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Everything posted by reelthrill

  1. Sounds like a great event. Thank you for organizing and starting a fundraising support tournament. Strongly encourage others to get involved. My girlfriend is all set and will be fishing with Capt. Marc Bottone of My Bonnie Charters. Will be in town Friday night, hopefully we can get together in the evening. I will bring the mortadella Good luck to all! Capt. Tony Sambunjak
  2. Located in Avon, OH. Can cover shipping costs if needed. Thanks
  3. Super-Ski Triple Plannerboards Super-Ski Triple Planner Boards. Fully collapsible. Poly-foam molded with quality aluminum and stainless hardware. These are quality boards pull forward along midships. $100.00 for the pair. Call or text (216) 570-3169
  4. I would like to second a tipping of the hat to Kevin. A first class event in every way. Drawing the finest hi-caliber anglers on the Great Lakes from over a half dozen states and two countries. The professionalism and respect that is offered from these peers of big water trolling is second to none. When the horn blows to start the day, each team plying the waters of Lake O with a methodical plan and program trying to put it all together when it counts most. Some find "it" , and you all know what that is. Mixed with a little luck of keeping them buttoned on the hook and split second miracle decisions of skills that venture into the "supernatural" brings teams to the winners circle. Congratulations to all top ten finishers and kudos to all those who live for the chance to be the be the best! Be safe and good luck to all, see you next year... Best regards, Capt. Tony Sambunjak www.reelthrillcharters.net
  5. Hey Ralph, I hope there will be no irritable bowel syndrome possibilities this weekend. Good luck I will be listening for some thunderstruck if the fog rolls in again. Take care, Tony
  6. Mr. Happy, Isn't that a Wham song performed by George Michael in the 80s? Mike, can you cofirm this to be true and hence the reason for your call sign? Hope to see you at WHI next week, I have a lot of side betting dollars burning a hole in my pocket. Wake me up before you go go...... Capt. Tony www.reelthrillcharters.net
  7. Capt. Tom, Great post. I know that we have disected the pros and cons to both the so called amateur field and the professional boats. Vince along with others have pointed this out very well. What I would like to add is the "feel" of these tournaments. I have fished in PWT events on Erie, major tournaments on Lake O and others in between and can say this series has always been a test of strategy, stress and wits. The format is like no other, what to target, can we get our twelve, if the bite is hot how do we attract bigger fish, when do change tactics and scamper up some cohos or browns. This is the draw. It's what makes us salivate in February and March waiting to cross the pier heads and lay it all on the line. Everyone who fishes these knows exactly what I am amping on. Don't let the term am or pro fool anyone. When it comes to this we are all competitive. In older formats I have seen am teams out score the entire pro field and take a fraction of what the pro check was. Who was the pro on that day? But no one remembers that stuff. However, carrying a box to the scale on Sunday that takes it all against of all of um, well that is the stuff dreams, hard work, skill and even a bit of luck are made of. If this is in you, you owe it to yourself to give it a try. You just may find out you can go toe to fin with them all and be hooked to hi stakes big time tournament action in the process. Good luck to everyone this season and hope to see familiar faces again this year. Keep your rod up, and make sure it's tight. Capt. Tony www.reelthrillcharters.net
  8. Go to spoon pullers.com good site from the north side.
  9. By far the best value going is thru the Malin Wire Company. Very strong quality wire. The wire type to ask for is Trident 7, seven strand 30 lb test wire for dipsy or thumper rod applications. I buy directly from the company because I order in bulk. Located in Cleveland, OH. a google search should give you the contact you need. Good Fishing, Capt. Tony Sambunjak
  10. Vince, I do where you are coming from and coming from you it holds merit. I have no doubt that Team Thrillseeker would hold fast to the NO COMM rule between days one and two if that was put forth in the rules of this event if it was a made into a two-day event. I do know too how teams talk about their days of fishing at weigh in and later in the PM. I have also seen day 1 leaders mugged at the day two horn with a half dozen boats in their flat water behind the transom. These are my reasons for the day one event. All on the line for a one day battle. I do agree that a two day event puts value on consistenciy but their are reasons that those waters are sometimes muddied. I think I am in the minority for keeping the Big Fish Friday a one fish entry as opposed to a three fish that has been supported. Here is my reasoning: A one fish does not tip your hand to the feild. Anyone can "luck" into a big fish (or so they say) so if a team brings in one you can not be certain if they are "dialed in". Case in point- If Pat came in with three big boys on Friday this year (which he had) while other boats could not wrangle in a single bite, would he of had company in the trench following him out on Saturday morning? Probably a moot point because it would have been tough to follow in the fog but still the question exsists. I know the PC answer is, "We find our own fish and fish our own program." So I guess my next question is have you ever felt that you have been followed? Kind of funny after looking at the LOC video that was done for laughs this week. I just guess I am cynical. I know people should not do that, I know people say they don't do that and others say that is just part of the strategy involved in Great Lakes tournament action. I do love your outside the box thinking though. Geez Louise, I am trying hone in on catching kings and now I have to learn how to target Atlantics. Will they hit on mortadella meat rigs?
  11. I may be in minority but I feel that Friday is the day to hone in on your program and dial in the kings. If you bring one big one to the table to weigh it's up to the other teams to guess if you lucked in to it or if you are on your game. A grand slam is a "fun" concept but with $20,000.00 up for grabs on Saturday I would just as soon sharpen my blade on nooks. I would not have a problem with the increased entry. With only 2 or 2 1/2 days to prefish it is difficult to put it on the side and drop half of your scout time on a grand slam challenge. As far as the two day, my opinion is that brings us back to the communication issues and leaves the door wide open for clicks and call ins. One last note, this event was first class this season and I can't say enough about Kevin Jerge's vision of making this the showcase event on the Great Lakes. Way to go Kevin! Good Fishing, Capt. Tony Sambunjak
  12. I think your son can win the "hairy chest" contest they have on the cruise ships. Awesome reports, rock on! If you go east to Albion/Carrolton area you will have to go to the Tillmans Village Inn, best prime rib I have ever eaten. Your trip blog is great! Good Fishing, Capt. Tony Sambunjak
  13. You can't say enough about the NO COMM rules. Everyone knows it is the way to move forward in competitive tournaments on Lake Ontario. We can bang our heads against the door to the Pro-Am event and sooner or later the people who run the event will open the door. Mules can be stubborn but sooner or later they need to acknowledge where the greener grass grows and cross the road to greener pastures for the better of all those who fish tournaments. I feel at a distinct disadvantage when known boats who work together are stacked on the leader board. Hard enough to fish against the best teams on the lake but when you are the only cowboy against four gun slingers from one camp, the odds become much worse. I had a thrilling time putting together a game plan on tournament day in the WHI last week. WITH JUST THE GUYS IN THE BACK OF THE BOAT. How refreshing not to here a phone ring all day and bouncing texts. Win or lose it's on the shoulders of the guys you bring with you THE WAY FISHING SHOULD BE. Is it that hard to figure out? Good Luck to all teams fishing the Pro-Am, The Niagara PRO-AM has always been my favorte tournamnet to fish but unfortunately I will be unable to. Maybe next year the rules may make it a little extra special. Good Fishing, Capt. Tony Sambunjak http://www.reelthrillcharters.net
  14. Here is a little something I put together for a couple of "fellow tournament fisherman" hope you two enjoy this and everyone else too. http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/1184294 ... vitational Thanks, Capt. Tony Sambunjak http://www.reelthrillcharters.net _________________ Reel Thrill Charters
  15. Here is a little something I put together for a couple of "fellow tournament fisherman" hope you two enjoy this and everyone else too. http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/1184294 ... vitational Thanks, Capt. Tony Sambunjak http://www.reelthrillcharters.net
  16. Sounds like a great idea. I think tournament placings would be the easiest to calculate lowest number wins and only placing of those who are entered in this event be counted. Example: Let's say Thrillseeker comes in second, Get it Wet is in fifth and VQ comes in seventh at KOTL at and they are the top three entered in this. They would be Thrillseeker 1, Get it Wet 2, and VQ 3 going into the WHI. Just my two cents. As far as the name, to me this is a test of three different strategies which is similar to the Triple Crown of horseracing. Hmmmm? Maybe the " Lake O Triple Crown" Any other ideas....? Good Fishing. Capt. Tony Sambunjak www.reelthrillcharters.net
  17. We have done it in the past. Not only helps with tournament expenses which includes hotels for us but also helps with pre-fishing if we cant get everyone up so we can get 4 on the boat and simulate an 8 rod set. I also liked it because it puts a fresh motivated body in for day two who is more than eager after sitting on their hands for a day. Good Fishing, Capt. Tony Sambunjak www.reelthrillcharters.net
  18. Is Mike Snow related to....... "Keith Stone"? (always cool) Good Luck to all, Capt. Tony Sambunjak www.reelthrillcharters.net
  19. Very impressive in every way! I am very much looking forward to be involved in this event. Competition is steep and being a newbie I have much to learn, but fishing amongst the elite is a thrill in it's self. Kevin,- Has there been any interest in a "Big Boys" take all on Sunday? maybe $500 -$1,000 entry? With so many gun-slingers in OK corral it may just work. I know in the past some have been unable to fish these events because they are normally set up on a Monday and some have prior commitments to get back to the un-reel world. Just an idea, heck with all that's up for grags on Saturday there not be anyone with the strength to fish a Sunday anyway. I vote for Vinny to take care of this side board. Again, a first class event. Thank you. Best regards, Capt. Tony Sambunjak
  20. I heard the poor guy on the radio Sat. morning. You gotta feel for the guy, story is he and his wife both lost their jobs and have been getting in the derby for years but did not get the tickets this year. What a bummer... but still an awesome catch!!
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