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Everything posted by ifishy

  1. as far as being self sufficent our current natural gas supply exceeds the current demand with no more drilling sites economiclly this is the worst time to sell land for a new well. As i've said repeatedly lets wait and let the technology develop where its already being used so when the price goes back up it will be a lot safer in ny as far as using gas for my boat I would love to switch to an electric engine maybe if there wasnt so much oil being drilled there would be incentive to pursue that technology. there may be wells that are not near drilling that burn however the point your missing is there are wells that used to supply drinking water that never burned that now have eternal flames from fraking and are contaminated to a level where they are poisnous. no one can say what chemicals are being used because the gas companys wont tell us they are claiming its proprietary information and they all have a unique formula which they wont divulge. Do you really trust an energy company to do anything other than maximize there profit inpite of negative effects. yes they pump it below the aquafer but fracking means to break and shatter the shale dont you think this might light the fluid move up through the newley created cracks. and yes there are other sources of pollution out there but that is no reason to create a new one thats like saying fish are already caught by recreational anglers so lets let in unregulated commercial fishing. solar power is undeveloped? so lets use the money to develop it not mine gas no wind on the lake lets put it on land where it makes more sense nuclear power? actully a lot cleaner than people give it credit for. there is also geo-thermal which does exist and has a lot of potential. I'm only saying lets take all profit out of this equation and then re-evaluate it for what it is and I say that it demands caution and study and at this point there is no reason to rush.
  2. I like the seneca idea that lake has a lot of fish but on any given day they can be hard to catch the more options in there the better and that lake has the potential with food and cold water for long live and maybe eventuall record class fish (would take a while). I fish that lake a little more each year as it is close and my boat is a little small for lake O Ive had some days that turned into bonazas for pike or for LL or lakers but i've been skunked more than other places to so another option would be nice I could see running a trolling spread for trout LL and pures could be fun to see whats the best option for the day.
  3. I dont care how its pipped in or what the shafts are made of they are pumping toxic chemicals into the earth. WTF how can anyone think this is okay and by the by they have resivours for the fluid because the toxic chemicals spend time at the surface which answers your runoff concerns
  4. i'm not looking to start an argument but research suggest the small mouth numbers are not reduced signifigantly because of gobies. the size is up it the fishing for them has changed dramaticlly but they are still there
  5. going today instead but going to seneca the wave report i saw was pretty rough with a pretty decent south wind
  6. After last trips trouble I decided to put the trolling gear to the side and went to conesus for pike it was slow guess I should have gone to the lake oh well my boat stays ready untill the roads are not good for towing so maybe next time [ Post made via Android ]
  7. split shot, part of the point I am trying to make is this is being done elsewhare lets let those sites serve as the test sites and only after theyve been proven long term safe and that means more than a couple years if they pass that test than lets visit opening up more ground and you say those are fresh water pools with no leakage into it? my challange stands go get a drink from one. water supplys have been destroyed by this process and there will be worse effects down the line this is not someting to get in on the ground floor on. Gill-T is also right the gas will be there but the value of it will go up tremendously as time goes on the time is to early this is a bad band wagon to be on.
  8. alright roads traffic and money aside lets break it down to the basics there are taking chemicals that are toxic carcinigenic in some cases flamable and by no means edable and pumping them into the ground. Really you honestly think for a second that theres no possible risk? the smart way would be to wait there not gonna pass on new york forever right now theres lots of drill sites so the good areas are cheap as time goes on and other areas are mined out the value is gonna go way up and the longer it takes to start in NY the more will be known about bad side effects and the potential for safer methods goes up. Getting in to this this early is a bad idea i dare anyone who says drill baby drill to go to one of the resivours at the drill site than take a drink if you wont than how can you say that having that big pool of not safe not clean liquid isnt a problem
  9. im new to seneca have only fish it a few times but if you find bait work that area has worked for me and the standby color so far has been green both spoons and dodger fly. I wish I could help more but thats all I got so far
  10. the lower genesse can produce to but the better areas have no good shore access that being said I have had some great catfish days in front of the power plant on the seth green side espiciallly drifting worms under a float to avoid snags. The cats leave no doubt when they hit. that whole area you can access along seth green can produce cats and other fish such as sheepshead walleye and some bass but the neiborhood its in sucks the walk is a pain and its a drive for you mays point is closer and has better access and more consistant fishing also my biggest sheepshead ever came from mays. I only fish the genny from the boat these days when I got the kids I still go to mays or a similar place on the way there you will pass an access and boat launch by montezuma you can fish there and it does produce some fish will get crowded during bullhead season. you can also fish mudlocks where you can access the canal the river or the lake and on any given day theres lots to be caught around there though for cats I still recomend the river I always do better when theres some current and log jams always hold fish. I moved to geneva several years back and spent a lot of time researching fishing access at the time I did not have a boat. If you need some directions PM me I can help you out.
  11. If your in geneva take the drive up to mays point I take the kids there to catch catfish with 4 rods its tough to go more than 5 mind without a bite use any commercial catfish bait and fish the current from the bridge down lots of fish to 5lbs to keep you busy and there are many big ones in there as well to make it exciting [ Post made via Android ]
  12. i run a 14' starcraft so if I fart to hard it turns when setting up I have to go with the wind fortunatly I can reach the wheel and the rods from the same spot so I just go back and forth I set the riggers up first because I will turn a right angle when I lean out to set the release if It takes more than a split second. I do pull my bucket though because I run one off the side and it will pull me in a circle. My beam is less than 6' so trolling alone is always entertaining so i dont do it in a crowd unless i'm running flatlines only but hey when its the only time you can get out you gotta do what you gotta do
  13. the best part of fishing solo is trying to land a fish with two other lines in especially in a small boat. throw in some boat traffic and you got yourself a full day. now that I can run three rods and find a pattern that works quicker I like fishing alone a lot more
  14. i'm with rocketman there is a lot to be said for the release tighten it up a bit and your hookups will increase.
  15. So my bro had babysitter problems and couldnt come with me so instead of him and my nephew I was alone. went out of severn and had a decent day 3 fish on 5 hits all LL over 20" I was pretty pleased considering I couldnt troll against them because I couldnt leave the wheel long enough to set a rod and with them was only marginally better. was fun though the firstone jumped over the net and went under the boat and all hell broke loose after that. 3 rods on my own on a rough day I'm amazed i didnt have more tangles. sorry i'm so excited over them I just started trolling for trout and such last year so I'm pretty new to it
  16. dude if your that unsure pick up the reg book when you get your license I read it every year and the regs around spawning season are the most complicated of the whole book. again each river or stream has general regs and than special regs for certian sections of certian rivers. as far as the egg sinker and rapala I dont think there is enough current in the mouth where you said you wanted to fish though maybe I say try it. I know this time of year if you get upwellings of cold water right off of harbor mouths swim baits on spinning gear can be deadly but you gotta find the pockets. and again if your down stream of the last bridge than you can definatly try the rapala if not check the regs for the spot your fishing sometimes floating lures are okay you may just have to remove one hook.
  17. cool thank you than severn it is my bro wants me to take the boat to lake O but with the scattered t storms there calling for I dont like being that far off shore in my little boat plus I seem to have better luck in the fingers anyway. see you out there sunday
  18. location matters in the lake those hook regs do not apply they are for the first bridge upstream to the first barrier and only apply during spawning season I forget the exact dates because they rarly apply to me because I usually drift size 10 hooks with eggs under a float or 1/16oz or smaller hair jigs under a float for trout and salmon just because thats the way I like to do it something about seeing the float dissapear. also a lot of tribs have special regs for certian sections so check but if your in the lake or downstream of the last bridge your good with any type of jig more or less though i dont think you can get away with calling a snag hook a jig
  19. I'm throwing a line out for some help. I have the green light to take the boat out this weekend and the money for gas and everything. I'm gonna fish seneca and would like to fish somewhere in the southern half. I usually launch from geneva and fish the north end because thats closest. All I ever do there is lake trout so i wanted to try another area just because I can. I was planning on launching at severn but I was trying to look it up online and saw somewhare that it only has parking for 12 cars is this true? that I can find there are not any other launches close on that side of the lake. I will likely have my 12 year old nephew with me and would hate for him to see me start swearing because theres no parking. does that lot usually fill up fast or am I okay. I guess with what limited knowledge I have of the area the backup would be to go to lodi point its just a longer drive for me because I'm coming from the west but its only about 10 mins longer as I am starting from the north end. is it worth the drive to lodi or is severn fine and if severne is fine what is the launch fee so I bring enough cash. Thank you in advance for any help. I'll take any free fishing advice if you wanna help a 12 year old get his first LL or bow (something that jumps). but my biggest concern is boat launches in unfamiliar areas. I have had issues in the past though my boat is small enough that I can lauch on just about anything.
  20. Is this still avail? And where is it [ Post made via Android ]
  21. My favorite is still when I was a kid in my dads boat during the fall run when everyone was trolling the river mouth and they set the sailboat racing bout right in the middle of it. Or when anchored fishing perch and the put the racing bout 20 yards away and had the nerve to yell at us for not moiving [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  22. to go with what hooked up said its interesting I have a small boat and so spend more time on the fingers than lake O I have had many incidents on lake O espicially with a few charters. I have a small boat so everyone in a big boat thinks i'll just move but its made of aluminum and if it sinks I can replace it for less than it would cost them to fix the damage to theirs. plus when you get pushed between a boat and the pier i'll take the boat anyday. That aside on the finger lakes I have had almost no problems. even fishing in crowds where people get close because of no choice nobody purposly cuts each other off and overall are a lot more curteous. Maybe its a country thing were just lower stress out here.
  23. I've seen steelies in the tribs late when the sallies are spawning the bass chase them from nests hard core and repeatedly bite the tails. The rough teeth would leave wounds that would bleed for a while. [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  24. Ps. The magic wave number is 2 feet or less. More than that gets real tough in a small boat [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
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