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Everything posted by hookedupf7

  1. Following.
  2. Talked to a guy a few years ago that had one in the boat on a local lake. He was fishing Lakers. It was cool to watch him and he outfished me big time.
  3. Thanks guys . I think I may have found the rite channel to go through. Hoping it works out. I have been out on a charter a few times. But always looking for more experience to hone my own skills.
  4. Thanks Legacy. I will try to do that. Would love for the learning opportunity.
  5. Hey guys I have seen that during the big tournaments they need observers. I would love the opportunity to do that this summer for the learning experience. I am curious how I go about doing this? Looking to do it in the east end. Thanks in advance.
  6. JD thanks that what I was wondering. They came with the Scotty swivel bases but I already have the cannons in place on the boat. Not sure which route I am gonna go. I have to take the cannon bases off anyways to plate underneath. Rite now I am running big fender washers. I want beef up the underside to plates. I plan on running heavier weights this year.
  7. Bought a used set of scotties. I have cannon swivel bases Guys said they will mate on here. My question is did you guys bolt directly to the swivel base or did you put Scotty base plates on the bases then bolt to them?
  8. Curious if anybody run the squids anymore. I was bored tonight so I made up meat rigs with squid as teasers . Stuff I had laying around.
  9. Rochester reel repair has done a couple reals for me. Super fast and good to deal with 👍
  10. Ha Yankee you recommended them to me I figured that would be a good choice👍👍.
  11. I ended up going with the Great Lakes 902 rod. Feels like a nice setup. Should definitely be better than the ugly stick med light that I am running currently. Definitely not enough rod for wire dipseys.
  12. Fish USA used to carry special mate. 2 urs ago I bought one. I looked the other day and they don’t have them
  13. The boom is not adjustable. I believe it is 1 and a quarter. Thanks I appreciate it
  14. Hey guys I bought a set of Scottie riggers used off a fellow today I was hoping someone could give me a model number. I know they are depthpower just not sure on number.
  15. Great thanks guys . I already have them bases on my boat and am thinking about a set of scotties.
  16. Will Scotty electric riggers fit on these style cannon bases?
  17. Thanks guys for the info
  18. Yankee I actually looked at them last night in our local store . They feel like a real decent rod.
  19. Looking to buy a couple new dipsey rods . My boat is a 19 fter. I am currently running 9ft med. light action ugly sticks. They seem to light. What length and action would be best for my application for salmon. Also do they specifically have to be wire rods . Thanks
  20. Hey guys planning on buying 2 new riggers in the future . My boat is a 19 fter. Curious in between the mag 10 stx or Scotty. Not sure which Scotty if I went that route. Opinions???
  21. Just curious when Kings are starting to stage. So you guys still run meat? I know j plugs are a staple at that time. Wondering are the colors the same.
  22. X3 he is good and super fast
  23. Used one for the first time on Sunday . Took one king on it .
  24. Offshore thanks for sharing . This made me step back and go through all my stuff and make sure I have proper safety gear on my boat.
  25. We had a king take us out to 700 on wire today. Got nervous but finished him on the boat
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