Sk8man is rite. It is a big deal in the winter ice fishing around us If a game warden comes out that is usually the second thing he ask me for is a bait receipt after fishing licence.
My 6 rod spread is 2 riggers , 2 wire divers , a 10 color off one board and a 300 copper off the other board. Also a free slider on each rigger or May stack rods on riggers. I am only fishing a 19 ft boat so I am limited
I have a kicker on my 19 ft boat. For 4 years I have run cannon with extendable booms. I never extended them. Now I run Scotty with short booms. I run them 45 degrees off the back corners with no issues. On rough days I put them off the side
Curious I saw some guys post about running divers for early browns. Can anyone add some insight to this? Depths ? Diver size ? Slide divers? Wire or mono ? And leads?
I have a 19 ft starweld. I have my mast mounted to the bow. Really havnt had any issues. I also have a cheap rocket launcher that hooks to my Bimini top . Works good for storage but I do whack my head when going for a fish if rods are in the center of rocket launcher