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Everything posted by idn713

  1. Well she was 10 yards from where I lost blood and she laid down so neatly there was no white belly. Found her in 3 minutes in the daylight. I went double lunged through the bottom and cut the major heart artery. Barely any freaking blood and she acted like nothing happened. Absolutely wild. Not a great look for my Magnus Stingers which I am using for the first time. Amazing pass through, but where is the blood!!!! Anyway happy that one less matriarch is off of this doe circus.
  2. She wasn’t flagging. I want to say tail down. Arrow thumped her but passed through so dang quick. Like she had no clue. Covered in good red blood. Ugh.
  3. So here is what what down, I shot a big ol doe tonight at 18 yards and made what I thought was a awesome no doubt kill (I thought heart) shot. Arrow blows through the doe and she takes five steps like nothing happened, looks back and forth and then walks away with her yearling. I get down after 45 min (after 8 deer leave my plot) and then start tracking. Arrow is covered in blood from start to finish. Find deep red blood and start tracking, find a decently solid trail of deep read blood with a few puddles here and there, the next 20 yards the blood thins and then I hear something trot away, I would assume the yearling. But I can’t find the next blood spot and I am petrified something crazy happened with the shot and I don’t want to take chances. I backed out and I am waiting till I get daylight. So here is my question, ever shot a good arrow into a deer that literally acted as if nothing happened? The deers reaction has me questioning everything and my mind is freaking swimming. I practice regularly to 70 yards, did I botch a chip shot that I was 100% confident was a great shot? I’m so rattled.
  4. Button buck and yearling doe here for me. If a mama shows, she gets an arrow
  5. Alright, who has created a water hole for deer and how did you do it? I am seriously considering after having many conversations lately about their power and draw. Especially for tired bucks during the rut!
  6. All of my beets and greens are getting HAMMERED by does right now. I am getting annoyed lol, leave some for season. Go eat the standing corn and soy!
  7. Anyone have any tips on boosting the cell reception on the Spypoint Link Micro? Just so happens that our acreage is a dead zone and then anything around the property gets fine reception
  8. Food plots are coming in nicely! Also, I said it was a matter of time till bigger boys showed up, well they sure showed up! Licking vines are amazing btw. You need to research them by Whitetail Habitat solutions, amazing pull power!
  9. Definitely looking forward to the season. I have a new bow, new food plots and some nice new sets that should produce nicely. Approximately 10000000000 does and fawns on the property with only small bucks for now. But come mid September some cruising bruisers will show up. Just an FYI, I have started to place "licking" vine scraps all around my property with a 5' section of vine and the deer are hammering it. Bucks, does and fawns are hitting each one with their orbital glands every day. Hoping that these will be the deal sealers on some big ones come late October.
  10. Well, I’m not taking any chances. The deer are hammering my undersized brassicas and I’m not gonna go without a good attraction this season. 300 lbs of winter rye went into the various brassica plots as filler along with 200 lbs of urea to boost the brassicas that are currently growing well. Supposed to rain tonight in brockport so this should be my last touches before season.
  11. You can all see what I am talking about now. My girlfriend and I did some major work in this first plot shown and weeded .5 acres by hand! Milkweed was taking over and you can see the middle portion that we hadn’t gotten to yet in the videos below. The first and second video are the before and after of the same plot, the next two are the other plots to show the growth rate. So what do you guys think I should do? Ride it out? There are clearly plenty of plants and actually the cameras show The deer already lightly grazing. That said, I am not above throwing down some cereal rye to hedge my bets. IMG_2647.MOV IMG_2646.MOV IMG_2648.MOV IMG_2649.MOV
  12. Yah, my plants might need to just hit a threshold of growth or something but they definitely aren’t as tall as the other brassica pics here. I planted aug 1st
  13. Didn't do the initial fertilize but the PH was a dead on 7.
  14. So its been exactly three weeks since my brassicas were laid down and I would say the tallest plants are maybe 3 inches tall with most of the plants being around 1 inch tall. Good germination, just sorta wondering if this is typical. I guess I was hoping they would be a little further along three weeks in? I plan on hitting them with Urea the first good rain in Sept (if we ever get one). I guess I am wondering if that growth rate will really take off in Sept and fill in the plots which are looking a little thin with all the small plants. ( I also broadcast on a not super generous setting as I was advised against overcrowding the brassicas, but there are plants all over. Just not tight bunches). It's my first time with brassicas so forgive my constant concern.
  15. Yup all my plots got a good soaking! I will have to post some picture updates as well!
  16. I would water them if I could, but that is not possible for us unfortunately.
  17. Quick question, I put down 1.5 acres of Imperial Whitetail Beets N' Greens (several people highly recommended it) August 1 and then had good soaking rains the next 3-4 days (fields all have a beautiful 7 PH). As predicted all three plots are germinated perfectly and the plants are coming up nicely. At this point, do you worry about rain or are the plants just gonna do their thing being brassicas and quick growing. I ask because the extended forecast has me a little worried that there is not much rain coming the Brockport/Rochester way. Kinda makes me wonder why they always recommend planting in last week of July/ early August.
  18. Looking for a pair, but thanks
  19. It really depends on age and condition of the riggers. I would say $400ish
  20. Looking for some used short boom electric riggers. Need the smaller booms as my downriggers are Lund sporttrack mounted and big booms put too much flex in the gunnels. I am open to all brands and as long as it is a decent deal I am interested. Feel free to PM me if you have anything!
  21. Run those divers deep. Put one out 300 at least
  22. ROYGBIV - blue and purple down deep take kings.
  23. Be willing to change lures. Do something different with all of your rod presentations and show as many scenarios to the fish as possible. When the bites pattern, make the wholesale switch and dial the bite in. Don’t just stick proven lures in the water and wash them for hours. Check spoons and rigs every 30 min for shakers or issues. I can’t tell you how much wasted time I have given rods only to realize I dragged a skip or a laker around for an hour. The constant pulling and checking and changing of rigs has made a big difference for me in the last few outings.
  24. I am running the weights off 30 lb mono rods. Running the spoon out 60’ and then clipping the weight. From there I am not sure of the dive chart. I know they have a chart for 20lb braid and for steel, but does anyone have any idea on depth with a mono rod?
  25. We are getting them on riggers, divers and junk lines
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