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Everything posted by machzrcr

  1. thats kind of what i am hearing also. have you heard them mention what process they were using to identify the alewive population?
  2. has any one heard of this dec meeting?
  3. I have 2 30 degree gunnel mount rod holders. They are really heavy and. All tig welded. Not sure the brand.
  4. send finger lakes tackle a message, he could paint you up a sweet looking one!
  5. The 2 mounts not the single one. Send me a pm with price shipped and PayPal.
  6. located in palmyra. and what part would you be interested in?
  7. humm thoughts of making it are running thru my head. 80 mile trip one way but would be fun!
  8. machzrcr

    Sold / Closed bayliner trophy 2860

    New price is 5900. And no. Have not addressed soft issues.
  9. machzrcr

    Sold / Closed bayliner trophy 2860

    Pics of new cushions and tires and rims. Bump for new price!
  10. Well send one my way! Haha I did end up ordering one from eBay, they are pricey for a dang plug lol But if someone has one local I'll grab that so I can have a spare. Or put it on so I don't have to wait for the ordered one to show up! Splashdown next Tuesday hopefully!
  11. looking for a new style scotty downrigger plug. if not both sides at least a male end!
  12. Rod holders are sold. Outriggers still available!
  13. Mounts do fit in Bert's tracks. 30$ for the 5 mounts 30$ for the 8'6 track. 50 for all.
  14. Saw my deer was moved yesterday when I went to work and saw it wasn't there this morning. ..... That is that I found 20 yds in the brush!! That is absolutely crazy they can demolish a deer like that in one night!
  15. ill check tomorrow have berts on one of my other boats. and they are fixed mounts.
  16. matt they tried to put the buoys out but during some rough times this winter it ripped out the buoy anchors. they are now in process of getting them replaced. but like what you did isnt the problem, its the guys who get right up close and are getting yelled at but refuse to leave those are the guys ruining it.
  17. traxtech tracks are sold. big track and 5 mounts still available b/o
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