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Everything posted by zach

  1. soon we will see pics of a mountain lion with a pig in its mouth on a trailcam camera huh? shoot them all for bacon!
  2. nitro- won't that pfd make you too bouyant in case you have to dive in and have to swim down that monster and wrestle it back to your boat? i mean- how hard-core are we?
  3. thanks chad. looks like i will be there on friday since the harbor water is still warm. you got me excited!
  4. i hunt hickory hill north of bath, own 17 acres - are we on the same hill? have seen 3 bear down there on the top of the ridges. what did you miss a shot @? i have heard tons of rumors about the big cats running around down there. have you seen any or have any stories to tell? i heard a few years back that one was hit on rt. 17 and it had a radio collar on it. maybe just stories but what have u heard? i know a neighbor of my grandfathers in southern illinois shot one 2 years back deer hunting.
  5. yeah boy. did way better than me. 19 hours in stand- no shots, a couple seen.
  6. old man- are you happy with that pfd you were wearing in the pic? i am looking for some sort of floation and i think i am leaning towards something similar.
  7. i have done the musky/deer thing before but it has been years. a good friend of mine and i were talking last year about what we were gonna have for diner and he said surf and turf. i say wow- your living it up steak and lobster huh. he responds, no deer steak and fried perch, the poor mans surf and turf. P.S. i am worse at musky fishing than the buffalo bills are at winning- not good.
  8. should have left the boat at home but i took it out and have nothing to show for it. hunting in blizzard conditions saturday- back home now.
  9. looking forward to a great weekend! leaving work early friday to go fish waneta and then off to camp 15 miles away in bath to sleep and wake up to go hunting to start off archery season. hopefully i will get a musky and a deer this weekend. I'll call it the sportsmans double if i can pull it off. have a good weekend boys! looking for snow down there this weekend. burrrrrrrr! byw i will troll only, last time burning those big blades for hours got me sore, what a baby i am.
  10. he is dead- he does have some sons that people have high hopes for. we will have to wait and see.
  11. wishing i was out. getting ready for bowhunting as well. you'll get your fatty sooner or later.
  12. good for you, i hope to get my little guy on some jumbos in a few years also. good father!
  13. i have heard that its been great fishing for perch anywhere on the lake for the last 2 seasons and alot came out of the lake last winter also. nice job. tasty little boogers aren't they?
  14. nitro- those are the lures i used for blue fish in N.C. it was the only lure that the faster you worked it the better it worked. i never even thought of fishing waldos w/ them but i can see the idea. heavy little things they are. i have like 10 left over and they just hang on a wall now.
  15. doesn't look like i missed too much. seems that it has been slow lately there. i have been looking at the waneta lake web cam lately and it seems that i don't see many people fishing lately. hopefully it will turn around once the lake settles and gets colder. good luck boys!
  16. i believe that the perchbaits are at least 5/0 and i believe mustads. plows- now thats a good size hook- must be like 6/0 or 7/0 long shanks. don't forget to t-them also.
  17. good luck brad. want to get out but you know.......
  18. youtube has a cool video of a 6pack of skies from the niagra.
  19. don't really limit myself to musky its just what i prefer. i ice fish for lakers ( love them ), the wary walleye and the goofy crappie. muskies are just the king for me. i'm still looking for my personal best. my guess is that my search for the personal best may never end.
  20. no walleyes here. i am fishing for the mighty muskellunge.
  21. too bad he just died! only 3 years old.
  22. got a new elite z-28 and can't wait for the first good shot. plan on going to the acorns in Bath for the opener and hitting up hennrietta when i can't get down to the tier. good luck boys! i'm ready to start slinging some arrows and following some blood trails soon! 8 points or better for me on the bucks and any doe that comes in alone is done. walking jerky is what i call the does.
  23. just wondering who here will hit buffalo harbor when its time? i plan on going at least once since i will be devoting most of my time to bowhunting. i know to go slow w/ plows but thats about it. have never been there before but have read alot about it.
  24. my guess is a small pike. very easily could be wrong. if it was 55" i think we coud get a better idea of what it was.
  25. after this weekend i think that i may change my name to "the worlds worst musky fisherman" all i got was 15lb carp i snagged in the butt trolling. for a minute i thought i had a big musky, but as "the worlds worst musky fisherman" i was soon to find out i snagged a big carp. damn it. casted my butt off and did no good. stayed casting weeds until dark with double 10's and should have left earlier. sore today in the shoulders from those things and i have a big rod and reel i was throwing them on. could not do that every time out! its a good thing that bowhunting is starting soon. is getting skunked the last 2x out consist of being in a rut?
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