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Dr W

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Everything posted by Dr W

  1. my mechanic found a guy who rebuilds and reprograms the computers and this fixes most issues along with a new fuil pump. but i will try this first. being cheeper,
  2. Trolling plate used for a short time and am putting an electric trolling motor on to replace this ? $30.00 in Waterloo NY
  3. This boat is not really set up for a kicker BTW how is the new house
  4. I am thinking of putting a Minn kota 160 riptide on my outboard and using it for trolling and such Does anyone have any experience with this unit and using LI-ON batteries ? want at least 200 amp hours or more The 160 pound thrust twin motors will push the boat fast enough but the big question is how many AH do you need and should I go for AGM or LI-ON or just deep cycle lead acid ? the cost of the LI-ON seems very steep ?
  5. Thanks for the info.. I have been going to Eire [fishing out of Eire Pa] and taking a limit most trips Not a lot of fun to catch but great to eat. Average about 4 pounds average. Downriggers and dipsys 40 to 60 FOW Speed is funny at times some times slow 1.5mph and other times 2.3 ? Eire is a strange lake with waves coming in 3 directions quite often. John Lampe marine is a friendly place to launch too. Dr W
  6. I have always targeted Trout and salmon however I have gotten the but to try and target walleyes in Ontario. I am looking at the eastern end from Sodus bay east and want to know if anyone has had any success ? I know that on the Canadian side that in the winter they find some fish in the bays? [ Big walleyes ] A few folks have caught the stray Walleye when targeting salmon but has anyone actually tried to target the Walleyes? Dr W
  7. Thanks for that info , Perhaps a excavation mounted Minn Kota Salt water Like the RT 160 em does anyone have any experience with this? https://mk.factoryoutletstore.com/details/33562/minn-kota-rt160em-saltwater-motor-160-lbs.thrust,-engine-mount.html?category_id=20867&catalogitemid=35281
  8. I am looking to put a bow mounted trolling motor on my Welcraft 210DC I have never used one or have any experience with them so any advice is helpful I am willing to go to a 24 volt with as mush thrust as possible DrW
  9. Actually the Coast Guard and Auxiliary are told to refrain from towing you in unless it is an emergency ! and to call a commercial tow service [sad] [towboatus] I will look for you out of Hughes next trip out.. Neat seeing a pontoon out trolling ~
  10. 16 keep it professional
  11. Thank you all ! Channel 16 is the hailing and distress frequency and Station Rochester and Oswego monitor it as do all USCG stations Sad to say but the USCG.Aux is a shadow of what it was in the 1990's - 2000's era There are still some Auxiliary units in the Genny and Sodus point but no where the numbers we had 20 years ago. [To many lawyers got involved and made it all but impossible to serve like we did] It is up to us to cover each others back now in the early season when there are fewer boats out. Good fishing ! See you all on the water ~ Dr W on the vessel "Low Profile" Out
  12. Well the boat is ready and Sodus point is where I prefer to launch but I hesitate to go because there are so few others going out now. IF you get into trouble there are so few people out on the lake you might be hard pressed to get towed in! I always watch out for other fisherman and have towed a few folks in over the years What is my point? Perhaps we should have a board and post our ports and when we are going out and have our marine radios on to CH16 and watch each others backs ? I plan of getting out soon and I will keep my radio on and you need help just call Vessel "Low Profile" I will pull tackle and tow you in ! Dr W
  13. Sodus launch on 14 looked good the water was not to high !! Hughs marina should be good too Hughs is in Williamson http://hughesmarina.com/
  14. I have an Evenrude FITCH 150 and anyone who knows outboards knows that they can be troublesome and fussy ~! Well I found an outboard guy that is just top shelf and knows outboards better than anyone I have met. He spend 2 hours with me and plugged my motor in and ran the diagnostics And fixed a bunch of things and now the motor runs like it never has before [ excellent ] Explained which oil to use and how to index the plugs right ,and all I can say is if you have an outboard that you want fixed or if you need to buy a used motor CALL RICHARD or Text him @ 1-315-313-3841 Tell him Dr Watson sent ya [U.S.C.G.Aux] He is right on Rt 11 just south of Central Square. He is reasonable in h is prices too.
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  15. The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is always looking for new members who have an interest in all aspects of boating. Our membership has been shrinking over the past 20 or 30 years and we sure could use some new blood. Check us out IF you have the time and energy and love boating and boaters. http://www.cgaux.org/units.php http://wow.uscgaux.info/content.php?unit=092-04-07 Would love to have you join us!
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  16. 2 words "Paul Maurer ! 585-581-6790 The best Neurosurgeon I ever met. [That is from a Chiropractor] Get well !
  17. Make your own ! Shower curtain hooks and alligator clips[electric supply] and shrink tubing on the jaws I made a dozen that they work great.
  18. I for one was not criticizing anyone for not warring their PFD ! My post was just a Public Service announcement so that we are all looking out for one another. I have actually taken part in search and Rescue having been a U.S.C.G. Aux member starting in 1988 ! I have also fallen thru the ice and can tell you the cold water shock is extreme! I can only imagine trying to swim in Lake Ontario after falling over board in April and I do not think I would be able to catch my boat trolling at 2mph! "AND" who actually wares their safety lanyard to kill the motor should you go over? Another suggestion is buy a personal distress beacon ! Every Boat crew member on patrol with the USCG has one on their PFD for a reason. Let us all try and have an accident free year in 2019 ! Dr W USCG.Aux 4-7 Canandaigua
  19. Just a note : The Coast Guard requires that all crew are required to ware Mustang suits this time of year and with the water at about 35 degrees you might consider doing likewise! When I am out this time of year I have a neoprene jacket and suggest you might consider this as an alternative ! https://www.google.com/search?q=neoprene+wading+jacket&client=firefox-b-1-d&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=OeFLZowctDVLrM%3A%2CqpHh_K9gM4vWhM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTlQATllKXtyzd7ujARGSiTwVjVSQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjxm7SgmsPhAhUMc98KHdEmDQ0Q9QEwBHoECAkQDA&biw=1093&bih=460#imgrc=OeFLZowctDVLrM:
  20. I am buying a boat with an Evinrude ocean 150 FICTH outboard that runs well but misfires a bit at mid range Does anyone have any idea of where I should look to correct this issue ? I have been told that this motor class has had some issues ? Some of them run well and others never do. Love to here your thoughts,. Dr W
  21. I have been to busy to fish and hope to get out soon. Last time out the Sea Fleas were real bad How are the fleas now? I do have a pound spool of 30 lb test but would rather not have to change the lines if the fleas are not bad. And how are the kings doing? and are they moving in yet? Coast Guard has kept me busy but I hope to see you all next week on the fishing grounds Dr W
  22. You can also buy some sawbellies [Frozen] and use a jig but I would find some 2 oz jigs and tie up a trailer single hook. With the heavy jig you can drift a bit faster and cover more water
  23. Yes that is Chimney Bluff
  24. Well how did you boys do on Saturday ? We were out making sure you all came home safely no one said much on the radio so thought I would ask now
  25. HA HA HA landing a 35 pound salmon is nothing compared to saving a 25 foot Vessel with 4 people aboard
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