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Everything posted by ioiosoiwork

  1. .............I also got one of them vee h f radios with the recommended 8 ' tall "you ain't ever gonna cast again in this boat" antenna, so don't act like you don't see me, give me a shout & let me know what I should be dragging out here or other pertinent clues, and I'll try not to embarrass you or I, THANKS AGAIN
  2. Name: Marty Brown Location:Finger Lakes Home Port:Horseheads/driveway Boat Name/Type:IOIOSOIWORK/1989 Blue Finn Sportsman I fish for:........I kinda like the taste of them small lakers on the grill with lemon & butter First off I'm not new to LOU, been on going on 3 years sitting back gleaning info from the likes of: Hookedup Iron Duke ray koziatek Trolling Keuka TROUTMAN 87 .....& others(everybody else) Personally I blame Sean & Terry Brown (Reel Hooked Up Charter) for thinking I had absolutely nothing else to spend my money on, they knew that after taking 2 charters with them that I would be instantly hooked on trolling & found me a boat, now I incoherently say things like, "fly vibrator heads", "flashers", "beads", "monkey puke" " Big Weenie"............sometimes NOT in the company of other fish people..........but I digress........ oh yeah, now I digress a lot.I got a favorite color now, green......glow. Just thought I should give out a Howdy, & a THANK YOU, to a GREAT site with GREAT people that are very willing to share & help...........HELP!!!!!!
  3. Nice Mike , clean boat, nice set up !, beautiful calm water nice pics!......hope your motor issue is small, can't wait to get out !
  4. First off, THANKS for posting this build, I'm contemplating doing the same thing this coming Winter (1989 Blue Finn Sportsman) THANKS for the info on Advantech, from you & other readers, I was thinking of using a heavy gauge aluminum for decking and then some kind of "Duraliner" type coating..........with that being said, I'm thinking your rivet test was done by filling the inside of the boat w/ water ?, my question is, is this after using Gluvit ? THANKS AGAIN !, Marty
  5. Thanks Gambler
  6. What size peanuts/spin-glo do you use ? I see they range from a #14(3/8") to a #000 (2 1/4"')
  7. NICE MIKE !!.............I glean so much info from this site
  9. HAHAHAHA laughing so hard the tears are running down my leg I don't even own a boat
  10. ........yeah what second chance 22 said
  11. I smelted for years on Seneca's small east hill side tribs (late 60's early 70's) there was a 8 quart limit, net size, can't remember if there was a time limit, & it was heavily patrolled by DEC when the runs were good. Just like the fine trout fisherman on here we "policed" our own, ratted out the poachers & drunks, the litterers, & anybody else who abused the sport or the locale. I don't think & can't remember if anybody froze any in our "group", but we took our 8 quarts & ended up at some poor wife's house, using her dress shears on fish heads,tails, & belly's & my thumb cold & sore running up their belly's spine to clean them out. I can remember a kitchen covered in flour, & the smell of hot oil, & & tasty morsels of fish w/ good company ........... & a friend (husband of fore mentioned wife) "complaining" about how much "housework" he had the next day (GOD WHEN DID I GET THIS OLD TO TALK LIKE THIS OF MEMORIES)........ ANYHOW it is my understanding that the demise of such smelting activities was because 1.) the properties we once utilized were sold & now somebody's home or cottage & 2.) the introduction of zebra mussels ? No?
  12. Thanks Mower
  13. pig-tailed = separates ?
  14. NICE !, GREAT pics of the "girls" !.............I just want to live long enough to see them girls turn that boat into a ski/party boat
  15. I have added the Minn Kota Enduro 55 55# thrust transom mount electric trolling motor into the package, the new boat comes with one
  16. You know Sean with your expertise & position maybe you could do a trace on the tow vehicles plates so I can get first bid on this boat .... I'm just saying........
  17. Check out the "tow vehicle" in the pics
  18. 1 is a 4 stroke & 1 is a 2 stroke....... wouldn't that dictate a separate tank?, thanks for the beam question though..... I have witnessed the UPS trucks pullin in & out of your drive.... I hate you & I can honestly say during this set-up & new boat purchase in my life, I don't know how you & the others do it, after the boat I still looking at 3-5grand to set it up , YOU & TROLLING KEUKA are truly bad influences
  19. Duke (huge effin dog) won't let me in the yard anyhow being a neighbor I touch myself EVERYTIME he pulls it out of the barn!
  20. Note to self: Must get over to Sean's & spray paint name on boat
  21. 14' aluminum boat w/ 15 HP Evinrude outboard & single axle trailer, runs great & is used, licensed, inspected & registered EVERY year!, comes with 2 fish finders, tackle box(s) pole & reel combos,(4, possibly more) seats, 2 vests, oars & extinguisher & more! This is a perfect starter boat for a Father & Son, or 2-3 fishin buddies, only reason selling is I'm going with a bigger boat. I'm asking $2000.00 NOTE: I AM VERY FIRM ON THIS PRICE PM here, or ioiosoiwork@aol.com, H-(607)739-8094 8:00AM-2:00PM Cell-(607)259-9982
  22. Ahhhhhhhhhhh Ray you & LOU have helped me MANY times in the past already, I'm looking for something I can peruse in the bathroom on those off slow days Ya know?
  23. Thanks to you too Jax (Capt. Jeremy), 4 issues a year is a little light, use to that though with my trapping mags, but it is closer to home Ontario & south with the Finger Lakes, don't really care about the streams............. never liked messing with pregnant woman , lets see what else comes up, THANKS for the fast replies!, neither one of these magazines came up on a "trolling magazine" search?
  24. Thanks Erwin, I will see what else comes up, before ordering, looks impressive, Thanks for the reply
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