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Everything posted by ioiosoiwork

  1. Oh I moved........100 '........150'.........200'........300'........400'..........Oh I cleaned too !...........& why would I wanna "moon" the fish ????????, you ain't catching me on that one......again @ Ed I was a "compass" out there Pal North, South, East, West...........did everything but moon them
  2. ..........@ least you caught fish !.......hows that bottom pour furnace treating you ?, any better ?
  3. ............IS WHY I LOVE KEUKA SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH absolutely NOTHING but fleas & weeds
  4. ..............What ? ya didn't have a "Reel Hooked Up Fly" ? GREAT JOB MIKE !
  5. On the water @ 5:41, set up w/ a fly I tied (blue mirage & UV on a clear head w/ glow beads) chasing a Pro Troll glow racer(?) (glow both sides, 1 side Chartreuse green dots other side Chartreuse racer stripe) & a Big Weenie Lap Dance XXX Glow chasing a Green Dolphin on chrome Spin Doctor went 4 for 4 on lakers, each set-up taking 2 fish each. Major floating weed pods, fleas were non-existent "magic sot" was 165 & 177 FOW, Dipsey's were set on #2 setting @ 180' back & 450' back, lot of good arcs on the FF, only saw 1 jet ski, was a day for BIG sailboats, was on the trailer @ 10:16 & heading home with 2................sorry no pictures, Granddaughter (1Y.O.) weekend & GRANDMA forgot to put camera back on the charger
  6. New furnace come in yet Alec ?
  7. Matt.......your worse than my emotional roller-coaster of a ex-wife ...........I'm reading your posts.....I'm up & glad for you .......... I keep reading & I crash ............I think it's time we go our separate ways...........it's not you.......it's me .................BOY AM I ENJOYING MY PROBLEM FREE.......knock on wood, BOAT ! sending "LUCK" your way
  8. Guess the new boat has some good mojo huh ?, Great report, Great pics Mike, did you catch them all on a "Reel Hooked Up fly ? GOOD JOB !
  9. Great report & Great pics
  10. Hell Ed if I knew you finally had to work, I would have taken your Klinger(?) for a "float"
  11. I think it's called a "yellow glow frog racer"..........Mike?, a little verification here during laughing & set 1 aside for me.....& a "Reel Hooked Up Fly"...........I can trade ya for a barely used "Iron Duke" fly
  12. ........fleas are definitely less & easier to get off
  13. Alarm was set for 3:15AM, went off again @ 3:30, & a last time @ 3:45 I WOKE THE BASSET ...........serves her right.......****,........ any how out the door @ 4:17, I was on the water @ Keuka State Park by 5:30 I was 2 for 4 on fish, first gregarious speed boat operator was @ 7:19, & the first gregarious water skier was @ 7:39, I was off the lake and on my boat trailer by 9 w/ 2 very nice lakers caught in 150 FOW 1 on a Reel Hooked Up fly chasing a yellow frog racer Spin Doctor, & 1 on a Lap Dance XXX glow fly chasing a green dolphin on chrome Spin Doctor, set at 300' & 180' on a #2 setting on Magnum Dipseys. I'm getting better being alone & got both wire rods out. Both fish were given to a very appreciative elderly couple just going out on the lake. Coming back to the launch on the West side, almost directly across from the launch, first prominent point, in 150 FOW, my favorite go to rig (see pic) hooked up on something, (I'm thinking cottage water supply pipe??, I don't know) mind you 300' feet back NO WARNING, drag screaming !!!! I'm thinking MONSTER PIG TROUT, & before I can kick the motor out of gear GONE Dipsey, Spin Doctor, Reel Hooked Up Fly I'm regaling the "old man"@ the launch with the story, and without skipping a beat complete with a "why ya dumb ass everybody knows about that" look on his face says "the same thing will happen in 30FOW in that same location ............as Ray Koziatek said to me when I introduced myself to "LOU"............"Welcome to buying more stuff"
  14. I got the exact FF/Chart plotter, the clutter on top drove me nuts too, I went back to the default settings, I found a lot of it is (IMO) is prop wash, 1 day it got real bad..........look over the back end & I was trailing weeds around the transducer , like Alec said, it's always going to be there
  15. WOW, when you can't get a program going you get mad !.................sorry Ron
  16. Good Luck Ed
  17. <----is very envious of you guys that go out by yourself & are able to set up multiple rods......my boat is sooooo loose I end up going in circles, while setting up a 2ND rod !, GREAT report ! GREAT pics ! (NOTE TO SELF: When wife asks "what do you need for groceries" reply: " Ken's" Steak House , Sweet Vidalia Onion dressing") THANKS Ed !
  18. Mike glad to see ya got out & played !!!
  19. SWEET MIKE !!! I was going to ask how the new boat was doing the last time I was in Hills, Valleys, And Streams, but you called in "sick" that day they said .............I'm glad your sick day was put to good use
  20. Hermit, PM sent, Guff, THANK YOU sir for the info, I usually afford myself a "Thursday" fishing trip each week, & am not usually "bombarded" as I was on this "Friday" trip. Definitely HOOKED on laker jigging & yes Keuka has a ton(s) of "eater" ones for me to learn on, & I plan on being the best possible pupil there ever was @ Ed.........yes the fleas were less @ Trolling Keuka ...... DUDE!?!?!?!?
  21. South end looked sweet on my way back home from Keuka, nice report & pics Ed
  22. On the water @ 6:08 this morning, off by noon, 3 "eater" lakers, 1 on a jig right by the Keuka Lake State park launch, 60' of water, first time trying this LOVE IT , time to buy a auto-pilot electric motor & a bigger fish finder wind came up, w/o a electric motor or a drift sock of some kind couldn't hold on them , so I ended up with old faithful, "reel hooked up fly & a yellow racer frog Spin Doctor 150' of water & picked up 2 more. FLEAS are definitely less than say 2 weeks ago, in my opinion, I really only picked them up on the East side, minimal. At 11:00 sharp nothing but skiers, boogie boards, speed boats, jet skies, chaperoned and unchaperoned swimmers.......if it utilized water & a NEED to stay gregariously CLOSE to other boats it was out.............. I would really support a MANDATORY boating class........seriously then I made it to the launch.....OH MY GOD!, 2 wheel drive truck, bald tires, backs his truck in up to the doors.........what a show, backed up big time loading and unloading............did I mention that I thought the fleas were less ?
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