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Everything posted by fishmaster13184

  1. Not frogtoggs
  2. Your address for tell em where ya got it in wayland is wrong it is 2768 rt 21 wayland ny 14572
  3. How deep were you running your riggers
  4. Where is the boat located
  5. It's kind of ironic to see an old rundown boat named the spirit of Rochester lol
  6. It's hard to sell a boat when no one knows how much your asking
  7. Thanks for the call I would've went with you
  8. What tribs can you take 3 bows on???
  9. The problem with flurocarbon line is that even just a tiny nick in the line really compromises the strength, mono is a lot more forgiving
  10. I have a really good book called "fishing the fingerlakes" by j.michael Kelley it's very informative and detailed
  11. Hey reel drag who is building the new marina is it pike or did they sub it out
  12. When using chicken liver I tie it up in an egg sac net and then it never falls off
  13. And btw 99% of the fish I catch are released and I'm a strong supporter of c&r so is everyone I fish with
  14. The point is that it's only a fish it's not worth it to confront someone. Just call them in and snap a nice little video, although the fines seem insignificant once they get caught twice their fishing liscence is revoked and when they get caught that third time the fines are going to get real hefty
  15. If they are doing a lawful thing ( one rip or a fish drive) and you start heckling them you can be arrested for harassing a sportsman. Also there are more people now then ever who conceal carry even while fishing, being a loudmouth or a tough guy is going to get you in trouble or worse. Mind your own business or call them in and take a little video to show the officer. I don't know you and you don't know me but I can assure you if you thought I was doing something wrong and physically attacked me you would probably never do it again to anybody
  16. I think most people's complaints with the second derby is that Naples creek is the main spawning grounds for canandaiguas 100% natural reproduction rainbow population. They do not stock rainbows in Naples creek or canandaigua lake
  17. Where is the boat located
  18. Can you pm me what you would consider a reasonable offer and also does it have a top or sides
  19. But walleye and tiger Muskie are extinct there hasn't been either of those caught in many many years [ Post made via iPhone ]
  20. People on loon today. Be courteous parking and stop in the bar for a drink or lunch ray has just about had it with ice fisherman and is about to close access [ Post made via iPhone ]
  21. Has anyone ever fished these events I'm thinking if trying silver tomorrow [ Post made via iPhone ]
  22. Spreheim try calling customer service i have had a few issues and every time i called my problem was resolved in a timely manner and i was always satisfied when i hung up. I had the bolt breaking issue and also a few of the buttons that lock the pole break [ Post made via Android ]
  23. You can access the lake at laf a lot. [ Post made via Android ]
  24. If i find someone to go check loon with me i will go today [ Post made via Android ]
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