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  1. Sold
  2. Thanks again, it was a short easy phone call to get it ordered
  3. Where do you buy them from and thank you
  4. Hi I have a 1994 Johnson 120 v4 and need a lower unit for it. The one I have now had water intrusion and damaged the gears.
  5. Seth green rig with Sutton 44s will get you a fish
  6. Are all the boards sold? I’d take the walleye boards, if they’re not available I’d be interested in the optis
  7. Where are you located
  8. What was the lunker for the flta tournament
  9. Do you know what time he needs help?
  10. Thank you for the fast shipping and great paint job, you should’ve threw a business card in the package so I could buy more
  11. PayPal sent for bottom 2 on left black and purple
  12. I’ll take the 2 perch ones below the clown if still available pm sent
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