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Everything posted by Trouthunter

  1. All I can say is you will not be sorry its like being blind & then all of a sudden being able to see
  2. U SK8man could be right on the fish does look out of proportion
  3. Could have come back from just spawning
  4. Do what Paul said make sure his business gets what it desires people like that should be ashamed
  5. How many to a box
  6. I am interested in your fishfinder very much
  7. That is one beautiful Atlantic thats why we have to push for the stocking of more of these beautiful fish enough said
  8. What do you want for the spin doctors/ flashers & dodgers
  9. 07480 what town is that I am at 07421
  10. What would you want for the HDS 3 12"
  11. I use 10lb gamma best line out there
  12. What make are the spoons
  13. Sold I will take it
  14. Those are parr rainbows all born in that stream nice catch they fight very well catch them in naples creek all summer
  15. All rainbows only allowed to keep one rainbow each
  16. The fish are here just have to put the time in .
  17. You are right on this **** has to stop we need all fishermen to stand up & report this illegal activity now
  18. Wild Thing Charters the best in the business I can bet you u will not find better
  19. Stillfishing where did you want me to send the money let me know
  20. Interested in your unit but am down here in Florida til the 14th could meet you after that if still available call me at 201-207-5402
  21. John very interested if you did not sell them
  22. I will sell u my Sportpilot plus have everything with it also the bracket to hold the rotary arm for $500 let me know will be up that way end of month have to go to Port Bay
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