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Everything posted by hookedupf7

  1. Most people on this site are a pleasure to deal with. Never had a bad experience with anybody yet πŸ‘πŸ‘
  2. They are calling for west wind of 8 notts for Mexico for Saturday. What your guys thoughts for Saturday?
  3. Hey lowballer talked to ya at the launch last year this same weekend. Good luck . I shooting for next weekend
  4. Will do πŸ‘
  5. Ok thanks Gambler will do in the morning. By the way I am going to try them walleye rigs Monday that my son won for the first time πŸ‘
  6. Can anybody tell me the size of he o rings in the xd. I want to replace mine. It was leaking water into the batteries last trip.
  7. That is awesome πŸ‘πŸ˜„
  8. I’m going to put new ones in and grease. Thanks guys. What you put on for grease
  9. Has anybody body had water get in cap with battery? Must be a bad o ring? Will it hurt it?
  10. I’m in route to catfish wondering if anybody other members were there . I always like putting faces with namesπŸ‘
  11. Any fellow Lou members at catfish camp this weekend
  12. I was on lake last year and a guy had the old victrola box jerking copper for lakers. Same idea . Thought that was pretty cool. He said he feel bottom through his hands.
  13. Hoping Charlie tuna is rite. Me and my 2 sons are heading out sat. And Sunday.
  14. Ok I think I am starting to understand this thanks gambler. I told you before that That’s were I needed the help on temp. πŸ‘
  15. Gambler when you say thermocline meets bottom. I am looking for 46degrees meats bottom?
  16. Thanks guys. Hoping to head up this coming weekend. Will it be the same so ya think?
  17. Gambler what do you guys do when this happens? Does this mean you have to go deeper? I am still learning this whole temp thing?
  18. New price 225 plus shipping
  19. Funny that’s what I have always heard. I have never eaten them. I was curious because I never had smoked salmon before. Didn’t think I would like it. I tried some out in Mexico last year for the first time and was amazed how good it was.
  20. Ok thanks attomik. Hopefully someday I can do this. I want to learn more.
  21. Attomik I sent ya an email. Curious what time you have to be there Friday night?
  22. Just wondering if it made them edible πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
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