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Fish Hunter

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Everything posted by Fish Hunter

  1. What's been the program out that way? We are running out there for the Memorial Day weekend. Would love to hear any info prior to showing up? Thanks in advance gents.
  2. Fattest Brown I've ever seen also. Wow!
  3. Never had an Otter boat issue..............made mine from wood...........they track great and pull hard.
  4. I'd say your ready to roll.
  5. Ain't nuttin' to it.
  6. Would'nt hurt to have a couple spin-n-glo's in your arsenal either.
  7. Hi Dave, We heard later that there was a good bite over past Nine Mile, and folks had good numbers in front of the State Park. How'd the winter treat you? How's Team Draggin' Fly doing?
  8. This had to have been the same fish, as your description of the wound it EXACTLY what it had. We caught it by Shore Oaks, which is not far from the High Rocks. We released it as well. What are the chances of that??
  9. First time out this year for us. Ran down to near Catfish and set up. Smithwicks and J11's off the boards and Suttons off the balls as always, but we sure did not have them hopping in the boat at any time. Slow pick, with no real pattern that developed, as we were changing up looking for what they wanted. Did take 2 from a BT Rapala, and 2 from a blue/silver Smithwick, but that stopped. Took a nice Steelhead from a new Silver Horde spoon that Jim Dence, owner, of All Season Sports gave us to try. After finally getting back to the launch about 3:00, we had boated 12 total, and dropped 1, with the largest about 7 lbs, with what we thought was a large prop scar(not from an eel) on it. We earned those fish, but all in all was a good day on the water, good laughs, good food, with the sun even coming out at the end. What could be better? Weather permitting, we will give it another go next Sunday,
  10. I'd doubt you'd have a problem at 32 being the bottom of the temp.
  11. Folks do hide inside the wall in Oswego when it's bad.
  12. We just use cowbell-type rigs/peanuts or spin-n-glo's when looking for the lakers. I guess those other rigs work, but I've never bought any. Always remember, that once a fishing lure is purchased, 3/4's of it's job is done.....
  13. Big Weenie has had those for years, called Grease Traps.
  14. Must be Joe and I went to the same planer board school...............
  15. I set the outside lines at 150, then 125, etc. That way, when the outside fires, it'll swing to the back and clear the others.
  16. I thought I had heard that a boat from Bill Saif Charters fished over that way this season(long way from Henderson?)and had a 73 fish day. Must be when it is good, it is good.
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