Not really. The repubs control both the house and senate in PA. All tax increases and new laws must go through them so i wouldn't be too worried about it. I see a lot of gridlock though. Look at it this way....It's better than NY. At least the repubs took control of the NY state senate.
Any update on the number of salmon that came up so far? More, less or about the same as last year? How about size this year? I haven't read anything in awhile. Thanks!
Has this bill been passed by the legislature and senate yet? If so we're screwed! There isn't a snowball's chance in H... that Cuomo won't be re-elected by double digits. The scary part is that senate control will also be democratic after this election and so everything he wants will be passed. What happened to all the so called suits to fight against these bills? Time to move across the border!
There might not be many kings to come? Personally, I think the mature king class is down this year considering this seems to be lake wide and I'm not sure anyone really knows for sure. Can't blame it on the weather conditions like last year. Once they start going into the streams maybe we'll get a better idea of their true numbers this year. To be honest I'm baffled this year.
Flea Flicker might be hard to come by since they stopped making it. If you can't find any you can buy Blood Run Sea Flee. Blood Run Tackle is a sponsor on this site and you can contact them here. They only make 30lb test at the moment. We were out fishing yesterday out of Oswego and the fleas were pretty bad. The wires were loaded with them. We caught a King on one of the wires and we had to keep removing fleas in order to reel it in. That's a first for us as I have never seen so many fleas on wire line. At least you can keep your downrigger lines relatively free of fleas with the Sea Flee line.
You can still buy flea flicker line. Try Blood Run. I believe they only make it in 30lb test, but are working on a 20lb version. They are a sponsor on this site. You can look them up here on LOU. Good Luck!