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Everything posted by Rovente

  1. I'll buy some jigs Hermit. Next time your out on Cayuga let me know and if I'm out I will cruise over to your floating store and pick them up. I'll take a dozen of whatever is on the end of your lines that day!
  2. Anyone have a EZ steer outboard to outboard connector bar and brackets? Send me a text. 607..768..6284
  3. I was out with a couple of guys today. We didn't get into fish but had a good time. Wind made it hard to keep our jigs on the bottom. Never made it up to t falls but i guess we didn't miss much. Thanks for the contact Alec. [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  4. My arm still hurts from that trip! That's right Wes, trying to get a few days of fishing in before work starts up again. Someone told me jigging is less painful. Guess i will find out. Still open seats on the boat... [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  5. Hi guys, was thinking about heading up to Cayuga tomorrow. Anyone want to show me how to jig up some lake trout? I have always trolled for them and would like to learn something new. My boat is docked in the Cayuga inlet right next to M/V Columbia and the Corks and More bar. You would have to bring your own gear. Pm if you want in or know anyone who would like to hopefully spend the morning catching fish.
  6. Looks like you had an awesome day on the water. Put a bigger handle on that cooper reel, that’s just cruel! How did the auto pilot work?
  7. I’m still tired after reeling your 600’ of copper!
  8. Took the fam out Sunday. Launched out of out of Allen Treman and got stuck right in front of the launch. I was low on fluid so I couldn’t trim. Hit the gas and powered through it. When I came in I tried the southern most launch, and hit mud again. That means that there is a ridge of mud about 5’ in front of the docks were the water is about 2.5 feet. Saw about ten or so trailers at the launch, the smaller boats had not problems. Fished on the west side for a couple of hours before my boys had enough (I have 4 sons all under 6 years old so they loose interest.) Had one fish that hit on a watermelon spoon but the fist fight that broke out on deck over who was reeling lost us our dinner! Kids wanted to play on the playground so we motored up to T falls. We tied up to one of the slips at the launch. The T-falls launch is much deeper. I plan on launching there next time.
  9. I have an old down-easter lobster boat. My hardtop pitches to the bow and has a slight round to shed water to the sides. My top is just layed up 1/2 plywood and is stiff enough to support my weight even when i stand at the end of it. My kids jump off of it all summer long. Two 1 by 2 boards run the width of the top to stiffen it up. They are shaped to create the slight rounding to shed water to the sides. You tube fiberglass if you never have done it before, really nothing to it. When you mount something on your hardtop use 100% silicone caulk or water will get into your plywood. I have a canvas that encloses the back of my hardtop. One thing I wish I did before I redid my boat was put in a sliding window in. It gets really hot in the cabin, even with the canvas off. Really nice in the winter, I keep the wheelhouse 70 degrees. I find my hardtop catches the wind like a big sail even in Seneca and Cayuga. It makes it more difficult for trollin but that probably because I suck at fishing. Nice website, glad to see your using the Capt. Lic
  10. Rovente

    Seneca Perch

    Thanks guys. I understand that there is no substitution for putting in the time but posts like yours help a guy know where to start. Especially a guy who is really hungry! I plan on getting out this week at least once.
  11. Rovente

    Seneca Perch

    Looking at old posts and saw your Seneca perch post. Do you think a day this week would be a good time to go perch fishing? Not looking for throphy fish, just food. Sick of eating deer. Any advice would be great. Thanks Anthony
  12. I need a deck hatch, used or new condition. With or without glass. Any size, though one 16" by 16" would be ideal. Pm me or call 607.648.6296 Thanks.
  13. Thanks Wes and Ben for some awesome Quality Time yesterday! My arm still hurts! You need to put the smilin’ wes into production, that thing catches fish. Having 5 fish on at once was one of my best fishing moments, you guys are fishing machines. Thanks again for a great day on the water.
  14. Remington 1100/1187 saddlemount for a scope. It is brand new in the box with receipt from gander mountian, I paid 50 bucks last year. Will sell for 30 + shipping call me at 607 648 6296 or pm or post.
  15. you can't ride a bike by reading about it in a book. I think fishing is the same. The only way to boat fish is to get out on the water as much as you guys do. I read everyone of your posts, even bring printed out copies on my boat and I still can't catch the numbers you guys get. Telling us what to do is no subsitute for experiance, but it gets us moving in the right direction. Thanks for posting.
  16. LilJake, I might make the trip. I like to check out the boats that I will be able to afford in 20 years! I will let you know if I'm going up. Rovente
  17. How was the wind?
  18. depending on the weather, I might take the boat out this sunday. Anyone planning on fishing this weekend?
  19. Your right Has Been, it is coated wire line. I guess next time i'm on the water I will toss it out and see if I get a laker. I am planning one attaching a mono leader to it. What knot should I use to connect mono to wire. Should I peel back the coating where I make my knot? Thanks guys
  20. Hi guys I have a penn 49 kicking around in my boat. I think I has lead core line, the line has a plastic coating on it. What type of rod should I use with it? Right now its on a short ocean rod with rollers. And How should I fish with it. I spent most of my time on cayuga lake.
  21. Nice fish guys, I was up with my brother New Year's eve morning. We caught a bunch of little salmon and lost a big one at the boat. The weather was unreal. I bumped into Little Jake at the launch, he did pretty good out there.
  22. Nice fish Jason, I almost called you wed night to see if you were fishing yesterday. I wish I did!
  23. I am glad that I wasn't the only one not boating fish. My fishing buddy and I have had a bunch of trips without fish now and were laughing as we loaded up the boat Sunday that we must the the worst fishermen on the fingerlakes!
  24. Help me out. Started fishing before sunup in front of the Ithica Yacht club. Only marked a few fish. By 7 I motored up to T-Falls and marked tons of fish 100 yards from shore but could not get them to bite. Was anyone else able to boat fish Sunday?. How deep you you guys run your dipsy rods in 120 feet of water?
  25. Wanted to say thanks bob. First time i smoked king salmon and I used your recipe. I figured anyone with a handle like musky bob would know how to smoke salmon. I used my propane grill and it came out awesome.
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