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Everything posted by horsehunter

  1. Hammer Are you saying we should bring or not bring baloney sandwiches
  2. So a lot of scents are oil based and I had a fisheries biologist tell me a scent would have to be water soluble otherwise it would be impossible for the scent to enter the fished olfactory system. So can the scent be soluble and the oil just a carrier? I'm not superstitious nothing has ever happened to me because of superstition ...........knock on wood
  3. I'm relatively new to salmon fishing but have fished muskies for over 35 years and one thing I know is the more muskies a lure catches the more muskies the lure catches. Is this because the muskies leave something on the lure or because as my confidence builds and the more time it spends in the water. Back in the late 60's my boat was berthed beside a guy that guided for lake trout. We would often share a beer on each other's boat. One day I found a small bottle on his boat and asked what it was. He replied "fish attractant " I asked does it work . He replied " works for me I sold $5000 worth at the sportsman shows" turns out he was buying cod liver oil in bulk and selling it in small bottles. I never saw him use it on a lure but in the late 60's you could get a pretty fancy car for less than $5000.
  4. So in several west coast videos that have been occupying my time when the water is too hard to put a boat on and too soft to walk on I see the guys washing their equipment and hands in Lemon Joy and wearing rubber gloves. How many go to these measures?I have never been able to locate Lemon Joy in Ontario grocery chains. I remember a video from the dark ages and the guy was dipping his lures in the bilge water and I have a friend that puts his Rockets in his mouth to make them go into the head easier.
  5. The rod is not your reason for lack of success. Any rod not overpowered by the lures you are pulling will work. St Croix makes a nice glass trolling rod but it is a bit pricey for most except a dedicated troller. For years I have used old 8' heavy bucktail rods.The secret of success is time on the water particularly when and where. Location and timing are everything. If your fishing small inland lakes your chances will be greater than on the Larry.I fished inland for many years counting on at least one fish per day. I now fish the Larry and have had 4 50 inch fish in the boat in a day and also gone 80 hours without a fish. They aint crappies.
  6. If you cut a couple of washers out of thin plastic sour cream lid etc and place between the cradle and the clamps tighten up very tight you can adjust rod angle with out loosening the clamps . If you suddenly come in to shallow water pushing down on rod buts quickly raises the rod tips. I've done this for years pulling BIG muskie lures and last year with dipsey's. I would only do this with the double clamp model but then again thats the only one I would use.
  7. If your targeting walleyes that deep please keep them ALL
  8. https://www.lakesimcoemessageboard.com/forums/index.php/topic,25285.0/topicseen.html
  9. lucky boy
  10. That's heavy for what I normally think of as a bottom bouncer maybe there ball weights like used on a thumper rig.
  11. So winter has me trapped in the house watching You Tube ( or sometimes sitting on the edge of the tub staring down the toilet I call it my ice fishing simulator ) I see a lot of videos where the kicker motor is frantically oscillating back and forth. What's going on? My boat has 2 outboards and the kicker is tied to the main motor with a connecting rod and doesn't move unless the wheel is turned. My steering while trolling is usually done with my bow mounted ipilot.
  12. So why rubber bands I've fished boats that use blacks but have never seen bands used. I have a couple of Blacks which I have yer to use I have been reluctant to replace my Scotty's but nowhere on the Blacks instruction card to I see mention of rubber bands.
  13. Crappie tournament not this weekend but the 25th and apparently sold out . Another tournament in the spring on soft water. Dave Chatterton Fish finder charters posted on the Quinte board he had his ice huts open on Quinte now usually in the Trenton area i think he has some bungalows as well where you can stay right on the ice. If your up this way in June Stoco muskies are well worth a day.
  14. As I have never seen a Chinook Diver how do they differ from dipsey's ,deeper divers, walkers or slide divers that I'm familiar with. I've been looking a bit on line and see some pictures but no real reference to diameters or weights of the various sizes.
  15. Quinte has huge walleye as well as lots of eaters and no slot size but your only allowed to keep one over I think it may be 26 inches. I see lots fishing mid day but in my experience it's more a morning and evening bite
  16. http://forum2.quintefishing.com/index.php Ice conditions on Quinte are pretty sketchy at present If you were thinking mid Feb you would probably be ok 25 min north of Quinte you would have better ice on Stoco L with Crappie and walleye but Walleye in the slot seem hard to come by. Crappie fishing can be good with a derby Jan 25 I believe.
  17. I went to the Chinook Diver Site and didn't see sizing of the various divers what is the diameter and weight of a #2 . Also what setting were you running these on on this particular trip? Thanks in advance
  18. So how do you know it was the e chip and the same flasher without the e chip wouldn't have worked just as well? When you change a lure and get a hit was it because of the lure change or because you had A LURE at a different time and place.
  19. So are you saying you think e chips work. All I have are Spin Dr's and Hot Spots don't tell me I gota spend more coin
  20. This is a post I copied from the Bay OF Quinte Board " The US Army Corps of Engineers, in their Dec. 2019 predictions states: "LAKE ONTARIO Lake Ontario declined from November to December, and was 11 inches higher than it was the previous December, 19 inches above the LTA, and 8 inches below its record high. Going into January, the lake level is forecasted to begin its seasonal rise, and exceed the levels that they were last year. Over the forecast horizon, levels are expected to be 2 to 8 inches higher than they were last year for the first 4 months, and 15 to 23 inches below levels from last year in May and June." It would be nice to think they are right but with all the upper lakes at or near record levels, I think their predicted levels for May and June for Lake Ontario are overly optimistic."
  21. I have some old Ugly Stick rigger rods maybe 20 or more years old that I really like. I looked at a couple of new ones the other day and didn't know what to make of the guides. Has anyone used them or have any opinions.
  22. Even tho water seeks it's own level depending where levels are recorded they could vary significantly depending on wind time of day etc. At one point during the summer I would park on a damp parking lot and come back in to find 6 inches of water other days the reverse at one point even a few of the floating docks were pulled under water by their chains and anchors.
  23. Thanks for the numbers it seems I can only go back about 6 months on the Kingston On. gauge
  24. High water pants never were stylish. As for shorts I've only wore shorts 1 day in the past 40 years and burnt my legs so bad while cutting 2 acres of lawn I vowed never again. Long pants and long sleved shirts for me. I do like someone in shorts and Jesus boots in the boat as bait for the stable flies tho.
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