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Everything posted by jkalailieff

  1. 45 lbs on the nose. I had one last week just shy of 50. Seem to be some big dogs around this year.
  2. That’s a great season. Congrats. And it is always a great accomplishment to help someone else pull the trigger.. especially a newbie! Wtg
  3. Season still going in canada...2 more today… and I’m pretty sure this one’s my target yote! Big male.
  4. I can definitely see some German shepherd in this one… had him at 150 yards but I shot the female instead. He’s my new “target” yote! Lol
  5. Same non-sense in Canada in area surrounding Algonquin park. No coyote hunting or trapping to protect the “gray wolves”
  6. Bad dog, I also hunt moose in northern Ontario with bow. The “new” management system has only increased a bull tag by $200 and cow/calf by $150 per tag…. The MNR has done nothing to help the declining population… and refuse to address the real issues causing the decline by placing blame on train kills and wolf predation.
  7. Great shooting!
  8. Been busy keeping the predators under control up here in Canada… shot 6 last week in one sit! Wish we could shoot them at night! Daytime only here. Found #5 after the pic was taken…and couldn't find #6… took out the whole pack!
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