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  1. Thanks! There is some real bruiser Browns in this lake... just have to work for them
  2. Well I will say is that they were any where form 10- 30 ft down... and they were hungry!
  3. Week after the tournament but atleast we found them!
  4. Took the flyrod out last night and hammered some nice gills and sunfish on Keuka Lake... should make for a nice fish fry tonight!
  5. Yeh been fishing from shore, managed to pick up another 20 keepers this past Friday night... had family and friends over for a fish fry saturday
  6. Only been keeping about a 1/3 of what we are catching, and yeh they are delicious!
  7. Been doing really well for Bullheads so far, averaging about 20 keepers an hour everynight this week
  8. Well the weather is crazy warm for this time of year and with some thunderstorms predicted for later this week am I the only one thinking about going for some bullheads?
  9. Despite the wind saturday me and my buddy hit seneca lake for some fishing from shore, I targeted big bluegills and sunnnies while he thru lures for pike and pickeral... I managed to put 39 panfish in th bucket over 8" long, probally caught over 100 of them and he landed 4 pike, 16 pickeral and probally a dozen large mouths... all of which were quickly revived after a picture and released.
  10. Probally was me, there was one other boat out there but they left shortly after we got there. Heading back out this sunday, hoping to find the perch again and some crappies!
  11. Found some nice ones on the south end
  12. Thank you! If you ever venture down to the fingerlakes fishing look me up!
  13. Very interested, feel free to email me @ nickhmi@rochester.rr.com or text me @ 315.719.3982, I work in lyons and am willing to pick it up.
  14. To be honest I stop trout fishing at the end of august and I crushed them from may right thru the end of august so I dont have an answer on where they go or if they even move. I start hitting the perch and crappies hard from september until ice on keuka! As far as what I get them on, anything from spoons, fly's and now and then live bait. No real secret bait just try a little of everything. This year just was amazing, I boated 14browns over 10lbs., and lots under. Also had 6 lakers over 10lbs. Cant wait for next year but it will be hard to beat this one! On a side not the perch are loaded in on keuka and rather hefty, i post some pics later today!
  15. Yeh the males had amazing humbacks that were super thick this year! Heres my younger brother with a nice one!
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