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Everything posted by ifishy

  1. We fished out of Hugh's sat steady pick but fish were scattered did 1 brown 1 Laker 2 steel and 3 kings from 110 out to 220 from 30 down to 85 down riggers and dipseys all spoons glows were best but we covered a lot of miles couldn't get 2 hits in any one spot today's wind will change things up Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. good healthy looking fish well fed for sure thats a good sign for the future
  3. check the swivels on the blacks make sure they are able to spin free if one is stuck your release could do a slow spin with the cable even while the weight stays straight. the cable is made up of small strands twisted together so there is always some inherent twist in it and it can rotate as it goes up and down. if the release swivel is fused or a piece of dirt in there or just stuck than you can have issues. only takes one turn to cause problems. sounds far fetched but i had it happen so now if i ever get a twist in anything I always check the swivel.
  4. At least you got to see one gets the blood pumping I pulling for ya hope to see some nice pics from this thread you are definitely putting some time in Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. Use a longer tow rope dock your boat than use the rope to pull the other boat in Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. Very nice definitely one of the models on my buy list Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. a record hatch would be nice to help re establish a more diverse age structure in years to come. my concern would be for last years hatch that just went though its first winter and would be looking to put on the feed bag. I do think a good this year hatch could be important as cooler stream temps and good flows this spring open the door for a strong class of natural kings which are a big wild card in the predator prey balance
  8. Gill t you beat me to it I must type slow Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. After you let it out run it down the chute for a couple minutes that will ensure it has come up to running depth than you can send it down the board line over you're dipsey. When you are deploying it even if slow it is running slower than other lines and will sink deeper if you send it over your dipseys before it levels out there is greater risk of tangles Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. I heard it to....makes me hungry just thinking about them Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. As much as i love the cooler weather for comfort and as much as it has set up great fishing through a lot of the lake I wonder if taking so long to warm will cause low recruitment of young of year alewives cold water is not good for growing the algae and other planktons they need coming out of winter. This is a long time to go on fat stores for a young bait fish
  12. we went 6 for 8 out of Hughes 3 kings 2 steel and a laker started out late morning in the fog and started popping rods right away wind came up a touch and blew the fog off and it slowed but managed a couple more fished 9 to 1 biggest king around 18-19 both steelbows around 8 all hits in top 35 feet of water the steelhead both came in the top 10 feet off of slide divers. silver and black and a homemade glow lure took most of the hits.
  13. maybe try cursing the basin and if you see marks doing some vertical jigging? the fish on the shoreline might see a lot more lures than the ones in open water. i have read that trolling this time year at high speeds 3-4 mph can be good. great way to cover a lot of water. i'm following this thread closely and will be learning as much as i can from it. nice to get the perspective of someone else just starting into it.
  14. what type of boat is that your running? looks like a nice platform from what i can see
  15. i launched at hughes yesterday. he has done a ton of work to keep it usable. very fisherman friendly launch and even has good bathrooms. no distance to travel to the lake and you can get to depth quick. normally i dont like crowds but this place has made every effort to always be open with the high water and is one of my favorite launches in the state
  16. hughes is my normal summer launch its a very fisherman friendly launch
  17. so as someone trying to get into more tournament fishing i like hearing that you are considering an am division. I would agree to some of the biggest hold ups for me are related to boat size. i run a 19 footer and have to play the weather day to day. i also typically have a 3 person team and adding an observer takes away from the comfort enough to be a deterrent I do understand the need in a high stakes event. having boat launching facilitys is always a plus and having trailer friendly weigh ins is also a plus. things like rod limits are great equilizers but tough to really enforce in a no observer event. there are other ways to help even out the playing field and bring stratagy into play though. a 10 fish box is tough on a 3 man team and if one of us has a faimily obligation and we fish with only two we'd be SOL. multi species is a great thing to see and a 3 and 3 per day would be very small team friendly and still competitive. I would even say it offers the opportunity to be creative and do maybe a 333 style maybe make the two day total 8 fish four salmon four trout but whatever you decide to weigh day one you cant change out on day 2. anyway just my thoughts. the dates on this tourny make an am division look inviting as a new one to try and we like to fish from different ports.
  18. so just for fun on a day where the waves are 1-3 foot can you still get a ticket if your wake is less than 3 foot high? i try to respect the limit when im out but we were coming in last sunday and it was pretty rough and that conversation came up. lots of time to talk about it as we putted in but even at full speed i cant generate a wake to match the waves that were out that day. that said when its that rough i go slow anyways because i dont like the pounding on my knees and back.
  19. as long as its consistent you should be good i have a moore i'm pretty sure it reads slower than actual but it is consistent so i know when it hits the sweet spot for the day i am good i dont care what the number is only that its at the same spot it was when the last fish hit.
  20. is there a place other than facebook i can find the rules and sign up info? we are looking to do another event this year and the timing on this one works i just dont do facebook.
  21. my brother and I have been talking about making the same quest and trying to get a bucket lister in the fall after the the salmon fishing is done. this lake is within driving distance and we usually get a couple trips in October thru November. we did it once last year and got poured on. I wish you best of luck in your quest and hope to see pics from you little bit of luck i'll have my own some day by the way love the screen name. my boat is the Poleish moments double pun as fishing pole and a bunch of pollacks who sometimes do just really polish things
  22. on a slow day if we have a new guy out we'll yell fish on the dipsey and let him fight it back to the boat un-tripped. usually only takes once for them to learn
  23. what is the width across the back posts at the mounting bracket
  24. so random idea i dont know this marina at all or how much water space there is but if wrights uses floating docks they could work out a deal to truck some of them to fair haven to build some additional temporary slips for those without trailers. the logistics would take some doing but between the two marinas they might earn some serious customer loyalty for the effort. Still credit to scott and kim for trying to do anything they can to help out i wish the state would put that much effort into keeping launches accessible
  25. Just a note that dock is about the slickest surface I have ever walked be careful Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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