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Everything posted by ifishy

  1. as much as i would love to see kings in seneca it will never happen. still lots of fun fish to catch there.
  2. my boat is a 14 footer but the bigger issue is a small motor so the slow top end speed keeps me closer to shore. also my schedual means i tpically dont get out till after 8 so i mostly fish evenings. i have been waiting for the right conditions and hope to get out on lake o a couple more times with the fish close. seneca is always a nice place to fish to though fish just arent as big and no chance at a king still fun though.
  3. so after watching the weather all week and the web cams all day decided to take the little boat up to hughs in the afternoon. figures its flat when i leave and by the time i get there was a touch of a chop. check the forcast one last time and we decided to go for it. Other than spring browns and fall rivermouth fishing i havent been out on lake O in 15 years or so the boat is little and slow but the motor is reliable so i took the chance set up in 80 foot of water decided to only run 5 rods to start to keep it simpler. fished from there till 150 fow ended up with an 8# steelie a small 4#ish king a 10lb laker and a pair of nice 12-14 # browns also had 5 other knock offs with no one home. maybe not steller but i fish the fingers most of the time so it was nice to go out after the real big guys and 3 fish over 10 is a good day to me. hits were all from 90 -120 fow 60-80 down greens and blues did all the damage. cut bait and spoons about a 50/50 split nothing on the spin docs. Definatly got a few looks on the way out from the much larger boats in the marina. was a blast and i will continue to look for weather oportunities to fish lake O in the late summer when there are fish within a mile or so of shore that is about my comfort limit in case i need to run from weather. wanted to say thanks to this site as every hit i took was on a bait or tactic i learned on this site after a long absence it feels nice to be able to go out and still get some fish. sorry no pics everything went back in the water.
  4. people at work catch me muttering about vendors all the time it tough in a small buisness when you are doing it all on your own versus a larger company where we have a team that can concentrate on supply chain and a whole different group that can worry about manfacture. My dad ran a small buisness for many years as a distributer and there was always problems with getting product from manufature to end customer and the better he was at it the easier it looked and the more customers would think they could skip the distributer and run that part themselfs. I hope if works out I look forward to seeing some of the finished goods. next time I buy some spoons i will probably contact you i like the thicker heavier wobble spoons and would definatly give the two piece spoon a try
  5. i had the pleasure of being sick once on a boat was on a vacation in the keys with my parents (as a kid) got sick on the head boat after about an hour of fishing it continued to come out of both ends for the next 3 days even on shore. I still went fishing each day with my dad on the head boat and a charter. I think it was an actuall stomach bug i have never been sick on a boat since and that includes a cod trip getting on the boat at 5 am very hungover possibly even still inebriated with disel fumes in the air and drinking a beer eating summer sausage with cheese in a can for breakfast. the sight of my meal made a few others sick. We did once take my cousin out on lake O she got pretty quesy so put her head in the buckett and fell asleep woke up with the imprint of the bucket rim on her forehead priceless.
  6. a good way to get the hook out is flip the fish upside down in the water it is supposed to render them still (tonic immobility) it allows one to remove the hook more easily while the fish is completeley submerged makes for a possible pic while un hooking as well. More and more of these seem to be caught around the state each year. it would be nice in our lifetimes to see them off the endangered list. they will likely not become keepable in this state but they might be fishable for a pic someday.
  7. thats awesome we just got back from black lake and my dad hit one on a stick bait i dont know if he hit or was snagged the fish jumped once and broke the line was a 4 plus footer he was fishing an ultra light so no real chance. was cool to see one jump so close to the boat supprised there was even a population there the lake is relatively shallow.
  8. sounds like it might be worth shopping the work around to some different shops? dont give in on the metal supply i had to find some a little while back and I discovered there are a ton of places both local and online to purchase metal in whatever specs you need. As a profesional buyer I can tell you that looking for a long term supplier of a high cost commidity like stainless you should be getting top notch customer service from suppliers and probably get it close to keep the shipping cost down.
  9. thanks for the boat pic i'm on my faimly vacation and had to be up real early with the little one. pretty hungover to so the pic was nice to see. looking forward to some black lake bass
  10. i caught myself staring at your boat in the backgroud man that looks like a nice set up
  11. interesting you bring this up I had the same problem with my mag dipsey on saturday it is not clear but UV green. I have been running this same dipsey for 3 years now and this is the first time i have had problems It didnt occur to me till this thread but the difference is i have been experimenting with no snubbers i guess i'll have to go back to using them. I havent lost a fish with out one yet but dont have the numbers overall to make a real comparison but the twist sucks so if that gets rid of it than it would make the snubber question real easy for me
  12. I got a late start due to some chores at home so i decided to fish the north end. Right from the start i marked small pods of bait everywhere but could get hits up high so i fought the skiers till i hit the north end drop off and started working that everytime I got into 100 fow or less i popped a fish ended the day 7 for 8 with 6 lakers up to 9lbs. could have got more but i was having weird twists with my dipseys they would release than spin so i was fighting fish and dipsey? maybe it was from bumping bottom? hot set up was a mag dipsey 240 back with a white nuclear glow spin doc and purple mirage fly. hit one small bow on a free slider and lost a LL same lure the rigger rod bounced several other times with out releaseing i think there were small LLs and bows short hitting the slider. over all a good night and given the thunder here this morning glad i fished yesterday instead of today.
  13. thats got big sturgeon written all over it
  14. thanks i've been thinking about this since my last trip whenever i get it in my head to learn a new technique i have trouble letting go untill i get the hang of it. next week is my anneversery so its gonna be two weeks before i'm back on the water i'm dying to use some of the tips ive been sent. Probably gonna hold off on wire till next year (budget) i spent this years extra fishing budgent on a homemade rocket launcher planer mast system it still needs pole holders.
  15. for someone who doesnt troll you make one heck of a trolling bait.
  16. seceret windmill foundation construction?
  17. the alphas have been my most consistant producer the last two years as well I usally run it in the top 50 it is the only lure that has caught a grand slam on its own for me (not in one day). I always start with one of those and a blue dolphin out. I get another one with every batch of spoons i get but my collections is nowhare near lakebounds......yet
  18. are you posting those on the classifieds? I gotta get a couple more
  19. yeah I think he could have turned out and given some room but at the same time I was untangling the net while by buddy was fighting the fish and we definatly did some zig zags that were not normal it happens when your going into the waves He only yelled once and I think it was to make sure I saw him i just know from his perspective i was deffinatly a dick
  20. dont sweat the questioning to much there are a number of people on here that are more about teaching then getting on your case there are a lot of fisherman out there who dont necssisairly keep up with the reg changes. without having seens the pm's id say its possible that some of the respones were not ment to offend and thats why they werent done in public. this is one of the few forums I still visit as many others have turned into nothing but a whine fest. I only got back into trolling about 5 years ago and with only an everyother week fishing schedual at best this site has helped me cut way down on the learning curve and actully put some fish in the boat.
  21. shorter leaders translate more action to the lure from the lead core so experiment with leanghts till you find what works best or your boat i personally get the most hits on my short cores when my leaders are 15 foot or less. small boat narrow beam so wave action and turns are not as exagerated to the lines so shorter leads to get the action lareger boats the rods are farther from center so they move more so longer leaders some times keep the action from being to drastic. but experiment I almost thru away my first lead core till I shortened the leader to 10 foot the first time now they are my favorite rigs
  22. so left the house around 1:30 debated either north end or sampson all the way to the lake setteled on sampson. Had my buddy with me so we heade straight across just for somehting differentt as i've never fishesed the west shorline in the middle. got to about 450 fow and the dipsey fires and before i get to the rod the other one is out fish is gone and the two lines are all tangled up in the process of pulling them in the 50 rigger with an alpha alwye fires and we pull in a 7lb laker. get the the dispseys in and its just a mess so i cut a bunch of lines and pull out another set of leaders and re set thank god I keep a coupel tied. nothing on the west side. marked some bait surface temp was 66 but no fish. turned back across and about the middle had another rip on the 50 rigger same spoon nothing home. got all the way to the east side with no more action so i changed the dipsey to a differnt spin dr and with in 10 mins pulled another laer white nuc glow with a no seee um fly. would take 3 more fish on that with two other knock offs. the alpha alwye would go up 4 more times with no one home what the heck. Based on some advise from a previous post on the last pass across the launch i set out a seth green rig. I thought i saw it bounce 3 times but each time couldnt feel a fish on it. on the way in picking it up there were two small lakers hangin on it so a quasi double. undecided if i like the rig but it caught two small fish in 30 mins so it gets another chance all fish hit something with white in it today 120 was the best depth but a couple hits in no mans land over deep water. two of the lakers were under 15 inches there are the smallest i've gotten out of seneca the rest the average 4-7 pound range not a terrible day overall . sorry to the boat I got a little close to at a bad angle on the east shorre was fighting a fish and getting pinched by the depth at the same time. was trying to net and wasnt looking forward for a min.
  23. i'll be out this afternoon evening either at sampson or out of roys unless we really get into them with my normal spread I will try rig fishing the more I think about handlining in those fish the more appealing it sounds. thanks for the advice so far guys I will definatly use it to set up this rig.
  24. sk8man I re-read your post a couple times lots of good info to absorb thank you if I decide I like rig fishing and invest in wire for those rods can i get away with a twilli tip like i have on my dipsyes? or should I just go straight to roller tips? will probalby use the dacron to start as i hate to throw away good line but if i get into the technique will definatly upgrade to improve the performance especially through the summer
  25. thanks for the advice I will set longer leads between lures for the blow back my thought was just to run lures on the rig all of similar color looking more for depth but would like to run another rod off the other side of the boat. I love handlineing pike through the ice so handlineing a trout on the boat has some appeal to me plus I always like to have other options. I have trouble making myself go slower than about 1.8 so its good to know they can work at higher speeds I hear you on the blow back I used to run a dacron dipsey till I was able to purchase some wire I will say fleas will saw off of dacron real easy but there is definatly drag plus I think the white line scares some fish away. Sounds like there is a lot more options than I originally thought so should be fun to play with. i also go my hands on some automatic reels with monel wire so I might set up a rig on one of those and do a pure hand line I just like the thought of a rod and real for stroage. i own no suttons but have a large variety of NKs on long term loan from my father so looking to use what I have first. my flt spoons and super slims have caught a lot of fish the last few years so it would be tough not to have them out running at higher speeds lets me keep them out on short cores which is my favorit presentation
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