it hit, sister fought it outstanding and we let her swim off after a short trip to the boat. Called it a day afterwards- 110% luck! Here's the "Trash Plate" spoon she ate.
  6. I don't always get to fish with my sister but when we do, we have fun. Sandy- found a few kings up to 16lbs and this slob 26lb Laker (on the boga). Our best greaser to date!
  7. Going out this morning. See what's up.
  8. Good for you guys! Need more women out there like your daughter! Great job!
  9. Aint easy finding em lately, congratulations! Your on a roll this spring!
  10. Man that's awesome! Bet he went to school and told everyone how he caught Moby Dick! Congratulations!
  11. https://www.amazon.com/Daiwa-0001-3543-M-ONEUTD400-M-One-Utd/dp/B00EW54XC0/ref=asc_df_B00EW54XC0/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312154679201&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=308356418112105013&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005654&hvtargid=pla-436263434858&psc=1&mcid=3edca41836933b099dc969d542170aa6&gclid=CjwKCAjwz42xBhB9EiwA48pT71SP2bGuvRZUouxUpKSVBj9iKBfr4md-qmDOR8aycOQ_w6BLoGuHXxoCNlAQAvD_BwE I got one of the cheaper $85 Daiwa mooching reels last summer and for how little it's used, fit the budget well but this is a normal 1:1 reel ratio unlike the one above. Decent drag, decent bearings, good loud clicker for us old guys. Im sure theres many much better but like i said- not used everyday. Tight lines and have a blast this summer! Zzzzzzzzzzing!!!!
  12. https://www.rotometals.com/12-pound-downrigger-weights/ $35 for 12lbers.
  13. Shoot me a text . Thanks
  14. I'll take lot 1 please. Message sent.
  15. Message sent sir
  16. Message sent.
  17. Awesome! Shoot me a message, friends have been keeping me busy.
  18. And just saw an 8 point with antlers. Anyone else seeing bucks with antlers still? Mind blown!
  19. Water temp was 37.7 degrees on the lake and 45 at the launch. Guessing the colder water had em slide out some. Good luck!
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