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Has Been

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Everything posted by Has Been

  1. I have a question. How far out into Lake Ontario is under a county that borders the lake juristiction?
  2. Most of you guys just don't get it.Call and com[plain all you want but I really don't think it will do any good but to make you feel better. Look at the town hall meetings & tea bag parties to prove it. Overwhelming opposition to gov run heakth care & it still passes. 300 million to buy one vote in Louis. We up here in upstate are just pimples on the ass of the state . The only way those pinwheels won't be out there is if there isn't enough money in it for the people making the decicions about them. We are their loyal subject guys. Wake up.
  3. As long as that hispanic is a citizen or here leagaly , I have no problem , But you are calling all young white males lazy, arn't you?Minorities can say as they wish but when that young white male says the same it is "hate speech" . As far as I am concerned if ANYONE is in this country illegally they are criminals & should be treated as such.
  4. No not Dems, it's Liberals.
  5. And I almost forgot Billy, Think of the tax revenue this could propose for our great state of New York , the Empire state in financial turmoil of epic proportions . If the state can't get some sort of tax generation in this depressed area it might have to start cutting services here. Like closing state parks, cutting funding for local municipalities & oh yeah, cutting funding for Altmar. I don't put anything past them.
  6. I agree Billy V . Tell them what you think of them but fact of the matter is that if they want it they are going to get it. And they will sell your a.. down the river to get it. Look at heath care . The majority of people don't want it but it gets pushed thru. Kristin Gillibrand is pro gun., gets promoted to senator & now shes anti because it serves her not us. We are small potatoes up here & so are the local polititions & downstate gets what it wants. Take a look at lowville. Money talks . As a buisness man you should know that . As much as I hate it I know it too. Maybe those things will attract the fish. One could only hope. I hope it dosn't happen but I ain't gettin my hopes up.
  7. Yes ,go ahead and write the gov and let him know of your displeasure. I am quite sure that will change his mind. You may even get a letter writen by one of his staffers stating they will look into the issue & thanking you for your oppinon on the issue. Meanwhile the power staved population & vote centers downstate will "lobby " him to see things their way for the greater good of the state.You are wrong when you say the polititions put us into this sad state of afairs. It is the voters who keep on enabling these clowns to do as they do by voting them back into office. Rohrback wants upstate to split from NY city. That would be the best possible thing for upstate but the chnces of that happining are about as much as LO giving up a 80 lb salmon. WE are downstates **** up here to do with as they please and we & our local elected official let them.
  8. I have heard from a friend of mine who owns a small engine repair shop that the eth. is corosive and does damage. He said the gas now is garbage & has no shelf life at all . He said to use high test w/ No eth if you can.My generator Was stored in my garage & hadnt been run for about 10 months & one day I smelled gas bad in my gar. Somthing happened that the carb had to be rebuit.Leaked gas all over the floor. Now I think it was the eth. Kwik fill has no eth in it according to the attendantI asked.
  9. It's simple man . Politics is all about getting the vote. Polititins won't say anything neg about certain groops so they don't loose their vote. Woudn't want to loose the larger every day latino vote. Wouldn't want to piss off the muslim vote by saying what happened at FT hood was a terrorist act of jihad. It's all about the vote . They could care less about us. They want us poor so we have to beg & have no resources, . Wake up & smell the sespool of American Politcs.Its about power. Our guys stormed the beach at Normady & gained the respect of the world & now the world is laughing in our faces. I thought 9 11 would wake us up but most are more worried about cell phones video games & a hand out.
  10. Dont blame me dude . I have seen this coming for a long time. When the campain was on I think all most heard was " BLAH Blah Blah , I'm going to give you some money. And " BOOBUS AMERICANUS" fell for it and voted him in. Most do not have a clue of his past or present dealings or associations. Liberal mainstream media likes it thatway and likes the rigged game. Libs have figured out that there are more poor than rich and if you give them a few buks once in a while they will come out in droves to vote you in and let you do as you wish . Also some on this site would like to overide property owners rights to acces better fishing areas. Big mistake cause where does it stop. Americans need to Pull their heads out of their a<
  11. Please excuse my manners , Thanks for the reminder Stinger. I am sure many will get tickets becuse they don't know or will forget. I belive in making what you have work eficiently. Did you read my post on the fishing EFA.?
  12. If there were 2 guys on the boat do you really think you would catch more on 50 lines than lets say ..............4?
  13. Actually no , If you want to catch more fish, Become a better fisherman.
  14. Check Craigs list , just saw one older model was Roch Or Syrac,
  15. Butter rum &opal salmon Nuke eataz are a few of my favsthis time of year, Both Swing & mostly dead drift for me.
  16. Just saw a place by Con. Lk for 60 bucks on Roch Craigs list
  17. Try Trolling A # 5 shad rap perch or Orange Fat Rap along that same depth. There are a # of wallys in there also.
  18. Lowish water & lots of traffic but thinning out some. Browns are starting to show w/ steel mixed in. Pray for rain before you come. Sal run about 1/2 over. Will lose flies to them . Good luck.
  19. No it doesn't. A man should be able to fish everyday.
  20. Nice fish dude. Looks like you were fishing the oak? Check out the trib site below .
  21. Actually No, I can thank my big brother the Government for not Enforcing laws against snagging that are already in place.
  22. They are at least 10 years old.
  23. So if you want to fish topwater for bass at night you are an outlaw?
  24. I have 3-4 Stretch 25's. My Fav Niagara river bait.
  25. The Libritarian Party thanks you for your vote.
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