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Has Been

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Everything posted by Has Been

  1. I really don't know the particulars of it all . I may be going down this winter to do some fishing & to see family . I will find out more. He has a 21 'Bullet Bass Boat that I was on . He took me to lake Oakachobe fishing and we were doing around 90 in it. Scared the Heck out of me. I figure the crocks that were lying on the banks of the rim canal were just waiting for us to flip as we zoomed by so the buffet could begin. He is into prop design, motors ,& since he took mechanical drawing in High school ,drew these amazing designs of boats for fun.Has a knack for it. FLA is a good place to be for that sort of thing.
  2. Had my Bro over last night to exchange gifts before he's off to Naples Fla to be with his family for the Holidays. Saw a picture of the "Plug " of the bass boat my nepew has designed & is building to break the speed record. He estimates that it will top out at 150 mph or so. Apparently he has orders to build 6 of these for guys. Will let you know how it turns out.
  3. Good deal for a guy looking to get into trib fly fishing. Reel alone is $100 plus.
  4. You could Probably get 75 bucks for that Pink bl/ yel dot Bomber alone on here.
  5. For Piking I like to use a 7' Med heavy casting w/ 15 lb or 7.5 ft heavy w 20 lb. I seem to do great with this & see no need or want to go bigger unless the larger baits I would be using would not balance or work efficiently w/ the rod. i have landed a lot of hefty pike up to 20 & some musky on these setups easily. For my larger Musky baits, yes , I use bigger equip to throw & fish them efficiently. I use a lot of Big Mepps & Spinnerbaits.
  6. I have the exact ones pictured on top. My bases like the lexan ones (I think thats what it is) developed cracks down the sides of where the bolts go thru & not just one. I am going to replace before next year.
  7. My bro & nephew live in Naples & have a place on one of the canals there.We fish the bay & 10,000 islands down to Marco. I love to go down during the winter & fish the inshore waters. Catching all kinds of hard fighters on light tackle. Snook, Reds, Jacks , Ladyfish, Sheepheads, etc. 7' med action spin 20 lb power pro & 20lb flouro leader & white jig 1/8- 1/2 oz tipped w/ shrimp fished fairly fast .My nephew sells real estate down there . My bro owns a cottage on the end of Johnsons Creek.(Saw Green Harbor)
  8. I have a Rebel 3 1/2 " jointed. Metallic green on top , Orange on bottom silver sides I put Flor chart paint over & IT IS KILLER for board brown & Coho's early spring & has been for years.
  9. YOU DA MAN!!!
  10. I'd be thrilled with a gift from God of good health for my family & friends.
  11. After looking into it a bit I have reconsiderd my position on this . Thats one powerfull reel there . At the end of the days catching I could winch my boat back on the trailer with it!
  12. Looked clear as glass. Let it set for 10 minutes. Was wondering if I was not seeing things right so I put some water in my hands & droped it in & it sank to the bottom & sat there like BB's.
  13. On sale tommorow in honor of the new Gov at local stores for upstate residents .A six year supply of Vasaline & anti depresants at bargain prices to help get you thru.Don't delay for the prices & taxes are sure to skyrocket. 51 states anyone?What did the Who say? " Meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss.
  14. I see a lot of them down in Florida , They are claimed to be extremly stable in rough water. Heavy boats also.
  15. How Kirstan Gillibrand can look herself in the mirror & sleep at night is beyomd me. Palidino is right on about her. If this state reelects her we deserve what we get.
  16. Politics is a game that really does not do any of us much good.It never has . It has only become painfull to those of us who pull our own weight so to speak since the financial crisis hit. Any one with any common sense saw this coming a long time ago . I remember sitting in my father in laws( the hard headest german on the planet& possibly the most honest)25 years ago and saying or yelling at the TV & I remember this like yeasterday," What are we going to do whan the interest we owe on the debt is more than we make? "And here we are. Those are the guys we need. Are there any out there?Palidino is our best shot I guess but good luck to that. 51 states for me.
  17. Great quote from one guy. " I do support the wind farm , but I don't know that much about it."Or " we don't see that much information about them" .Convieniently.
  18. It is funny that this all comes down with less than 2 weeks till election time. If anyone does not think this is a political ploy of some kind I have some land to sell you. It is BS on steroids. Hang your stands Vince, while you still can.
  19. Pretty much chocked the other night during the debate , but I'll still vote for him.
  20. After that display I & my wife have come to the conclusion that we are thoughly screwed. Is this how bad the political system has become?
  21. That may be true but only if the hose is emptied by the guy before you.Then the hose must be refilled before it hits the nozel,correct?
  22. Hope you had the time to watch the Gov debate last night. Truly a comic act if I ever saw one . Also a representation of how our state is being run now . Palidino Choked in the fact he had Cuomo right next to him to call him out but did not. Cuomo sat there taking it all in with amusement. Now the fun begins. The Green party guy who is pretty much a commie , actually had a few good points. The freedom guy had a few good lines, best , the arson line. The Liritarian probably is the best choice but dosnt have a chance in hell.I like the Hooker in the fact if she gets elected ,we may get to do to the Gov what the Govs be doing to us for a long time. But I think I will vote for Jimmy McMillan . You ask why? Becauh da rent is 2 DANM high!!!
  23. Was told by someone ( I cant remember who ) That as the tank heated & cooled the air & moisture would move in and out & repeat itself each night , thus moisture buildup no matter how well sealed. . Which is why I did the test . Absolutly NO moisture drops I saw. Dumped fuel with a funnel into the jar. Spilled a little but not that much. Who knows where the 1/8 gal went to or if it was there to begin with.
  24. Who won and where is my cut?
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