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  1. SOME of those are ok for cayuga but damn that is terrible. do they think there perch fishin?
  2. WOW! i've seen some nice browns but nothing even compares with that. 18-19 pounders but 41 holy mother. nice damn fish.
  3. Did you sell this boat already? if not e-mail me DTGABC@netzero.com. thanks anthony
  4. is this still for sale?
  5. has it really? I was just about to make arrangments to buy it If it hasn't, let me know.
  6. would you by chance be interested in tradeing for a 1991 cbr1000? bike is in very nice shape and just had rear tire and brakes installed. if so please e-mail me at dtgabc@netzero.com. I look forward to hearing from you. thanks, anthony
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