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Kevin J Legg

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Everything posted by Kevin J Legg

  1. Took a scouting ride this morning. Historically I'd see 6 or 7 groups of birds strutting in the fields on this short drive. This morning nothing but some deer!!!!! Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  2. I scouted the farm I hunt and there was one gobbling on normal roost. I hung out and there were 4 hens, 2 jakes, and a Tom. Saw a single bird in another good spot. At least a few around to chase. I'll be setting a couple blinds very soon. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  3. Just wondering what others were seeing for numbers this spring. Although I haven't been actively scouting due to the awful weather, my general observation is that the bird level is down significantly in my area( northern Jefferson county). Perhaps it is due to the wet summer we had last year or maybe this snowy March and April has them behaving unusually. Anyway, areas that have always had birds seem to have fewer this year. I will be doing more serious scouting this week with the nicer weather. Also, good luck to the youth hunters this weekend! Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. I was wrong. Still all females full of eggs just smaller average than last week. I got 4 lbs. 10 oz. of fillets today. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  5. I was wrong. Still all females full of eggs just smaller average than last week. I got 4 lbs. 10 oz. of fillets today. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  6. ProfT and I fished this morning and perch are still bitting. Less large females and more males so it will likely be over by next week. I caught 3/4 of a pail, mostly 8 1/2-10". Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  7. Shane, That's the wildest ski I've ever seen! Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  8. The two times I was able to get out (a couple weeks ago) most had some gobies in their bellies. Some years they are absolutely stuffed with them. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  9. Great to see walleyes are being raised. I'm hopefully going to soon help collect eggs from the Ogdensburg area for some SLR stocking. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  10. Fished with ProfT and Mr Walleye and we each caught 3/4 of a pail on nice perch. Fished in 7 1/2 fow with minnows or perch eyes with plastic. I froze 5 1/2 lbs. of fillets myself. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. From what I've read on brush guns there is actually no such thing. Tradition has it that the larger, heavier, slower calibers are better brush guns but from some articles I have read (where they have done tests) this is somewhat of a fallacy. Brush can deflect them all. That said, I've shot a bunch of deer with muzzleloaders and 3030 and they do a good job but so does a .270, .243 and 3006 which I also use. I don't shoot through brush and in my opinion shot placement is everything. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  12. Heard rumor they we getting a few but a couple warm days would help. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  13. Finished filleting and vacuum sealing them. Got 9 lbs. of fillets frozen up in addition to a nice meal for dinner. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  14. 8-9 feet deep. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  15. Kevin J Legg

    SLR perch

    With the weather looking poor for the week I decided to take advantage of of a window of opportunity this morning. I ended up with a nice cooler of perch fishing solo. Used the entire pound of minnows! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. Was able to get my Gheenoe in the river and found a nice bunch of perch along the ice edge. Fished 3 hours and got nearly 4 pounds of fresh fillets. Most were 8 1/2-11". Minnow bite. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  17. Glad you got out and had a good day. I'm in the Keys and fishing has been slow for us. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  18. Please let me know how I can assist. I have a couple other retired friends that I'm sure would also volunteer. Send a PM and I will give you my phone number or simple send me a PM when we can help. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. Jimski2, I respectfully disagree with much of what you have said. I believe the slot limit on the Bay of Quinte has been highly effective in restoring their walleye populations. I have also talked with with fisheries biologists, taught high school biology for many years, and don't regularly visit "Mahogany Ridge". Not sure how much time you spend on the SLR and Lake Ontario fishing walleyes but it is currently a tremendous fishery and I've seen a vast decrease in the pike and bass populations here in the last 30 years and think being proactive on the walleye population is reasonable. I agree that there are many factors other than hook and line harvest that can affect fish populations particularly degradation of habitat and invasive species. Yearly spawn conditions also can have a huge impact on recruitment. I certainly don't consider myself a do gooder and in fact harvest many fish each year. That said, I'd personally rather error on a conservative approach to insure this great fisheries is available for future generation. I'd prefer not to wait till production falls and wait for nature to take its course and retain a reasonable sustainable harvest. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  20. Yep keep eaters 18-26" or so and release the big girls pushing 8+ lbs. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  21. Perhaps the easiest way is to encourage individuals to release the bigger spawners and keep the eaters. Many are already doing just that. Similar to encouraging people to let small bucks walk. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  22. Don't feel like that is punishing ice fisherman by limiting egg laden females if it preserves the resource. Would be willing to change the open water regulation if it's needed. It's all about a sustainable harvest for future generations. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  23. I see Niagara River has a one walleye a day over 18" limit from January 1-March 15 to protect the large spawn laden females. Sounds like a great idea for Lake Ontario and the St Lawrence River. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  24. Ice was 8-10" Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  25. Nice job Landshark. We hit them pretty well also. Some on tip ups and some on jigging spoons. Fished from 3:00-7:00 pm. We caught them in around 18 fow. Gold spoon was best for us but caught the big fish on a tip up. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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