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Everything posted by ioiosoiwork

  1. ..............*(you) & the project live........(probably why they have that "preview" button huh?)
  2. SWEET ! , nice to see & the project live
  3. HA! Hermit ! YOU are the reason that I have started down this road !, love your tutorial & I especially love your reports !, I would be interested in using your Erie stand up mold & your 1oz round head jig mold, or trading product, you decide. I'm using "glow" powder paint, I have ALL the glow colors..........then I read your tutorial & settled on green (50-50 mix of bright green & super green glow) & white (50-50 mix of white super glow & UV blast), I have a 20# bottom pour furnace that I use, I do have a small hand pour/melter combination that I could loan to you if your so interested. Let me know & THANKS !
  4. HAPPY 4TH OF JULY EVERYBODY, THANK YOU TO ALL THE SERVICEMEN/WOMAN PAST, PRESENT, & FUTURE FOR PROTECTING OUR INDEPENDENCE & FREEDOMS !!! EVERYBODY STAY SAFE AND COOL ...........On to topic: I have 2 molds: 1. Do-It model# EBL-4-LA , makes the "ear ball" jig in sizes 1oz., 1 1/8 oz, 1 1/4oz, & 1 1/2oz lures, requires #1 brass eye inserts 2.Do-It model# SJS-3-A, makes the "shad spoon" in sizes 3/4oz, 1oz, & 1 1/2oz, requires inserts cc34, cc100, & cc150 I don't know how many of these jigs one needs in a "lifetime", but I'm sure I have MY supply @ the age of 55YO, I still have 100+ LBS of lead left over, furnaces, ingot molds, ETC. ETC., I was wondering if there's a possibility of "sharing" molds with other people here on LOU. I'm looking for maybe the "diamond" jig mold, shad head, other jigging spoon molds, other lure molds. Maybe share molds or trade product ?....I'm not interested in split shot or sinker, or trolling weights (balls) LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU GOT, @ the cost of these things I would prefer sharing with local TRUSTWORTHY LOUians
  5. What would that spoon look like Ed ?
  6. Hit the launch at Dean's Cove at 5:33, headed South and within the first 15 minutes picked up a pig laker, 110 FOW, 100' down on a "Reel Hooked Up Fly" chasing a racer frog, yellow, Spin Doctor. Copper pullers must have thought we were "pros" & wanted to share our electronic info, because 2 of them on numerous occasions motored right at us, turned & set up shop, at 2.4 MPH we would overtake them quickly & had to head out in deep water.......where it was barren , this continued enough times that we motored back to the launch, and trolled North of the launch,had 2 wire rods/Dipseys, & 2 down riggers out, since we must have looked like "pros" AND since this was our 5TH time out in this sport we should add another Dipsey rod, mono, 0 setting right down the chute, TOTALLY forgetting that when my partner gets a day off from work, he really isn't "off from work" & gets distracted with all the phone calls from the office, does 1 to many 90 turns................first time I pulled a knife out in a boat in anger(of course used to cut 2 down rigger lines & the "pro" 5TH rod that MELDED together)(picture is of partner for proof he's still with us)(that's my story) ...............with just 2 wire rods/Dipsey's 1 at 300' the other at 240' # 2 setting WE picked up 4 more lakers. Other producer for us today was a "Big Weenie" fly "lap dance XXXglow" chasing a Green Dolphin on chrome Spin Doctor. Fleas weren't bad, but something I learned on here on another post & something I would like to give kudos to is the "dry rag (towel.....what have you) flea removal tip, worked GREAT ! THANKS LOU !!!! AGAIN !!! off the lake at 11:30, was a BEAUTIFUL DAY ! '
  7. ..........still drooling
  8. DUH!!!!!!........I'm thinking smelt
  9. Thanks for the answer hermit............sawbellys ? ...... TRUCKLOAD??? ....isn't there a limit on them anymore?..........I'd like 8 qts of sawbellys right now !, been years GREAT drooling now --------
  10. What is AES ? & sawbelly suppliers? I was going to hit Cayuga this morning myself, alas no "first mate", so I opted for Seneca for my first time loading & unloading this boat
  11. Great report, GREAT pic, look at that smile on that young one, you know he's hooked for life
  12. That is a GREAT picture !
  13. After being humbled by last weeks outing at Seneca, Frank & I decided to return to our "incubator" lake, Keuka.We launched out of the state park by 7AM & headed for our "sure thing" West side setting up on the way over at our usual 150' back, #2 setting on our wire rods, & 50' down on our down riggers...........absolutely NOTHING showing up on the Lowrance. After explaining to Frank that the guys on LOU said that some days the East side is better & motoring back over there..............& absolutely NOTHING showing up on the Lowrance again, AND experiencing FLEAS for the first time UGH ! , I convinced Frank to motor out to the center, & between listening to Frank insistently WHINE about NO fish & constantly questioning and trying to adjust the fish finder (turns out "Frank" who fished the lake that prior weekend ALL DAY was marking fish EVERYWHERE, was running his fish finder in "simulator mode" ) I saw just the littlest of "bumps" at the bottom of the fish finder @ 158' wire rods went back 450', down riggers @ 150' & we collected 5 lakers out of 9 on of course the Reel Hooked Up fly with a glow frog Spin Doctor(note the freshly painted Dipsey, Sean Brown ) & on a silver Michigan Stinger grease trap style rig with a clear UV Big Weenie mini cut bait head rigged with a smelt colored Berkley Gulp 4" Shaky Shad & also a chartreuse Michigan Stinger grease trap style rig with a glow frog Big Weenie mini cut bait head, also, with a smelt colored Berkley Gulp 4" Shaky Shad.We were off the lake by 11:30
  14. Here you go http://www.fishdoctorcharters.com/videos/video2F.html
  15. pssssssst........go to Keuka, it's a GREAT confidence builder with/for Dipseys
  16. Hope this helps......too http://www.attheoak.com/tips.html How Deep Is Your Diver?...This is to answer a few inquiries concerning diver talk...how deep is your lure running with a certain amount of line out? First, it's always wire, #2 setting, unless we state otherwise (mono or braid). Mono is sometimes used when the kings and steelies are hanging high (20' to 50' or so down)...then it's a #3 setting. It's a #2 setting 95% of the time with wire divers. Here's a fairly good rule of thumb...wire out 120' puts the lure down 45' to 50' or so, wire out 220' puts lure close to 75' to 85' down. In other words, it's not a 2 to 1 ratio, but is 10% to 20% less than 2 to 1. Sounds simple and written in stone?...not really, but the above could be helpful. Someday experiment...diver (usually Luhr Jensen Dipsey Diver), wire, #2 set, out 150', 2.4 to 2.6 speed, no hooks on lure. Troll almost parallel to shore, go closer and closer...when the lure starts to tap bottom, check your depth. Do this on various settings...then you'll really know. Remember, there are many variables such as ring on or ring off, currents, wire diameter, flasher/fly or spoon (spoons run deeper, less drag) and of course speed. The figures we mentioned are only estimates (from our experience). BTW, we used 20# wire (carefully). We hope this helps a few new anglers. Time and experience will give you the best answer to this enigma. Can't take credit for this post.....see "ray koziatek" viewtopic.php?f=16&t=32475 6/4/12
  17. What I have read, "Precision Trolling" dive charts are off (I was going to order it before I found "LOU") .......Here's the info that I was given here & is working for me, magnum Dipsey Diver w/ the Monster rings (come as a unit @ Hills Valleys & Streams) set @ #2 setting is APPROX. a 3 to 1 ratio, in other words if your marking fish @ 50' your divers on WIRE is back 150', but like Wes has said play around with them, see what works for you & the fish, but 3-1 will get you in the ball park..............the new "info" I was given is "paint them black", so if you will excuse me I have another side that needs painting
  18. on the grill skin side down, it stays fish comes up & the raccoon's have it cleaned off before the next time
  19. Matt, tell me your on the water
  20. GREAT report !!! "fickle" I think that was the word I was using on 6/7
  21. I cannot say ENOUGH good things about Hills, Valleys, & Streams !, TOTALLY outfitted me for this new endeavor !, GREAT stock, GREAT prices, GREAT service, GREAT people to deal with !! BIG plus having one of us (Mike, Iron Duke) working there & stocking whats hot for our area ! HIGHLY RECOMMEND !!
  22. And that's whats GREAT about having a store such as "Hills,Valleys, & Streams" in our area, being stocked by one of "us" THANKS Mike !! Marty
  23. Seneca Lake is my "humbler", after being "spoiled" on Keuka, thought I would try Seneca, definitely did not mark as many fish as I do on Keuka. The weather conditions were TOTALLY different on the North end compared to the South end too. All day trip gave us one fish, 7# 14oz. 29 1/2" laker, caught on a .........ahem..........a "Reel Hooked Up" fly Marty
  24. Is that why Mike couldn't sell me any black ones ?, you gotta paint them ?
  25. Thanks Jason, I have GREAT teachers Marty
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