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Everything posted by idn713

  1. I would love that information if you were able to find it somehow. I am curious as to how the genetic makeup of these fish determine how they can prey on various species. That’s incredibly fascinating. I wonder if the original stockers knew about this thiamine issue, if they wouldn’t have gone the striper route. The surf caster in me could have been a happy guy waiting for a blitz on Hamlin beach and casting to a 30lb lake O bass! Or finding a baitball and vertical jigging some giants!
  2. Out of curiosity why doesn’t this thiamine issue affect kings as much? Up to 97 percent of Ontario Chinook diet is alewife, and yet they aren’t death spiraling or looking unhealthy at all. So obviously it would affect natural repro but that doesn’t really make a difference as the fishery is entirely supported by stocking. So maybe the powers that be are thinking that just more Atlantic’s in general will provide a good lifespan of 4-5 years of a healthy fish and more trib opportunities? Maybe it’s less about establishing a reoccurring population but just using stocking to support a different element to the fishery? Not saying it’s right (the king clearly is the fishery) but maybe the natural reproduction element is a lot less critical to this than we all tend to think about.
  3. I am actually shocked at that level of browse. Now I seeded at a high rate and got much more moisture than we got this year. So that may have something to do with it.
  4. Your gear is too high. Get your divers down around 100 and drop your riggers to 80 and 90.
  5. Free sliding cheaters or fixed?
  6. Looking for my specialmate spoon box with approx 100 spoons in it. I suspect it flew out of the boat on the parkway between Payne beach road and the sandy creek boat launch. There is a possibility it could have come out of the boat in the gates/Greece area leading to the parkway. Any assistance in looking out for this box would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!
  7. Got it done again on NY public! Just a Jake, but he came in hammering and got the blood pumping good! Both my birds came on public and I’m pretty proud of that. Laid him out at 35 yds with the Stevens 301 .410 which is now 2/2, and put ‘em down fast. TSS is a miracle. Pretty happy with myself, I put in a lot of scouting time this year and hit a bunch of parcels to be able to get back on turkeys after an 11 year stint of not getting after them. Was a ton of fun this year and I already can’t wait for next year!
  8. That’s the way to do it boys!
  9. So after a 11 year hiatus from turkey hunting (due to not having a private access to turkey) I decided to put my nose to the grindstone, cut the pity party, and get after some birds on public in NY. Started scouting the first week of April and found some birds. I worked them a bit this week with a close encounter on two big Toms. Those birds gobbled up a storm with hens yelping everywhere. Ultimately that set was busted due to a hen at 5 yards who didn’t like the set and set out away from me putting and leading the Toms off. I went back to the same area this morning and sat for a good 2 hours occasionally yelping and scouting around without a single gobble or yelp. Discouraged I headed back to the truck and decided that at 8 AM, the morning ain’t over and I should check out another public spot across the road. Well I get on to a logging trail that is in the timber and I get to a private field where it meets public. Let out a few yelps and POW, I got a tom hammerin about 200 out in the field. I play a few soft sequences with him and I got him coming on a rope, I lift my head to see him sprinting to the field headed to the public timber, right to me. I kneel behind my big pine tree and get the red dot up, he doesn’t even hesitate charging through the hedge from the field and skirts behind a mound 30 yards away from me. He pops the head and neck over the mound, and I say “you’re done”. Pulled the trigger on the 410, and I got my first Tom in a long time and my first ever public land bird! 18lbs, .75 spurs, 7.75 beard. Not the biggest, but a mature bird and one hell of a memory!
  10. So after looking into it, I now understand how the surge system on most boat trailers now work. Here is the weird part, I have been around a lot of boat trailers and around quite a few that are new but only have the 4 pin wiring system. So that would mean no electronic stop for the surge brakes, and the lockout key would be the only way to back the trailer up, yet I have NEVER seen anyone use a lockout key. Like ever. Most of the trailers again didn't have the electronic brake stop so is it possible that damn near every trailer I have seen to this point just isn't using it's surge brake system when in reverse? Or is it that at slower speeds the surge system is not being acted upon with enough force to actually engage the brakes, which would allow for backing the boat in at ramps or at your house into the garage. Just seems weird I have never once seen or experienced a surge brake lockout.
  11. Huh, looks like you are right and I do have the lockout tab (not installed) but I don’t think I have ever once had my brakes lock up in reverse. Again this is a 2019 trailer in almost new condition so wouldn’t it be unlikely the brakes are already not working?
  12. Now this is confusing becuase by this logic if I manually tried to push it into my garage when I got home (which I’ve done with like 5-6 different brand new boats at different locations) then the brakes would lock up and it would never go in reverse? To be clear, the electrical hookup on this trailer only operates the lights. Also, I did not pull out the breakaway cable, the S hook simply bent. I was under the impression the brakes were for emergency runaway trailer purposes only and that’s what the point of the breakaway cable is. I’ve never had any issue ever backing up a single axle boat trailer regardless of the plug being plugged in.
  13. I feel like the population in certain locations is certainly boom or bust. The western NY portion of the state definitely seems hit or miss, or the birds just aren’t hitting fields in those particular habitats.
  14. Update it def has brakes as you all pointed out, just don’t think it was pulled enough obviously to make them kick in. I like this threaded chain link idea and I’ll be putting one on my breakaway cable as well.
  15. Seems odd, I never noticed a difference in any way shape or form regardless of the pull or not pull. Doesn’t that seem odd for a 2019 trailer? It’s too new to be faulty in that way
  16. Right, my safety chains use a s hook with a retaining clip. Been around boats my whole life so I do know what’s what, but I wasn’t sure about the functionality of the breakaway cable on a single axle trailer without a obvious braking system. Like why would they put it on there?
  17. Tried, it’s crazy resilient
  18. So I have a 2019 175 Alumacraft Competitor, sits on a single axle simple trailer, no brakes of its own. Due to an imprudent pull away while the breakaway cable was still attached, I bent out the S hook on the cable. Now it drives me nuts because it’s too thick to bend back and it doesn’t want to hook on to the hitch well anymore. Does this thing even do anything on a trailer with no braking system? Or is it just a internal fail safe system that is only triggered if the cable breaks away. I ask becuase I’m thinking of getting rid of it altogether. This might be the dumbest question of all time but I don’t know the answer so it can’t hurt to ask.
  19. Snags don't indicate bad fishing. Very often it means good fishing and you need to be more precise with the cast or change presentations to adapt to your current circumstances. If a snag keeps you away, then you are overlooking LOTS of good fishing around you.
  20. Lol not butt hurt at all and glad to know you think it can be better. Hope you have a good Turkey season
  21. #8 by Burgess Creek. 3 inch shells.
  22. Really? With 5 in the brain and close to 30 landed on the head/neck. I feel very comfortable at 40 all day long. And no I didn’t. I’m going with the 410z
  23. In case you were wondering what 410s do at 40 yds to turkeys nowadays. TSS is amazing.
  24. Matthews Z7 Matthews No Cam Bowtech Revolt X Thompson Center Omega .50 Savage Smokeless .50 CVA Paramount .45 Investarms Hawken Caplock .50 Weatherby Vanguard .308
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