Fishing Report
Your Name / Boat Name: Fishing aboard the Scottsman II with Capt Lester
Date(s): 8/31/10
Time on Water: 3:30pm-9pm
Weather/Temp: Hot
Wind Speed/Direction: Almost dead calm
Waves: Glass
Surface Temp: 74'
Location: Sandy Creek between the Pump House and the Creek
Total Hits: 2
Total Boated:1
Species Breakdown: Big Fat King
Hot Lure: A Scottsman II custom NK Glow, Black with a green ladder and red eye
Trolling Speed: 2.2-2.8
Down Speed: 2.0-2.5
Boat Depth: 120ft
Lure Depth: 55ft
The Lake was absolute glass and the sun baked us pretty well through out the day. We left my boat behind tonight and fished from the Scottsman II. It was just plain Hot hot hot with little breeze for refreshment. We first hooked up on a Spin dr/A TOM MIK combo which ripped out a couple hundred feet of line just to spit the hook 10 feet from the boat. Just while the sun was setting the starboard corner rigger fires off and right away we knew this was a monster. 45 minutes later in the dark, with my knees knocking and zero blood left in my fingers Capt Lester netted this slob and I had to set the pole down to help get him in the boat. And my hand to god he bent the 8 foot net.
In case your wondering, after signing up for every derby around this season both of us have had crazy schedules and did not register for the Fall LOC.. Yeah.. I know... We were happy just the same at this magnificent beast.
Sorry for the dark pictures, it was almost 10 by the time we got to the dock.