Mark from Canada, I got your voicemail today, but when I tried to call back, my service told me international call could not be made from my phone. If you call me back, I will answer, or my email address is
I called Navico and they said my unit would support the radar but after further research, I found the Simrad Go7 will not support radar but the Go9 will. I have two Go7 units for redundancy that I use as stand alone Chartplotter and sonars, so I will not be able to make an offer on your radar. Sorry.
I really don't need radar but thought it would be nice.
I would be interested to make you an offer. I am in Hamburg, NY and would pick it up. My number is seven one six - five five three - four one eight one. Thanks.
I have a NEW Fish Hawk X4 Probe........... NEW Fish Hawk X4 Transducer............ 2 new Breakaway Cables and a used Fish Hawk 840 display with the power cable.......... Complete setup ready to install and monitor speed and temp on your boat............ The 840 display was used on my old boat and I bought the NEW Probe and Transducer to mount on my new boat with the 840 display, but am moving to FL Gulf coast and will be focusing on inshore and offshore Gulf of Mexico so I have no use for these anymore......... The Probe, Transducer and Breakaways have never been used......... 840 display works fine......... everything else is NEW.
Retail on Probe is $270, Transducer $189 and Breakaways $12.99 each for total of $484.98.
Will sell everything for $400.00 plus shipping .......... Less than retail on everything and like getting a free 840 Display...............can meet you somewhere to make exchange in person depending on where you are.......... I'm near Buffalo, NY
If interested can reach me at seven one six, five five three, four one eight one. Buy yourself a nice Christmas Present . My email is
Mechanically propelled includes sail boats with motors. Most people don't have a clue about rules of the road on the water, and may remember part of it but not all. Try overtaking someone and giving the correct horn signal and see what kind of response you get from the boat your overtaking. Probably none because they don't know what your trying to signal to them.
I got my first boat when I was 17 in 1966 and took my first Coast guard course in 1973. Still have the card and certificate. Now a Coast Guard licensed 50 ton Captain.
I have done a lot of fishing and boating in PA, FL and Virginia as well as my home state of NY. and both PA and VA have a education requirement for operators of mechanically propelled vessels. Not sure about FL.
It is a good idea, but experienced boaters should be grandfathered in by taking a simple test online. If you can pass it you can get a certificate without going through the 13 week course. A reasonable time frame should be allowed for people to get up to speed with the requirement if it passes. Fees should be nominal and all funds collected should go directly to waterways, improving lakes access and conservation of waterways. NOT TO THE GENERAL FUND...... My 2 cents.
Name: Steve Luterek
Location: Hamburg NY
Home Port: Favorite is Point Breeze/Oak Orchard but any good Boat Launch on Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. Boat is trailered to take advantage of good bites wherever they may be.
Boat Name/Type: Perfection - 23' WA Hdtp Seaswirl Striper
I fish for: Walleye, Perch, Salmon, Steelhead and occasional Smallmouth.
I've fished Lake Ontario since 1979 and Lake Erie as long as I can remember. Favorite Ports are Point Breeze Oak Orchard and Olcott on Lake Ontario and Sturgeon Point, Cattaraugus Creek on Lake Erie.
I have not spent as much time on Lake Ontario as I would like to lately but hoping to change that as I fished it exclusively from 1979 to 1987 and mostly from 1989 to 1999 and on and off with Lake Erie from 1999 to today.
Am glad to share and learn form others. Never to old to learn a new trick.
I'm new to the forum but would like to put my 2 cents in. My striper has 4 riggers, 32 rod holders, and run Planer boards off the front of my hardtop with reels mounted on the railing. All 4 downriggers are on swivel bases drilled with extra pin holes to run at various angles depending on the conditions and number of rods run. I hope the picture comes out ok as this is my first post.
I run wire dipseys or braided dipseys off the side rod holders running 2 on each side, 7' rod paralell inside a 9 1/2 foot rod. Downriggers sometimes stacked, Lead core off the hardtop rocket launchers with very little drag and will sometime run in line boards instead of planer boards if I only have two people on the boat. Just to name a few of the many combinations. Have not run any copper yet.
I thouroughly enjoy the LOU site and look forward to sharing as I am able.