I wonder what's going to happen if they start making us go to a 15% blend at some point? I heard it's coming and they all have deaf ears when it comes to boaters.
Non ethanol gas is almost impossible to find now and I'm sure even the marinas will have to go with it shortly too. Just plan on buying the neutralizing additives that take care of the phase separation.
Yep. Hard top is what makes this boat good. Very nice fishing machine. They should of stuck with the Volva Penta of the earlier years. Again, my opinion. They started using Mercruisers in 90 which was a good thing.
Thanks Zeke and Cyn and also to Scott for setting it up for us. I learned more than I thought I would and the all guys in the class were Great and made the classes go by fast. I was glad to meet them! I just hope I can retain some of the knowledge Congrats to all the new Captains
Can't agree more with your assessment. This state is getting ridiculous. I'm not sure whom I mad at more...The dysfunctional assembly that runs this state or the idiots in this state that keep voting them in office!