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Has Been

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Everything posted by Has Been

  1. HB from HB . 36 yrs old? When I was 36 the Bills were a good team.
  2. Anyone use oil crankcase additives such as Slick 50 or other in their I/O? Figured it might be good for trolling low RPM & oil pressure.
  3. HB from HB. Has your astrological sign changed as mine has? Good health to you in the coming year, the best gift you could ever have.
  4. Is this a confirmed presence or just hearsay? All it takes is a couple & if they have been found in commecial nets, there is probably more than we think. We can do all the risk assesments we want but who knows WHAT will or HAS introduced them.Hard to defense every single senario, just ask the TSA. A matter of time IMO.
  5. Some more great news. I wonder why the Army Corp is dragging their feet and after thinking about this news ,and the cofirmation fo the Allegany, I have my reasons as to why. They feel it is inevitable this will happen or already has & they don't want to spend big money on closing the gate after the horse allready got out of the barn. My guess as to when someone will see one in the Great Lakes or tribs is around the 4th of July this year.
  6. No Exploitation , I love that. Read the testimonials from our own peeps about summer c &r deepwater fish , Copper c&r , and all the poor skips that we try to release, etc. I think it is all based upon reason 8. I love all these studies being done to support this hogwash . Is Jersey a destination but for saltwater? Mich has done a "great" job managing their resource, so don't use them as an example. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!Get out the electric winches, I mean reels.
  7. We will pray for all of you . Stay strong for them.
  8. LL , I'll go on and do it but if they don't know the obvious by now, they are either lying or they are idiots. The Army Corp wants my / our comments ?Like those comments mean anything. It's feel good stuff. Come on Man! Do they have the same forum for windmills? Says the study was authorized in 2007. It's 2011.Says we need to "Act Fast". Glaciers move faster.More BS. But I will do my duty.
  9. Great Lakes good!! Carp Bad!! What else do they need to know?Congress passed health care in 15 minutes flat& spent zillions. Now we drag our feet. More BS.
  10. Is your friend a fish? Don't know how much proof there is on the subject but what we can see & what a fish sees may be two different things. Read somewhere that deer can see the glo from certain fabics & detergents we can't . Maybe kind of the same thing. When your survival depends on it ,life adapts.
  11. Yes , lets all bow our heads & pray for the planer boards. By the looks of your boat I would mount singles MASTS where the side windshields meet the gunnels( just stern of your head). That way you can work & rig them easily from inside the boat.
  12. All I can say from my vast years of experience(If that means anything) is to keep it simple. Make what you have work, tweek it till it does. for me it would be. Early Spring shoreline close-4 on boards w/ stickbaits Out a little deeper - 2 0n boards 2 on outdowns back 100 or more ft, a few ft down Spring Bar Kings & Summer-4 riggers or 2&2 dipeys, I won't use copper. When I start mixing things up & throwing the kitchen sink at them , I usually don't do well.K.I.S.S for me. A good quote is, " Pretty thin playbook you got there coach".Coaches reply was, " 6 plays , Split V , works everytime , just like novicane" . The best playbook in the world won't work unless you have the tools or experience to run it. And if you are good, you don't need them anyway. Go with the proven methods.Less can be more.
  13. Sounds to me like it is wire line. I bought a Penn 350 reel with plastic coated wire line on it . It was on a 5' boat rod with a roller tip. Got it for 5 bucks at a Garage sale. It's old but like new. The wire is twisted 7 strand deep brown in color. I belive it was used for laker trolling on Finger Lakes from what I asked seller about it.
  14. Need compartment on the side of the boat to put the fish in that the water flows thru& when he starts thrashing around, you let him out. If not, he's supper. Thanks Vince for confirming what I kind of already knew.Yes it it funny how some days you land them all & some you are lucky if it's 25%. A boga with a 6' handle would be nice.
  15. Thanks Capt Vince for the info.It amazes me how those skippers can get all 3 points of a 2/0 treble hooked in their mouths. Happy New year & good health & many tight lines to you in the coming fish year.
  16. Your experince speaks for itself Capt. Vince. Thanks for the great info. Would that mean that a released dying salmon would eventualy sink on release if he was floundering?
  17. I got a new rod from ST Croix. It is a Fishing Machine 5 ' telescopic rod w/ a spincast reel built in . Also has the Range Finder , Depth setter Feature . Came in its own vinyl Zippered case W/ instruction in new condition. Has instrutions on how to use it w/ fishing tips & a catalog of other St Croix rods offered. Funny but all rods shown are fiberglass only.This thing is kind of like the PoPeel Poket Fisherman. Next time I go down to the creek I'm going to try it out. Can't wait. Must be the latest thing from St Croix.
  18. My boat came w/ a 15/17 pitch prop. Hit it on a rock & took it to Spinneli to repair & buy a second. On his advise I went to a 15 1/2 / 15 or 15 1/2 diameter & 15 forward per rotation. That prop is what I use now . more of a power prop. Trolls better to keep R's up & Boat does not want to "lunge" forward in the rough seas on LO that we get so often when planned out . Lost about 6 MPH on top end but I did not care. When boat is loaded , less stress on the Engine, just don't redline . Also more presice to adjust trolling speed.
  19. I find that trebles give a more eratic action & single give a more symetrical swimng action. Hook weight is critical if you are changing. Jury is still out on hookups for me.
  20. Deck the Walls w/ Browns & Steelies , Fal, la la ..........
  21. Campaining for flags is NFL SOP. Unless of course you are Payton or Brady.Then you just get them. Isn't good for buisness if they get hurt.
  22. You are correct , unless he's playing football.Then he's as good as it gets at this point in time.
  23. Got to start using Big Corners as OLBs to contain Vick. That guy is just to Quick. How do you gameplan for him?Is the kicker still employed?
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