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Everything posted by kayaker919

  1. Same here, one small king under 10 lbs at first light then nothing. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. Jplug slider...guessing 50ft Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. One 18lb in 75 about a hour and half ago....nothing since...marking very few. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. Wow, great trip. I fished similar depth further east, but did not have results nearly that good. Way to go! (I did the same as far as weather checking at 4am...great when it works in our favor once in a while) Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. Thanks for report. I was also out solo Sunday. Fished shallower...a lot of BIG marks 150-250....so tempting kept me there for hours without moving a rod. Threw everything at them! Ended up moving out 300-450 and picked up a laker and 2 small kings 7-10lbs. Lost two, with several phantom releases, maybe due to currents and bumpy ride. May need to readjust chamberlains. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. Thanks for the report. I was in the same area, except I swear the kings timed it to hit during each downpour! All F/F bite for me on Saturday, mixed spoon and F/F on Friday. Fish on both riggers and mag dipsys. I was running my dipsys a little deeper....only because I usually let them click till a fish hits!
  7. Nice job, thanks for the report...hope it holds for the weekend! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. I did not get out till almost 7 due to the thunderstorm. Water temperatures are a mess again. 40 degrees, 50 ft down in 70-90 FOW, then 44-48 degrees 50 ft down 90-200FOW. I started in 90FOW worked out to 200FOW, then came back to work the break around 90-100FOW. Marked scattered and few schools of bait and a few hooks. No real pattern. I did manage an 18lb laker, two smaller ~10lb lakers, and skippy king. I was trolling 2.5-3.0 mph downspeed. Did have several releases with no one home and had a fish that took drag for 30-40 seconds before getting off, but not a huge fish. No real pattern to hits, coming on white magnum glow spoon, 150ft mag dispsy with white/green protroll w/white fly; orange crush NK28, and mixed veggie Stinger. Stable flies starting to get worse; minor fleas on dipsy wire. Tough fishing, nothing like last week end. Weather permitting, might try deeper tomorrow.
  9. Very interesting. Here is another link I found. Check out some of the embedded links that reference various missions. http://www.uscg.mil/d9/cgcMackinaw/ Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. Even dead....was careful handling! 8^) Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. Wow, way to go. Nice job! Those steelhead....and some kings love to cross the lines. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  12. Very nice....starting to pick up again! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  13. Nice report. Was wondering why I did not see you motoring north up the bay in the am or on the lake. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. Thanks for the report. Things seem to be looking better both west and east of the river and bay. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. Well at least the fishing made up for it. Saw you a couple of times Sunday. Similar results for me......many lakers and one nice king. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. Saturday, cleared the outlet at 6:00am and started setting up in 90ft FOW. Lots of bait and nice hooks although water was in mid 50s to the bottom. I circled back once but could not get them to hit. Worked out to 120-140 FOW found a nice break from 50-47 degrees, 100 foot down. Not as much bait, but still lots of nice hooks. Picked up a small laker, then started picking up a steady bite of early teen kings, with a real nice 20.3lb king thrown in for good measure. Even had my second double on a single rod this year with two skippys. Did not get a hit on lead or copper. Hits were on 90 and 100 rigger, and magnum wire dipsy at 180-200. Trolling speed was pretty fast, 2.7-3.0 but difficult to control in the current. My bag had almost no effect slowing me down on an east troll. They were hitting many different lures, but multiple hits on white mooneye magnum with purple and black ladder back, white/green flasher fly, and my standby NK28 orange crush (down to my last one). Ended up 4 for 8 (6 for 10 if you count the skippys), all kings, only one laker, and finally broke the 20lb mark for the year (just barely). Sunday, I figured I would try the same thing. Almost no bait, and few hooks in 100-140 FOW right off the bay. Turned into a laker fest….could not keep them off the hooks even at the fast trolling speeds. I started working east looking for kings. The laker fest continued. Around 11, I turned and started trolling back towards the bay and the 180 dipsy starts screaming…I grabbed the rod and swear I said out load, “this ain’t N.F.L.†(a term I borrowed from someone’s post earlier in the year). It was my biggest of the year so far 22.9lb King (23.4lb if you count the huge lamprey on it). White/Green protroll with white fly. I was fishing solo, so that king was released to grow bigger. Ended up 6 for 8, all lakers and a nice king……now looking to break the 25lb mark for the year. One of the teen kings I caught on Saturday had a lamprey on both sides…..unfortunately lost at the net so I did not get to remove them. Anyone else noticing more lampreys on the kings? See, lamprey to the right in the picture. It was about 18 inches long!
  17. Thanks for report! Out here now. Just landed a nice king (15.4lb) using this info! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  18. I got a later start than usual, on the water by 7, fished from 20 FOW to 600 FOW. Used riggers, divers, leadcore and copper….spoons (many different colors/sizes), flies and meat. I varied my speed, turned the AP off and did S-turns….and many other variations. Saw minimal bait, very few hooks; the hooks I did see were small. In close, the water was chocolate milk….fair amount of debris, a few small marks, but no takers. Immediately outside of that, out to about 60-70 FOW was clear ice water. After that, out to about 600 FOW surface was high 50s with 42 degrees at 50-70 ft down. All I had to show for it was one nice steelhead (on my way trolling back in) and as evidence there was some bait, an alewife (yes I refreshed my meat rig). They have to be some place, but I did not find them. Could not even count on the “blind squirrel effect†yesterday…..err... maybe that was the steelhead!
  19. When the first one cracked, they quickly sent me a new base of the same style. When the second one cracked, it had been 3 years and I was not aware of the new design and had decided to go with the stainless base and did not even consider calling them. Based on this thread, I called and they sent me two "kits" (3881958) to upgrade my old plastic swivel mounts. They are still mostly "reinforced" plastic, but have a key added element of an aluminum support plate. Even if the plastic does crack (and they say it is stronger), the downrigger is not going overboard with the aluminum support plate. Even if your low profile swivel mounts have not cracked yet, I would call and get the upgrade kit. I too, received the new boom ends earlier this year, and they work great! Sometimes when you buy the latest model there is some risk of issues until all the hardware and software quirks are worked out. But Cannon has stood behind their product, quickly providing any parts or upgrades shipped FedEx. Johnson Outdoors in general has had good customer service repairing my hummingbird sonar, which was a few months out of warranty, for no charge! I prefer the stuff I buy to be perfect, but when not, appreciate good customer service.
  20. I have used the Autotether for 3 years now. Fortunately have not needed it. I fish solo often and the thought of falling overboard rigging a line or netting a fish and watching my boat troll off to Canada is one of my nightmares! It does work well as I test it periodically and occasionally walk away from the boat at dock and come back to it "triggered". Just need to remember to turn it off before you leave the boat to preserve the batteries.
  21. Both mine cracked...replaced them with stainless. I just could not bring myself to trust the plastic ones again. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  22. I have a 788 di.....use the 200khz transducer. I have an issue where it will mistake bait or a large fish as bottom for several seconds. ......plays havoc with my cannonlink. Any settings to resolve this? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  23. Great report thanks.....glad to see some kings over 10lbs being caught.
  24. Great report, thanks. Although not as many fish, I had similar observations both Saturday and today...... fish spread thin and no kings over 10lbs. I even had double kings on the same line (slider) and they did not add up to 10 lbs!
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