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Has Been

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Everything posted by Has Been

  1. I used rubber bands W/ a paper clip for years Put "Larks Head " knot to the clip & to the line. Somtimes small ones don't break it but big ones allways do. Size 16 rubber bands at office Max or staples.
  2. Years ago on a bargain table I bought 2 snubbers. they were 1/8 maybe more w/ a swivel on one end & a snap on the other.Very thin& the color of surg. tube. they had a piece of dacron inside the tube which only made them stretch so far. They worked great. were just enough to absorb the shock but they couldn't break because of the dacron center. Haven't seen them since.
  3. OR, Flyboys Fishin' Toy or Fishin' Flyboy
  4. Only thing I have had fail is the snap ,not the swivel . Thats why I get the two ring & put my own on. I get the smaller swivel with a little bigger snap. Thet test at 35 lb. Get a small swivel & the snap is tiny.
  5. I belive just the fact of the derbys happening gives justification to the stocking program. The indirect tax revenue that result from participation is big. Also I think the derby organizers probably give back more than you think. I also don't think they make as much profit as some might think. As stated , those fish are stocked to be fished for .
  6. I like the Cabalas welded ring ones. I buy the double ring & put a duolock snap or crosslock . With the double ring it is easy to replace the snap. 24 for around 12 bucks.
  7. The biggest reason I am getting back in the game is the derbys which I miss.
  8. Also I get torn up pretty good for my stance on a few issues on here but I'm still around.
  9. Yup , I am very afraid of what looks like could be coming. The falicy that the "Green initiative " is for the betterment of the planet scares me. It seems more like a money & power grab to me & that scares the hell out of me. The decicion making for a while and much more so as of late makes me feel as if it's done for that & not for the best reasons for the people of THIS country.And they will stop at nothing to get what they want. Every day I see our"LEADERS" cheat & lie right to our faces in living color& when caught , nothing happens. Saying one thing to satisfy the constituancy & doing the exact opposite is why I feel so cynical.What party is in charge of it all now ?
  10. How Bout, "Plane Hookie" ?
  11. How about BITE ME?
  12. Sorry to say it USE to be our money. But it has turned into THEIR money that they let us use. In Nov. we can take steps to turn it around. ALLl incumbants OUT!
  13. 2 different times I saw deer about 1 mile offshore at Pt Breeze swiming. One was about an 8 pt. Don't know where they thought they were going.
  14. Thats a little heavy IMO for spoons( 12-!5) & definetly sticks(8-10) but good for Flashers & hardware. You can tie a flouro tippet on to get what you need & be versital. I think the diameter affects the action of the smaller baits most times IMO.
  15. Bottom line is that they don't make money & the long term effects after they become obsolete are not worth the risk. Look back at Longlines reasearch on this & I think you will feel differently .
  16. I allways wait untill the last possible minute , just like Chrismas shopping. It's more fun that way .
  17. Looks in the picture like you were using spey rods ? What lb tippet were you using & what was your leader makeup?
  18. I just E mailed DEC about it. I'll let you guys know what I hear back. I will be majorly pissed about it if it is closed.
  19. I often wonder if the reason the catch rate for kings is up & lakers & browns down is because of the presentation of the majority of anglers. More Flasher fly w/ faster speeds , Different areas , better knowlege ,etc. Back in the 70's & early eighties there were way more salmon than there are now but they were a smaller percentage of the catch.
  20. Maybe you could get a decorative SS plate over the hole or put a flush mount rod holder there?
  21. Pay the money. It's a pain in the butt.Loose a part & your screwed.
  22. Go to the west end , Niagara bar approx mid may for salmon ,steelheads & Lakers. A buddy of mine went thru the same thing & we took him to FLA in Dec about 6 years ago& Fished inshore. . We drove . Left Roc on Tuesday eve & we were back home Sun morning . It was an action packed trip. I'm glad we did it. Good luck.
  23. I took a ride last Sunday with my wife & drove down the hill to the launch & it didn't looked blocked off then .
  24. We got our heads up our a@@es so far in this state it amazes me.We as taxpayers spend a fortune to have these improvments done for our benifit in our state to use our lake to catch the fish we pay to have stocked and the powers at be tell us like we are little kids we can't and lock us out.
  25. Poor grandma & grandpa who saved all their lives now get the chance to catch a fish!He forgot to put in the warm cute puppies & kittens.And how about the babies? What about poor bubba down in the hood? I can hear the violin thru my monitor.Great wording.
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