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Everything posted by mostlymuskies

  1. Bob, Thanks you are the 3rd to sign up. Now if we could get seven more,we will have start up expenses covered. Capt. Larry
  2. All Roads Are Open,Anyone Interested,need to know by Friday afternoon!
  3. We need to get as many musky fishermen that we can get to the Musky Road Rules Buffalo March 5th.I want to build a Musky Show around this venue for 2012 and the proceeds of the show will fund the Chautauqua Bait Fish Fund & Niagara Musky Assoc Conservation Fund. But to get there we need at least 100 fishermen to come to this years Musky Road Rules to assure it will be back again in 2012.Then do not forget about the Lure Swap right after the Musky Road Rules in the same room,9 tables so far,get a table to sell for $20! Capt. Larry
  4. Chad, At this point the NY DEC & Prendergast Hatchery Personel do not see the Netting working here.First because the ponds are much larger then at the NJ Hatchery where they are using the Netting,it would take telephone poles to support it high enough so they can work under it.Putting Netting over one pond could cost as much as $25,000.00 after study and erection as well.Then the Netting at NJ Hatchery was not keeping the Blue Heron out ,they were digging under ,then getting stuck inside the netting eating away.The NY DEC position is to raise extra numbers of Musky Fry so after preditation they still have the numbers they need to stock.One possible way to help with the preditation issue is to start the Musky Fry on very small fathead minnows while inside,get them much bigger growth before moving them outside,then they will be much harder for the Blue Heron to catch them.Another option is to get some musky fry held over all winter in the inside holding tanks and then transfered back to the ponds outside in the spring for more minnow feeding and growth up over 12"+.But without warming the water supplied to the inside tanks the musky fry would not feed much all winter and not grow anymore until put outside and the water temps raise agian.The cost to run the water pumps,feed and Hatchery workers to take care of the project would be even more costs then the Netting for one pond.So at this time our best option is to try to get the NY DEC to comitt to hatching more Musky Fry,moving them out earlier on smaller minnows,feeding them durring the warmest water period with extra minnows for max growth rates and hopefuly getting 11"+ Musky Fry to stock. Capt. Larry
  5. We now have $7977.00 in the Bait Fish Fund.We will purchase $6000.00 of Fathead Minnows for 2011 Musky Stocking Program at the Pendergast Musky Hatchery. That leaves us $1977.00 for the 2012 Musky Stocking Program.That means we will need to raise at least $4033.00 more this year for 2012.So it is very important that we get as many fishermen to enter the June 25th Tourney,every Entrant past 100 all the funds go directly to the Bait Fish Fund.
  6. June 23rd is a NY State Free Fishing Day---No Fishing License Needed!
  7. Next Chautauqua Cash Tourney will be June 23rd,2012.The Tourney will be $40 per Fishermen.(Full Field 100 Fishermen,Notice: Tourney Field will be allowed to go behond 100,but prize structure will stay as set at 100),***NEW PAYOUT STRUCTURE:***1st Place $800,2nd Place $500,3rd Place $400,4th Place $300,5th Place $200,and Most Muskies Caught By One Entrant $300(total Inches will used for most muskies caught if there is a tie),with the remaining $1500(and Entry Fees Behond 100) going to the Bait Fish Fund!This will be based on the 5 Longest Muskies caught & released,each fishermen can only enter 1 fish,size must be exact,their Longest!Then those longest muskies caught can be added with other muskies caught by any One Contestant to Win Most Muskies Caught Prize! or maybe someone with the most muskies caught might not even make in the top five fish with any of their fish,but still have the Most Muskies Caught to Win! Photo must be taken with pin on Tourney Button visable in picture for Entry to count toward prizes.Tourney Button will be mailed to you 5 days before the Tourney along with Release Form or can be picked up from 6:00 am to 9:00 am on June 23rd at Mayville Launch.Witness of your release form can be by anyone else in the Tourney.Picture of musky with Tourney Button for prizes can be show from your cell phone or camera to me when you turn in your Release Form.Release Forms must be turned in by 6:00 pm to count for the Prizes,bring them to Mayville Town Park.Tourney fishing hours at Midnight Friday June 22nd to 5:00 pm June 23rd! There will be a 1/4 Chicken BQ with potato salad & baked beens starting at 5:00 pm.We will have a 50/50 Raffle & Lure Raffle Table.We will use Mayville Town Park for the Awards Presentation,we will use the green shelter.You may launch from anywhere on the lake,other launches are Long Point State Park,Prendergast,Bemus Point & Celeron! Donations to the Chautauqua Bait Fish Fund are much appreciated as well!(Notice): ******Early Signup Drawings,In by December 31st--Four Beckman Magnum Finsaver Nets given out,In by January 31st for Drawing of Two St.Croix 9' Big Nasty Rods(those in by December 31st included in drawing),In by Febuary 29th for Drawing for Kwik-Fill $300 Gasoline Certificate(those in by December 31st & January 31st included in drawing.)******Early signup shows those sitting on the outside looking that there will be a full field of contestants,so easier to get a larger field,goal this year is 175 Entrants!Make checks out to Mostly Muskies and mail to Capt. Larry D. Jones,268 Harrison Ave,Buffalo,NY 14223. You may also submit payment online via PayPal by clicking on the link below: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=mostlymuskies%40verizon%2enet&lc=US&item_name=Chautauqua%20Musky%20Tournament%20%2d%20Entry%20Fee%20%28One%20Time%20Payment%29&amount=40%2e00&currency_code=USD&button_subtype=products&bn=PP%2dBuyNowBF%3abtn_buynowCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest *June 23rd Is New York State Free Fishing Day--No License Needed* ***NOTICE: AWARDS PRESENTATION IS AT MAYVILLE TOWN PARK & LAUNCH***Please Join Us For The Awards,Raffles at 6:00 pm and Food Served 5:00 pm till 7:30 pm! Capt.Larry 716-432-0198 Last years tournament winning fish: 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Hope to see you there! Capt. Larry 716-432-0198
  8. With the aproaching big snow storm I now wonder how many Vendors will cancel going to the Michigan Muskie Show because of driving conditions from the midwest.I will have to make a call Friday night to see how the venue looks before driving out early Saturday morning.
  9. As of January 31st we have 7 tables paid for,only need 3 more tables rented to cover the room rental cost. Tables were given to the Niagara Musky Assoc. & Muskies Canada.Chad you may have a table for LOU as well if you like! Capt. Larry
  10. I'm thinking of leaving early Saturday morning and driving to the Michigan Muskie Show for the day and returning home Saturday night.Takes about 5 hours each way.Is anyone here interested in splitting the gasoline expense with me to make the trip to the show? 1/2 of the gasoline would be $75.If we left Buffalo at 4:30 am we would be there when the doors open,and left by 4:30 pm we would be back to Buffalo by 10:00 pm. Call me at 716-432-0198 or email me at mostlymuskies@verizon.net if your interested. Capt. Larry D. Jones
  11. Thank You Everyone for Your Prayers! My cousin Ken passed while I was in flight to washington state.I went to Ken's funeral and had quality time with my Uncle's Bill & Ray and Cousin Linda,they all have terminal cancer as well.I also got to meet many cousins I never had contact with before,that was nice.Then my brother David & I went and fished steelhead on the Skykomish River and we caught one for the grill and a couple for the smoker,this was one of our uncles favorite rivers to fish.I did get stuck at the Newark Airport for 52 hours on the way back home,that was an experience! Capt. Larry D. Jones
  12. Holiday Inn Grand Island has great acomidations,the rooms are big with King size bed ,40" lcd tv,etc.. The normal rate for a weekend date is $129.95 + taxes,but if you book under "Mostly Muskies Charters" the rate will be $79.00 + taxes. http://www.holidayinn.com/hotels/us/en/ ... oteldetail Book early to be sure to get a room! Thanks, Capt. Larry D. Jones
  13. Thank You Everyone for your prayers for my family and all your kind words,Now if the latest snow storm headed for the northeast doesn't shutdown Newark,NJ airport for friday I'll make the flight connection to Seattle.All of my uncles & cousins were very big into Steelhead fishing most of their life.My brother Dave has suggested, He,my other brother Gary and I get together for a day on the water drift fishing for Steelhead on the Quinault River,our uncles favorite stream!
  14. As of today I have recieved $20 from one person for table rental for the Lure Swap and so far only 3 persons have hit the Buy Now button for the Musky Road Rules Buffalo.I signed the contract and paid for the meeting rooms for both events today.I could realy use some help here,I'm very low on funds for the trip I must take out to Washington State on friday because I had to prepay for Road Rules & Lure Swap.If you were going to attend the Musky Road Rules Buffalo please sign up now.If your going to have a table at the Lure Swap please go to www.mostlymuskies.com/reports.htm and use the Bait Fish Fund Donation link to PayPal to send $25,$5 will go to the Bait Fish Fund using this option or mail your $20 for table space to Capt. Larry D. Jones, 268 Harrison Ave, Buffalo, NY 14223 Thanks, Capt. Larry
  15. I found out from my brother last night that I'm about to loose most of my fathers side of the family.My Uncle Bill has terminal cancer and only has less then a month to live.My Uncle Ray is also going down hill fast as well.My cousin Ken has terminal cancer and is in a hospital with only a couple weeks to live,he is Uncle Ray's son.My Uncle Ray's other daughter Linda also has cancer and she is also down to weeks to live.I'm going to loose four family members in the next month.I will travel out to washington state to visit them all this friday.This could be one of the hardest trips I have every gone on,seeing so many you love and saying goodbye.Please say a prayer them! Thanks, Capt. Larry __________________ Mostly Muskies Charters & Guide Service Captain Larry Jones Web Site: http://www.mostlymuskies.com
  16. Anyone interested in shareing in the costs to drive to the Chicago Muskie Show next weekend. I can drive my truck that will have 4X4 if we were to hit any bad snow area's,only set back is 12 to 14 mpg.Your share would be $150,includes motel room as well. We could leave early Friday morning or late Friday afternoon,what ever works best for you,and drive home early Sunday,9 hours each way,lots of muskie talk time! Saturday's World Record Muskie Panel will be one seminar not to miss! mostlymuskies@verizon.net Capt. Larry D. Jones *****NOTICE:( Found out today two of my uncles out in Washington State are in the hospital not doing well with cancer ,they are not expected to live past two weeks,so I must travel out to visit them before its to late,I have To Cancel Any Trip To Chicago!) ******
  17. The Ice Scoop Handle End used to lift the muskie out of the hole and to carry the muskie outside for the picture could mean ripped gills and dead fish,especialy if the fish thrashed. To bad that most times when you post something trying to educate fishermen that normaly do not fish for muskies about how to or laws pertaining to, it almost always gets pulled from other fishing websites boards. Capt. Larry
  18. Chad, Thanks! So far I recieved $20 from one person for a table.This is how we will do the table selection,as persons pay for a table they will get to select table location in that order.One thing to remember is that no food or drinks can be brought in by a vendor,you must purchase your drinks from the motel bar. Capt. Larry
  19. Monday I will need to sign the contract agreement for the room rental at the Holiday Inn Resort Grand Island.To have a Lure Swap after Musky Road Rules Buffalo will cost an additional $200 for three more hours for the room and all tables needed.That means we need at least 10 persons to pay $20 for a table to cover this cost,any tables sold over 10 would mean more dollars for the Bait Fish Fund.Note: the Lure Swap is not part of Musky Road Rules Buffalo,so if I go ahead with this plan and do not get at least 10 persons paying for a table I will have to pay the difference.So I need a real count on how many will take part by purchasing a table to sell lures etc..We also have to pay this contract in full 7 days before the event,so would need each persons $20 per table as soon as possible. Capt. Larry D. Jones
  20. Baker Blood Line Perch with Wounded Action! Sorry,Zach could not resist. Oh No! My baits getting done just got pushed back. Heal & build in time for Musky Road Rules Buffalo March 5th. I hope you did not get nerve damage. Capt. Larry
  21. Chad, Could You please Stick this thread? Thanks, Capt. Larry
  22. Musky Road Rules Buffalo will be at the Hoilday Inn Resort Grand Island on Saturday March 5th,2011.Main speakers will be Guide Tony Grant & Guide Greg Thomas with local's Marc Arena,Capt. Larry D. Jones and Scott McKee president of the Niagara Musky Assoc. Inc.. Come and join us,you will learn something and you will walk away with lures etc.. Class room style musky learning seminars and poolside casting demo's.We can still put together the Lure Swap to follow in the same room,but I would need at least 10 persons to agree to pay $20 for a table to cover the extra room rental time.I would also like to follow the Musky Road Rules Buffalo 2012 with the Niagara Musky Show run just after,4:00 pm till 9:00 pm Saturday and 9:00 am till 3:00 pm on Sunday.Its time to start NY States Musky Show! Please sign up for Musky Road Rules using the this Link http://www.muskyroadrules.com/clinics.htm ,we need to fill this venue with 150 musky fishermen! For the Lure Swap you can either click on the Bait Fish Fund link over at http://www.mostlymuskies.com/reports.htm (the paypal button is set at $25,so $5 would go to the Bait Fish Fund) or you can mail a check for $20 made out to Mostly Muskies to Capt. Larry D. Jones, 268 Harrison Ave,Buffalo,NY 14223
  23. We are working on setting up Musky Road Rules Buffalo.Speakers would be Guide Tony Grant,Guide Greg Thomas,Marc Arena and Capt. Larry D. Jones. This would be a classroom type setting with teaching and discusions to make your musky fishing better.There will also be pool side casting to show how different lures and equipment work.We are presently taking with the Holiday Inn Grand Island Resort for the venue.The Musky Road Rules Buffalo would be on Saturday March 5th, 2011 from 10:00 am till 4:00 pm cost is $50 per person.How many here would attend? There also was interest of having a Lure Swap Meet from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm,how many would be interested in paying $20 for a table to sell there lures etc.,the funds are needed to offset the cost of keeping the room for the extra two hours? To sign up go to: http://www.muskyroadrules.com/clinics.htm Capt. Larry D. Jones http://www.mostlymuskies.com/reports.htm
  24. Chautauqua doesn,t have any sizeable numbers of Northern Pike.What small numbers there are are not in the lake but in the river system down through Jamestown,NY..A better choice would be Cuba Lake for Northern Pike or Findley Lake for Northern Pike & Tiger Muskies. Capt. Larry D. Jones www.mostlymuskies.com/reports.htm
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